View Full Version : Various head region symptoms

09-08-21, 19:20
Hi I’m wondering if anyone has anything similar to what I’ve been experiencing. A few years ago I started having problems with my speech like it was an effort to talk and would cause me to get out of breath easily. I had a speech therapist and it helped a little but as the time has gone on, it’s improved but I’m raspy but don’t have the main issues I presented with. Then I started having swallowing issues, like a lump in the throat which seemed to be there all the time, took lansoprazole for 3 years and made things better, weaned off it and now do without. Again not like it was, no lump feeling feels quite muscular to be honest. Please bare with me haha- the past year I e had terrible light sensitivity where I need sunglasses whatever the weather outside and sometimes even when I’m sat in the house. When I talk it makes my eyes saying as I feel my throat is pulling like when my voice was troubled. I think it’s all connected. I have cervical spondylosis and have terrible neck pain. I’ve had an MRI following doc appointment for my eye problem , but they found small vessel ischemia, nothing to do with my eyes. Just recently had dizzy spells too which put down to neck again, I’ve just about had enough of it all now. Every day there’s always something. I’ve got health anxiety, but it’s not overpowering me, but this is causing panic within me now because there’s always one of the above issues. Please can anyone relate to me, even with one of the symptom. Thank you for reading my long post.

09-08-21, 22:02
I have had issues with speech especially when my anxiety is bad. It will take me a while to form thoughts, and then make those thoughts into words. This causes such a noticeable pause in my speech that my family worries sometimes. The out of breath feeling has also happened to me at times (but not constant), the lump in throat too. I have yet to have light sensitivity though. If I do have something like light sensitivity it's usually associated with my migraines and tension headaches.

10-08-21, 07:48
Thank you for your reply. It’s funny you mention migraine because I had the start of one the other morning when I woke up. I knew it was in its way because I couldn’t see anything in the far right hand corner , so took tablets and it disappeared. I don’t get them very often maybe 1 or 2 times a year, I also get a very sore scalp as though my hair hurts and I know that this can be am something related to migraine.