View Full Version : Can’t tell if I swallowed a bone. Sharp abdominal pain.

07-08-21, 02:03
I was eating rotisserie chicken and admittedly am a fast eating, so lots of times I don’t chews everything fully. I started having sharp pain at the bottom of my chest top of my stomach. It’s very sharp and comes and goes. I’ve ate food since to try and push things along. Anxiety also tells me there will be a perforation. I’d like to think it’s just gas pains, but they usually affect me in a different area and aren’t as constant.

07-08-21, 08:03
I was eating rotisserie chicken and admittedly am a fast eating, so lots of times I don’t chews everything fully. I started having sharp pain at the bottom of my chest top of my stomach. It’s very sharp and comes and goes. I’ve ate food since to try and push things along. Anxiety also tells me there will be a perforation. I’d like to think it’s just gas pains, but they usually affect me in a different area and aren’t as constant.

You'd be in agony if there was a perforation..

I speak from experience here. I was in INTENSE pain - fainting and all sorts.

You've admitted you're a fast eater so this is most likely gas and eating more food when your body is still trying to sort out the last meal? What do you expect? Eat nothing more and allow your body to sort itself out, and maybe slow down with the eating?