View Full Version : So. Blood results are in!

07-08-21, 20:43
Ok so for months now I’ve been feeling really poo! And my anxiety has been sky high, and I mean really high, worst I’ve had it in 15 years.

Anyway I had my doctor phone me yesterday and he told me I was anaemic.
I felt complete relief for a brief moment, as I felt I had an answer for my issues I’ve had for 6 months.

Ok so skip to today, I’ve had a couple of ectopic beats (scare me Terribly) and convinced my self that my levels are that low that my heart is going to give out! I can’t stop picturing the worst case scenario. Why can’t I still be relieved I have a answer that’s not too bad.

all I can think is my heart is going to give up, my body is struggling and probably about to keel over with heart failure or my body is done for. Also I have to wait until next week to get meds until next week. How can I wait until then?

I hate you health anxiety !!!

07-08-21, 20:50
Your dr would not leave you at risk of your heart failing.
Anemia is very common and easily treated.

08-08-21, 06:59
Ok so skip to today, I’ve had a couple of ectopic beats (scare me Terribly) and convinced my self that my levels are that low that my heart is going to give out! I can’t stop picturing the worst case scenario. Why can’t I still be relieved I have a answer that’s not too bad.

It's common to experience ectopic beats with anaemia but also with anxiety, so it could be one or the other, or a combination with you.

all I can think is my heart is going to give up,

If your situation was in any way urgent you wouldn't be waiting a week for your medication, and the doctor would most likely have sent you to hospital..

This is the BEST time to go to work on your health anxiety and you do have a choice here. You can spend the next week scaring yourself daft (and that will only make you feel worse because you will be adding anxiety symptoms onto your physical ones) or you can decide to be proactive..

Maybe stop focusing so much on how much you hate HA (this involves release of stress hormones) and show your body some love (this releases good hormones) for working so hard for you?

Anaemia isn't a big deal Mrs R. I've had it. My husband has it on and off. It's extremely common and treatable. Your main issue is your health anxiety..

Don't fear those ectopic beats. They just feel weird is all. When they happen, give a little cough (I find this stops mine) or drink some cold water. What you don't want to do is fixate on them..

08-08-21, 08:44
It's common to experience ectopic beats with anaemia but also with anxiety, so it could be one or the other, or a combination with you.

If your situation was in any way urgent you wouldn't be waiting a week for your medication, and the doctor would most likely have sent you to hospital..

This is the BEST time to go to work on your health anxiety and you do have a choice here. You can spend the next week scaring yourself daft (and that will only make you feel worse because you will be adding anxiety symptoms onto your physical ones) or you can decide to be proactive..

Maybe stop focusing so much on how much you hate HA (this involves release of stress hormones) and show your body some love (this releases good hormones) for working so hard for you?

Anaemia isn't a big deal Mrs R. I've had it. My husband has it on and off. It's extremely common and treatable. Your main issue is your health anxiety..

Don't fear those ectopic beats. They just feel weird is all. When they happen, give a little cough (I find this stops mine) or drink some cold water. What you don't want to do is fixate on them..

Thankyou Thankyou NoraB.

You always manage to pull me back to reality. I Thankyou for that again!

I got in a tizz because it’s been 6+ months of this and so of course I worry it’s seriously effecting me.

Anyway, I’ll start the day with a better positive head on (also upping my iron intact until I get meds)

Thankyou so much again.

you really are a love

Sarah x

08-08-21, 08:55
I got in a tizz because it’s been 6+ months of this and so of course I worry it’s seriously effecting me.

I've had this symptom for ten years and my ticker is fine. The ectopics are far fewer since I started taking magnesium regularly (another tip) but they don't bother me when I do get them and even when I get palpitations - I consider them a workout for my heart lol. I think people seriously underestimate the heart and what it can withstand? The problem with anxiety is that stress hormones - such as adrenalin - directly affect the heart and we become more aware of those normal responses. If we run for the bus, we expect our heart to race but when it starts to race when we're sitting still, that's a weird feeling, right? If we don't understand anxiety - it can be a very scary feeling. What's not still is our mind. Our thoughts are racing and they are generally fearful ones with anxiety - and it's these thoughts that our body is responding to in a very physical (and normal) way. X

08-08-21, 11:19
I've had this symptom for ten years and my ticker is fine. The ectopics are far fewer since I started taking magnesium regularly (another tip) but they don't bother me when I do get them and even when I get palpitations - I consider them a workout for my heart lol. I think people seriously underestimate the heart and what it can withstand? The problem with anxiety is that stress hormones - such as adrenalin - directly affect the heart and we become more aware of those normal responses. If we run for the bus, we expect our heart to race but when it starts to race when we're sitting still, that's a weird feeling, right? If we don't understand anxiety - it can be a very scary feeling. What's not still is our mind. Our thoughts are racing and they are generally fearful ones with anxiety - and it's these thoughts that our body is responding to in a very physical (and normal) way. X

Thankyou NoraB.

