View Full Version : Evoked potential test?

13-11-07, 19:02
Has anyone had one of these? They put electrodes next to your eyes to test the nervous system and takes around 45 minutes. It registers the information going from your eyes to your brain, the neurologist that i saw on Wednesday wants me to have this test and has already sent the appointment through for next week!! She obviously wants me to have this test urgently. I can't have it done next week as i am busy but i am scared about it.
It says in some instances i will be asked to look into a tv screen or at a flashing light. Sometimes electrical pulses are used to stimulate nerves in the arms and legs. Sometimes clicks are applied to the ears by headphones.
I know that all of this will start off my symtoms big time and also probably a panic attack from the symptoms and i know that this is what they will be hoping, so that they can see what is going on, but i am scared and don't know if i can do it. Anyone had one of these tests done?x

14-11-07, 16:30

Not heard of this.

I had an EEG once - is it similar?

15-11-07, 16:03
Hi Angie

I went through the Visual Evoked Potential test, I too was petrefied coz it sounded so scarey but it was totally fine and it help to identify my MS!!!

Just had to have some electrodes attached to my scalp (was convinced I was gonna be electrocuted!!) then sit in a dark room and follow instructions given to me to watch patterns on a board that was lit up. I remember having to look at a lit up red dot whilst other patterns were flicking in the background!!

The other tests are:
Auditory evoked potential (hearing one) and Somatosensory evoked potential (nerve one). I haven't had these so can only vouch for the visual one when I say that it is really nothing to worry about it doesnt hurt if anything it is just very boring!!LOL!!

There is a really informative website link here (http://www.brainandspine.org.uk/information/publications/brain_and_spine_booklets/neurophysiology/what_can_i.html) it helps to explain not only what the tests are for but what to expect when you have one

Hope this helps

Mel xxx :)

15-11-07, 22:30
Thankyou so much for your help. Just going there will get me started without the testing, lol.x

15-11-07, 23:14
Oh hun I know how you feel truely, I have been in the same place the first few MRI's i had, I was so scared I was really sick even before I got there!! And then when I got my own nurse come round to show me how to administer my injections I was really calm, not bothered at all!!! I am fine with needles, just hate tests where my head is covered or where I have to close my eyes (balance goes completely and always fall on my bum!)

Jumped out of a plane at 13,000ft, white water rafted in choppy water and abseiled (s?) a 100ft wall .... FINE!! cover my face, I go ballistic, I am so scared of suffocating!!!! God makes me shudder just thinking about it!! Anxiety is a strange thing isn't it!!!!

Mel xxx