View Full Version : Under feet problem.

07-08-21, 15:57
Under my feet and even my hands have been feeling so weird on and off like their burning and uncomfortable. I had this happen once before when my health anxiety had just started back in 2014 and my doctors wasn't even worried, it lasted about a week and never came back till now. It doesn't really bother me when I'm busy. But the more I worry about it the more it starts bothering me.

07-08-21, 16:52
Try taking some vitamin B12 supplements. This can happen when you're low on that vitamin or just dehydrated in general. Are you drinking plenty of water?

07-08-21, 17:00
No I haven't been drinking a lot of water these days. I think I probably drank 2 cups yesterday

08-08-21, 08:14
Under my feet and even my hands have been feeling so weird on and off like their burning and uncomfortable. I had this happen once before when my health anxiety had just started back in 2014 and my doctors wasn't even worried, it lasted about a week and never came back till now. It doesn't really bother me when I'm busy. But the more I worry about it the more it starts bothering me.

You had this symptom seven years ago. Your doctor was unconcerned then so why should it be any different now?

What is your fear with this symptom?

10-09-21, 21:30
As soon as I got my period last month it went away. Now I'm due for my period any day now it came back. I'm starting to think it's due to hormones. Idk.

11-09-21, 17:47
It could be. Have you spoken to your gyno about it?

11-09-21, 23:41
Not yet. It's been a pain to get into her office since the pandemic. It comes and goes. I think I'm scared it may be diabetes or something. Stressing myself out. My period hasn't shown up yet this month it's a few days later so I'm hoping it'll just come soon and I'll see if that helps. I do have PCOS so I know my hormones are always up and down.

12-09-21, 19:04
I personally believe it's dehydration that gets worse while you're on your period. That condition is normally caused by dehydration and vitamin deficiency, and the fact that you only get it when you're on your period, when you are losing a lot of bodily fluids, makes perfect sense.