View Full Version : LOW cholesterol?

04-08-21, 22:23
Hey everyone

It’s been a while since I’ve really had to use these forums, but health anxiety is back in full force.

Long story short, had a period of very heavy daily drinking for 2 years back in 2013/14. And ever since then, my cholesterol has been towards the lower end of normal.

In 2010 when I was 17, it was 3mmol, jumping to 4.6mmol in 2012, and ever since 2014 when I detoxed it has ranged from 2.6mmol to as high as 4mmol. It’s 3.8mmol atm. This is NOT reflective of my diet, which isn’t great.

This “good” cholesterol profile is often seen in cirrhotic people, and I’ve spiralled ever since.

All my other tests are normal (platelets are normal - this is probably the most important test in liver disease) and an ultrasound was normal. I’m getting a Fibroscan next week.

Was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

bin tenn
04-08-21, 22:54
Have you asked your doctor what their thoughts are? Cholesterol is kind of tricky, because there are multiple factors taken into account when gauging risk. HDL/LDL ratio, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL individually, etc. It can even be "normal" to have slightly elevated (or low) HDL or LDL, but if the rest of those factors account for it, it's generally less of an issue, as far as I understand it.