It took me ages to calm my adrenaline rushes. 3 months solid I was getting then and I’ve had to be really firm with myself to get them under control., so I suppose my body needs to recover.

im feeling a little more positive now, throwing myself into my chores and kids! but I shall ring my doctor tomorrow and see if my meds are ready, as it was Friday he said he was writing up the prescription.

ive been drinking San Peligrino water often to get some extra minerals. Hope that helps too!

Sarah ❤️

09-08-21, 08:38
ive been drinking San Peligrino water often to get some extra minerals. Hope that helps too!

Hydration will definitely help, Sarah. I'm drinking Manchester Tap. :D X

10-08-21, 12:38
Hydration will definitely help, Sarah. I'm drinking Manchester Tap. :D X

thanks NoraB

so I’m on day one of my iron tablets. So I hope I’m feeling better soon. i noticed over the weekend my chest felt like it was going to go into a eptopic, but didn’t do the jump. It’s almost a permanent feeling in my chest! I’ve checked my heart rate and in all this time it’s not picked up any irregular heart rate.

does any one know what this feeling is?

if I can’t describe it, it’s between the dip in my throat and my sternum, slightly left. And I feel like I need to take a breath like a ectopic, but not full on, just a feeling that’s there most of the time making me feel uneasy. I want to cough or deep breathe, but it doesn’t help. It feels like I have a bit of pressure in my chest . Is it my heart constantly? I really don’t know.


11-08-21, 08:49
thanks NoraB

so I’m on day one of my iron tablets. So I hope I’m feeling better soon. i noticed over the weekend my chest felt like it was going to go into a eptopic, but didn’t do the jump. It’s almost a permanent feeling in my chest! I’ve checked my heart rate and in all this time it’s not picked up any irregular heart rate.

does any one know what this feeling is?

if I can’t describe it, it’s between the dip in my throat and my sternum, slightly left. And I feel like I need to take a breath like a ectopic, but not full on, just a feeling that’s there most of the time making me feel uneasy. I want to cough or deep breathe, but it doesn’t help. It feels like I have a bit of pressure in my chest . Is it my heart constantly? I really don’t know.


It sounds like anxiety. You're fixated on your heart and breathing so everything will feel 'out of synch'. Deep breathing will help you because it's a physical response which turns off the fight or flight response but fearful thoughts produce adrenalin, norepinephrine etc - which will keep these sensations going. Normally with fight or flight there is an incident or threat and once it's over we know we're safe and the fight or flight response stands down. We still feel a bit weird for a while afterwards but this is while the stress hormones are still in our systems. When we have anxiety, there is no singular event - like having a near miss in the car. Our thoughts are keeping us in sympathetic dominance and this means that our systems never calm down completely.

Anaemia does create heart symptoms like this but the problem when we have anxiety is that it's difficult to work out how much of the issue is down to us continually triggering the stress response?

Your heart is fine Sarah, and I strongly advise against you trying to self-monitor...

Also, be prepared for your poo to turn a funny colour on the iron tabs. It's completely normal. X

12-08-21, 17:05
It sounds like anxiety. You're fixated on your heart and breathing so everything will feel 'out of synch'. Deep breathing will help you because it's a physical response which turns off the fight or flight response but fearful thoughts produce adrenalin, norepinephrine etc - which will keep these sensations going. Normally with fight or flight there is an incident or threat and once it's over we know we're safe and the fight or flight response stands down. We still feel a bit weird for a while afterwards but this is while the stress hormones are still in our systems. When we have anxiety, there is no singular event - like having a near miss in the car. Our thoughts are keeping us in sympathetic dominance and this means that our systems never calm down completely.

Anaemia does create heart symptoms like this but the problem when we have anxiety is that it's difficult to work out how much of the issue is down to us continually triggering the stress response?

Your heart is fine Sarah, and I strongly advise against you trying to self-monitor...

Also, be prepared for your poo to turn a funny colour on the iron tabs. It's completely normal. X

So So sorry I didn’t see this come in!

I love to read you replies, they are so reassuring, and I sometimes come back and re read, to give my self a kick up the bottom.

to far my tummy is ok.

today I’ve tried to be much more positive. Even tho I had a awful night of upper body tremors, and this afternoon my heart has done some flips, but this time I caught them on my smart watch, and drops my pulse right in half when it happens, I take a breath as it feels like pressure and it eases. Scares the b jeez out of me so I’ve given my watch to my husband to hide for now, as I’m sending myself potty. Anxiously waiting for my ecg results.

Ive taken my youngest out for a sunny walk. It was lovely. Positively worked on my website, so been an ok day.
