View Full Version : I think I may be one of those people who might actually faint

13-11-07, 17:37
Hi all...I need some advice.

I know that you're supposed to tell yourself that a panic attack can't hurt you so they're nothing to be afraid of, but after what happened to me a few months ago I feel like I can't tell myself this anymore and be convinced.

I have a phobia of blood (after many blood tests as a child), but I decided to bite the bullet and have my cholesterol tested which involves pricking your finger to produce a drop of blood. Well, I pretty much fainted - my vision went all red, I had a whistling in my ears, I broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't stand. I know how close I was to completely fainting as I have fainted before (not through panic though) and the only thing that stopped me going completely unconscious was my mum and the guy doing the test dragging me to a bed where I lay down.

So how can I now tell myself that no harm will come from panic attacks - fainting and hitting my head on the floor would certainly be painful. In the symptoms section of this website it says that it's very rare for people to actually faint from panic, but I think I might be one of the ones that could and this has really upset me. Has anyone else actually every fainted from panic?

13-11-07, 18:36
I have read a lot and seen a lot, i do blood tests myself.
What i read recently was that it is very rare for anyone to faint during a panic attack, although, if you have the blood phobia it is more possible.
Normally when someone has a panic attack the bp rises, which means you don't faint even though you may feel like you will. However, with a blood phobia this is different, the bp could drop whilst having a blood test which could mean that you could faint. But i must say in all the years that i have dealt with this situation, although i know it won't make you feel any better, we know what to do in this situation and do it promptly so the person affected usually does not go that far as they would actually pass out. We see the signs much quicker than you feel them really and would do something to prevent the faint straight away. It is a horrible feeling though, i know, but as it would only happen when having the blood test, for example, then there is no need to worry as you will be completely safe in that situation.
I have dealt with a lot of clients with problems and i have a suggestion for the future if you don't mind. If a client tells me that they have had a problem before, or if they think they will have a problem, etc, then i lay them down on the couch first and they are absolutely fine!! I even had a young girl that came to me white as a sheet, terrified, shaking and very reluctant to have her test done. I lay her down and spoke to her all the way through and she was so shocked when i said that she was done, lol, she diddn't even know i had started!
Another point here is that you will have fasted for a cholesterol test, not good for anyone anyway as we all go a bit light headed on an empty stomach as it is.
I hope you are feeling better now and please don't worry, luckily most of us don't have to have too many blood tests done, we hope, lol. And in this sort of situation you will be safe and sound. Hope this helps.x

13-11-07, 19:11
Hi Katie,

I have been suffering with anxiety/panic attacks for about 21years now. I think ive been in just about every situation possible, hyperventillating, palpataions, hot flushes, shaking, hot sweats, cold sweats but i got to say that i have never fainted.

The only advice i can give here is if at anytime you do feel like you are going to pass out then no matter where you are, sit down. But it's very unlikely to happen through panic.

take care

love Lisa

13-11-07, 19:35
I fainted once whilst giving blood and have never fainted from panic attacks in 14 years.

They are 2 different things to be honest. One does not mean you will faint from the other

Hope that makes sense

13-11-07, 19:37
it did to me :D

13-11-07, 19:51
Hi katie

One of my biggest fears while sufferig panic/anxiety was the fear of fainting and in the 12 years i have suffered i never fainted either.:)

There where times that i thought like you that i would faint and the symptoms where terrifying, but believe me hun you wont faint.

I have fainted at the sight of blood too, but like Nic says its 2 different things, your blood pressure drops when you see blood, but with panic/anxiety your bloody pressure rises and with higher blood pressure its very unlikely to faint.

Sending you a hug too:hugs:


14-11-07, 00:39
When I was young I had a bad fall. When my sister saw the amount of blood she fainted due to shock but she's never experienced panic attacks and hasn't fainted since even though she's seen blood many times more.

As angie says and I think she'd agree in me saying that when we experience a shock, our blood pressure drops so a person can feint whereas panic attacks are brought on by shallow breathing creating an imbalance of oxygen/carbon dioxide which is why deep breathing works because it restores us to the correct balance so in effect they're 2 different reactions and feinting is much more common from shock.

14-11-07, 20:53
Thanks for the advice everyone - it's really helping.

I'm slightly confused though as to why a phobia of blood would make your blood pressure lower, but agrophobia makes your blood pressure higher, as they are both phobias? The body is a very strange thing...


15-11-07, 02:36
Hello katie,

The difference is "shock". If we suffer a shock then the blood pressure drops suddenly and you can faint.

I'm not sure about agoraphobia making blood pressure higher other than through stress because the heart beats faster because of adrenaline but it doesn't make you faint.:hugs:

16-11-07, 14:15
Thanks Bill - I think knowing this is really going to help me tell myself that panic can't hurt me and be convinced...
