View Full Version : Back again so much worry 😞

09-08-21, 12:03
Hi all

I’m here again with a laundry list of worries

I’m waiting for CBT due to start in November due to the waiting list in my area I also have weekly councelling over the phone which I am for the most part finding helpful it’s just sometimes depending on what we are discussing the session can sometimes make me feel worse

I’m having a constant feeling of something stuck in the back of my throat at the minute sometimes with acid sometimes not taking my morning and night pills are a nightmare

I think my main worry is my 20 year old son he has Autism and a few weeks ago he had a “vagus nerve event” while he was on the shower he had a panic attack 2 actually and he was saying “mum what’s happening to me” 😢 it was awful I of course contacted the docs who explained to him what a vagus nerve event was he did feel better he hasn’t been too bad since the only time he gets flustered again is when we discuss in his presence like the other day he had a appt with the nurse at the docs to check his asthma and because he is on the learning disability register when I was explained what had happened he got very anxious again and asked us not to talk about it 😢

He has to go on the 19th to have a 24hr ecg fitted I’m dreading it he’s dreading it and there’s nothing I can do to help him I can tell he’s worried by his face and I am completely devastated he now has anxiety issues to deal with on top of everything else

I don’t know what to do to keep myself calm the 19th is still a while away and I feel like I’m not coping I know it’s not about me and I’m not trying to make it about me I’m just being honest

My husband has had blood tests today as well for issues he’s having I just feel like I am going mad I’m not due to talk to my councellor till Friday

I don’t know whether to contact my doc about this throat sensation I am getting or just decide it’s anxiety and try and get on with it

Sorry for the long post guys just feel dreadful right now 😔

Thanks for reading x

09-08-21, 13:31
So sorry to hear you are going through this - I'm having throat issues caused my anxiety at the moment too (choking on food/scared and obsessing over swallowing) and it's really ruining my life and making me feel like I'm going mad, but starting with a new therapist tomorrow night.

Anxiety, as I'm sure you know, causes us to hold tension in the throat, stomach, and pretty much everywhere else. Globus sensation is very common among people with anxiety and causes a sensation of something sticking in the throat (look at the Symptoms forum on here there is a full section dedicated to it which might help reassure you!)

I find the only thing helping me at the moment is some gentle yoga for tension relief. You could look up breathing techniques for throat tension and I'm sure you'll find some useful exercises (check out praniyama alternate nostril breathing or uujayii breath).

I hope things get better for you soon :)

10-08-21, 02:43
Sending wishes of recovery. For your peace of mind, go and consult your Doctor. He knows best than anybody else. Besides, its always better to be safe.

10-08-21, 09:36
He has to go on the 19th to have a 24hr ecg fitted I’m dreading it he’s dreading it and there’s nothing I can do to help him I can tell he’s worried by his face and I am completely devastated he now has anxiety issues to deal with on top of everything else

Would a social story help? A bribe? We got my autistic son through two GA's in hospital with social stories and a Nintendo game. Also his cuddly toys..

I don’t know what to do to keep myself calm the 19th is still a while away and I feel like I’m not coping I know it’s not about me and I’m not trying to make it about me I’m just being honest

Don't be daft. I'm an autistic mother of an autistic child and I know how hard it is to keep my own anxiety under control in order to try and keep my son calm (as calm as can be, anyway). It's a huge ask so please don't feel bad about being human! You have to support your son but who is supporting you?

My husband has had blood tests today as well for issues he’s having I just feel like I am going mad I’m not due to talk to my councellor till Friday

You're not going mad. You just have a lot to cope with at the moment, and you will come through this. Time will go on and better days will come. You just have to hang on in there and do your best for your son.

I don’t know whether to contact my doc about this throat sensation I am getting or just decide it’s anxiety and try and get on with it

99.9% likely to be anxiety. Think fight or flight response? But also, how big are your pills? I struggled to take my calcium ones (like small dinner plates) and always had throat sensations afterwards. I use a spray now and it's much better. So maybe ask your GP about alternatives? Or ask if you can cut them to make them smaller?

Sorry for the long post guys

You think this is a long post? :huh:

What does that make most of mine? :ohmy:

10-08-21, 16:00
Thank you for all the replies guys

NoraB you have made me feel so much better about everything just knowing there is someone who understands my fears especially with regards to my son

Thank you xx

30-08-21, 20:23
Hi guys

I’m back again

I’m still having some issues…..thankfully everything was fine with my sons ECG he dealt with it like the true legend he is I am very relieved

I had all the worry of something being stuck in my throat last week now I feel like I have a ball of air at the back of my throat sometimes makes me want to cough…sometimes I feel like it’s on my chest sometimes my stomach sometimes both it’s really scaring me

Sometimes my throat burns sometimes not I haven’t contacted my doctor I’m scared of tests and results

Could this be something bad? I’m really worried 😟

Thanks guys

31-08-21, 08:51
thankfully everything was fine with my sons ECG he dealt with it like the true legend he is I am very relieved

Well done to your son. That was a huge thing for him to cope with. I'm sure you're not only relieved that he's ok but proud of how he coped?

I had all the worry of something being stuck in my throat last week now I feel like I have a ball of air at the back of my throat sometimes makes me want to cough…sometimes I feel like it’s on my chest sometimes my stomach sometimes both it’s really scaring me

Sometimes my throat burns sometimes not I haven’t contacted my doctor I’m scared of tests and results

Could this be something bad? I’m really worried 

Thanks guys

Sounds like an anxiety/reflux combo to me?

My policy is to get new symptoms checked out if they're still there two weeks on. Sometimes I leave it longer. This is because I have fibromyalgia and I always have symptoms. If I responded to every new symptom immediately - I might as well send out change of address cards and go live at the surgery. :huh:

31-08-21, 16:55
Hi Nora

Thanks so much for your reply

Yes I am of course very proud of him and his mood and anxiety has lifted so much since having it done he wasn’t worried about the results just actually having to wear it but he was a star 😌 he is ace

I thought acid reflux as well I take a lanzoprozole every day I’ve just had so much worry lately I just want things to settle down

I have fibromyalgia too I’m sorry you suffer with it as well my back is particularly bad right now causes me a lot of head pressure which also scares me but I’m almost sure that comes from my neck I have a councelling appt tomorrow I plan on talking to her see what she says

Thanks again for replying it really does help

🙂 x