View Full Version : Lung Cancer Fears, Upcoming Xrays

10-08-21, 22:30
40 years old, former Smoker of 15 years, though I quit 4 years ago.

Been dealing with "Air Hunger" or the feeling of not filling my lungs enough, for about a year and a half now, along with an urge to clear my throat a lot.

But I get an hour of walking cardio every day, and eat fairly healthy. Don't have any other real symptoms besides those but the doc suggested a get an xray just because I'm a former smoker.

Seeing as I've been avoiding doctors for years now because of my health anxiety, this has kind of thrown it into full drive again. I just had some basic bloodwork done, which came back normal, but haven't actually seen

a doctor in person in a while ( lately because of the pandemic, Phonecalls only).

11-08-21, 06:28
Have you tried any yoga breathing exercises? I find them really helpful.

11-08-21, 07:27
Your doctor is just being cautious. Nothing you have described sounds sinister at all. When is your X-ray?

12-08-21, 15:02
Got the xrays done today... and I've course I made the mistake of taking a glance at the technicians screen on my way out. I spotted a bright white area at what looked like my bronchi tube to my lung area... of course its got me freaked out now, even though my common sense tells me that I have no idea what I was looking at.

12-08-21, 17:33
Got the xrays done today... and I've course I made the mistake of taking a glance at the technicians screen on my way out. I spotted a bright white area at what looked like my bronchi tube to my lung area... of course its got me freaked out now, even though my common sense tells me that I have no idea what I was looking at.
Yep- you have NO idea what you were looking at! It was probably your heart!

15-08-21, 18:43
Shortness of breath and throat clearing are well known symptoms of anxiety.I get them myself and so do others,read [no more panic health anxiety suffers thread 16357]Quite a few people on there have those symptoms,it should put your mind at rest.
A quick glance at the x ray screen could be anything,on saying that i might have done the same as you h/a gets you like that.
All the best Gizmo.

24-08-21, 00:11
So got my results back from the chest x-ray, and it came back as 'possible nodules & copd" my doc suggested to get a CT scan done to investigate further but classified it as 'non urgent'. Still this has sent my anxiety into overdrive.

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24-08-21, 01:31
So got my results back from the chest x-ray, and it came back as 'possible nodules & copd"

Many people have lung nodules and most are benign, usually the result of past infections. The word "possible" in the report suggests the nodule is small which is excellent news because in the unlikely event it is cancerous it will almost certainly won't have spread and thus be curative with surgery. From personal experience the surgery isn't fun, but given your age, fitness levels and new less invasive surgical techniques you will likely have few issues should surgery be necessary.

24-08-21, 10:58
I can see this feels very scary right now. When is your ct scan? But the fact it is non urgent is very reassuring. It’s true many people have lung nodules. I have four!

24-08-21, 16:05
They haven't booked my CT scan yet, but I'm guessing it will be in the next 2 weeks or so.

It's mostly the 'Possible COPD', noted on my x-ray that has me extremely worried now. I've never had a chronic cough, but the fact that it was mentioned is alarming

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24-08-21, 17:25
Are you worried you might actually have COPD? It doesn’t seem likely since your symptoms are quite mild and you haven’t had them for long. I hope you get some reassuring answers soon

24-08-21, 18:11
I am worried I have copd, though I realize that sob can be just anxiety. I actually went out and bought an O2 sensor so I could test myself, just to stop freaking out. Naturally it was at 98% saturation, which along with no chronic cough, would rule out copd

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24-08-21, 18:15
'I hope that would rule it out or at least diminish chances'. That is

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28-08-21, 02:26
So I've been obsessing now over the fact that I have COPD even thought, it was a 'possible copd' on the xray, and the cat scan , which is now booked for 3 weeks from now, is a follow up to that xray.

None the less its sent my HA into overdrive... buying medical devices I don't need, exercising twice as much as I normally do... googling common symptoms. Basically anything to try and convince myself I don't have COPD. Pretty vicious circle and it kinda sucks. Really my ONLY symptom this entire time has been the shortness of breath/air hunger...

28-08-21, 12:34
I think you know that COPD is not likely. But you must not fall into the self checking trap while you wait for your CT scan

29-08-21, 19:19
I've definitely fallen into the copd rabbit hole. Trying to keep myself busy, but it's tough since the CT scan is 3 weeks away.

I did book a telephone call with my GP for this week, since they didn't even go over the x-ray with me.. just had a nurse call me to inform me that the doc suggested a CT to get a better picture.

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