View Full Version : Little red bruises

10-08-21, 20:18
I keep waking up with these over the last couple of months randomly…they have been worrying me so much. They will pop up a few at a time, usually on underside of arms/back/chest…they are definitely tiny round red bruises. They are flat and do not blanch. Allergist/immunologist and derm both confirmed they were vascular. Had full blood work up (CBC, liver, ANA, ESR, amongst other things) and everything came back fine. That was around a month ago. I am still having them appear weekly. Currently one on underside of forearm and one on back of neck. I just don’t know what to make of it, and it still worries me. Don’t know where to go from here…

10-08-21, 23:48
Is this different to what you described in your previous thread? (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?245596-Petechiae)


11-08-21, 00:01
No different… thank you for responding- it is the same thing.