View Full Version : worried I'm giving myself mild food poisoning

08-08-21, 21:01
so I'm worried that I am giving myself mild food poisoning
each night, (and it is every night now), either when I eat, (or sometimes when I've finished eating) I feel reallybad for at least 24 hours- sometimes more.
1. I make many false attempts to throw up, until it needs to come out- and at some point in the night, I will throw back up- not everything I've had, but a majority
2. my incontinence issues (which are all ready bad on a good day) are 10 times worse
3. my stomach aches a lot, in fact it feels like I've been stabbed their
after I've recovered (24 hours or more) I'm absolutely fine- unless I eat something I've cooked.
I'm absolutely fine with takeout, fine with snacks, and fine with other food people cook for me- which makes me think I am poisoning myself

08-08-21, 21:28
Frankly, this sounds totally self-induced. Are you getting any help for your anxiety?