View Full Version : Petechiae

07-08-21, 03:26
I will preface this by saying I have been dealing with health anxiety for probably about 7-8 years or so. I have been to countless doctors for various issues, undergone multiple tests constantly seeking reassurance, etc…it has been one thing after the other and it is exhausting as most here know. I have tried cognitive behavioral therapy for about 8 sessions and it helped a bit. My skin has always been an area of concern (obviously because I can see it), and also because I am very fair skinned and stupidly used tanning beds now and then in my early 20’s (I am now 33). I go to the dermatologist several times a year, always worried about a new mole or this or that, but everything has always checked out ok. Recently, I have been getting random tiny red flat bruises (not cherry angiomas, I have a bunch of those). But these red marks will pop up in random places, mostly my back, underside of forearms, sometimes chest, thighs, but usually only one to two or three at a time and then fade after a bit. When I’ve had one or two and been at the derm he says “oh it’s a vascular thing, just blood leaking under the skin”. After googling my panic set in and I was convinced I had a blood disorder, leukemia, etc….the worst things possible. I immediately made an appointment for a full blood workup with my immunologist who tested for everything, CBC, liver function, ANA, ESR, amongst other things (he is very thorough). Waiting for the results was one of the worst weeks of my life. I was in a major depression, constant intrusive thoughts, fear of leaving behind my pregnant wife and two year old son. It pushed me to seeking a psychiatrist and starting on medication for the first time in my life dealing with this. Everything came back perfectly fine. It was obviously a relief. I’m currently on week 3 of fluvoxamine. I have felt no different so far…still feel worried about things just in general and am hoping the medication helps soon; however I am still getting these petechiae spots popping up randomly. My mind runs away with itself. I jump to the worst. What if I got the blood done too soon (it was literally 3 weeks ago), what if I need it done again, what if they’re missing something, etc. Maybe it is worth noting I just received the second dose of COVID vaccine and had a high fever, was very hot and achy and then woke up the following day with some petichae (I know I’m late to the party but that was something else making me very very anxious for quite some time and a whole nother convo lol) The rational part of me tells me to leave it alone and move on with my life and continue treatment for my anxiety. The anxious person that I am unfortunately all to familiar with, wants to seek more reassurance about these darn red spots…but I just don’t know what to do. My wife is at her wits end with me. She has been dealing with me in a constant state of worry, testing, doctors, etc. for so long. I’m hitting rock bottom here. Just looking for some input. I appreciate you all. Thank you.

07-08-21, 16:45
9 times out of 10, the people who think they have petechiae on here don't actually have it. Trust me, I have a blood disorder that causes it. Wait until your CBC panel comes back from the doc. If everything checks out, then the thing you need to be treating is your health anxiety.

07-08-21, 18:45
Thanks so much for your reply AntsyVee…yes, three weeks ago when I first asked for a full blood panel for this symptom, everything came back perfect…but since then, the little red dots still keep randomly popping up and then fading after time…I am going to continue to work on my anxiety and I know that means not looking for them, amongst other things. Thanks again for your response.

07-08-21, 19:42
Yes, #1: work on your anxiety. #2: you probably have mild allergies to something. Trust me, if you got petechiae from a blood disorder, like me, you'd know right away without any serious doubt.

10-08-21, 21:34
Hey Antsy, I’m so sorry you have been dealing with a blood disorder. I appreciate your input…just a quick question- when you say I’d know, what does this mean? It’s been confirmed my marks are little red bruises (vascular), but we still don’t know what’s causing them. Today I woke up with a couple more randomly. One on bottom of my forearm a couple on my back and one on the back of my neck. They are dark and don’t blanch, and eventually fade over the next few days. Just don’t know why they keep popping up in random places over body. Thank you again and hope you are doing well.

11-08-21, 00:51
In my experience, when you have petechiae from a blood disorder, like in my case it's lack of platelets, the rash is pretty severe. It's not just a couple of red dots here and there.

19-08-21, 04:15
Thanks again Antsy…I ended up following thru with a hematologist who ran multiple tests (clotting studies, full hemapathology with bone marrow and flow cytometry (amongst other things) and everything turned out normal.
He basically told me to stop worrying about it and told me I was over-thinking it and asked if I’d seen a derm. I told him I had, and that the derm just tells me it is vascular/something my skin does.
I’m just guessing at this point, that it is just something my skin is doing with aging, especially since I have very fair and sensitive skin.
So all in all, I’m going to stop worrying about it/assuming that it isn’t normal. Hope all is well with you, and thank you again for taking the time to get back to me about this! I am going to continue to work on my anxiety and try really hard not jump to google/look for the worst case scenario when it comes to symptoms/issues. Wish me luck! (And thanks again)