View Full Version : Iron supplements -side effects?

11-08-21, 11:54
Hi . I’ve recently started ferrous sulfate for my anemia.
im on days 3, it’s just started to effect my tummy, but I’m ok with that. I’m a little concerned tho, that I’m quite sweaty since I woke up this morning, if I start moving around I have an all over clamminess and feel very flustered. Is this a symptom? Also my temp is up to 37, and I feel a bit shaky.

As I’m already nervous of meditation, but I’m ok if I know these are symptoms.

i darent google as I’m always worried enough?
I feel ok in myself other than that.

Sarah x

11-08-21, 13:33
Why not leave it at being satisfied that you're feeling ok and are now on an iron supplement which will help you feel better?

11-08-21, 23:48
I also take those supplements, and sometimes they give me constipation. TMI, sorry, but be aware.

12-08-21, 06:41
Hi . I’ve recently started ferrous sulfate for my anemia.
im on days 3, it’s just started to effect my tummy, but I’m ok with that. I’m a little concerned tho, that I’m quite sweaty since I woke up this morning, if I start moving around I have an all over clamminess and feel very flustered. Is this a symptom? Also my temp is up to 37, and I feel a bit shaky.

As I’m already nervous of meditation, but I’m ok if I know these are symptoms.

i darent google as I’m always worried enough?
I feel ok in myself other than that.

Sarah x

Iron (and forms of) cocks about with the digestive system. You'll have no doubt noticed a change in the colour, texture etc of your poo? I'm presuming that they've started you on a high dose if you have anaemia? If so, it will play havoc with your digestive system as a whole..

I can't take iron. It makes me feel sick, gives my tummy ache etc - even at the lowest dose. But I am very delicate. :yesyes:

Psychologically speaking, if you're already nervous about taking medication then this could well be playing a part and as I said on the other thread - it can be difficult to know what's down to anxiety and what's down to your medication.

These are the most common side effects with ferrous sulphate..

Stomach pain
Loss of appetite
Black poo

Clamminess etc is an anxiety symptom and I have a hunch that you have been Googling - in which case, naughty Sarah! :redcard:

Something else to factor in is that it's been quite mild and muggy at night over the last few days and weeks. I had to put my fan on last night because I was sweating, and it was past 9pm.

These kind of variants are just accepted with folk who don't have HA but for those who do have HA, and alongside some to-be-expected-side effects from the medication they're taking, this becomes one of those, 'Oh my God there's something horribly wrong with me. I'm dying' scenarios, right? I've had LOTS of those..

See if this settles down and you can always speak to your GP about the dosage? Obviously, do not adjust the dosage yourself... X

12-08-21, 08:34
I suspect that Sarah is tying in the clamminess with potential heart issues though? Seeing as she's not bothered re the standard digestive disturbances with iron tablets?

I've always taken Spatone-a liquid iron supplement-instead of the tablets when I've been anaemic. It's a bit kinder on teh gut!

Sarah...I think you'll be fine if you just take the iron supplements and see them as a way of improving your anaemia symptoms and general health?

12-08-21, 09:06
I suspect that Sarah is tying in the clamminess with potential heart issues though? Seeing as she's not bothered re the standard digestive disturbances with iron tablets?

It's my understanding that the only reason clamminess would be connected to iron medication is if there is an overdose, and over a long time. Sarah is deficient so this doesn't apply - even if it's a high loading dose. This is why I wonder if S has been Googling? I don't recall her mentioning clamminess as one of her symptoms of the iron deficiency (it is a symptom) so I'm struggling to see how this would start happening three days into treatment? But maybe her GP can answer that one? Or a pharmacist.

Sarah's also said she's nervous of taking meds so there will be a psychological factor here too..

Sarah saying she's not bothered by the digestive issues doesn't mean that her body isn't firing out the stress hormones. I naturally become more anxious when I'm in pain or discomfort even when I'm familiar with the symptoms and know they're not harmful..

I definitely think liquid forms are easier on the digestive system. I take all my vitamins/minerals in spray or powder form (to make a drink) as my inside no likey the fillers they use...

One thing's for sure. Sarah should start to feel much better soon. Anemia can make you feel really shitty, but it shouldn't be too long before Sarah feels better...

12-08-21, 16:18
I suspect that Sarah is tying in the clamminess with potential heart issues though? Seeing as she's not bothered re the standard digestive disturbances with iron tablets?

I've always taken Spatone-a liquid iron supplement-instead of the tablets when I've been anaemic. It's a bit kinder on teh gut!

Sarah...I think you'll be fine if you just take the iron supplements and see them as a way of improving your anaemia symptoms and general health?

sorry it’s taken me a while to reply, no I’m ok with the digestive issues, as I know it’s common, and so far it’s not effecting me in that department much anyway.

I was worried that the tablets were making me clammy, like a reaction, but like you say I’m sticking with it because I know it’s what’s best.

Yesterday was a really crappy day, I had an ecg, because of the daily ectopics, which scare the crap out of me, and anything medical related scares me also.
I know it’s dumb.

Years ago, I had a long episode where I knew there was something wrong with me , but because of my anxiety my doctor wouldn’t listen. After about a year I went to a private doctor and paid to be seen and I found to have ovarian cancer. I’m so very lucky with the out come, but I knew something was wrong. Sadly that’s hindered my judgment and now I always think there’s a problem. 😔

Sarah x

12-08-21, 16:21
It's my understanding that the only reason clamminess would be connected to iron medication is if there is an overdose, and over a long time. Sarah is deficient so this doesn't apply - even if it's a high loading dose. This is why I wonder if S has been Googling? I don't recall her mentioning clamminess as one of her symptoms of the iron deficiency (it is a symptom) so I'm struggling to see how this would start happening three days into treatment? But maybe her GP can answer that one? Or a pharmacist.

Sarah's also said she's nervous of taking meds so there will be a psychological factor here too..

Sarah saying she's not bothered by the digestive issues doesn't mean that her body isn't firing out the stress hormones. I naturally become more anxious when I'm in pain or discomfort even when I'm familiar with the symptoms and know they're not harmful..

I definitely think liquid forms are easier on the digestive system. I take all my vitamins/minerals in spray or powder form (to make a drink) as my inside no likey the fillers they use...

One thing's for sure. Sarah should start to feel much better soon. Anemia can make you feel really shitty, but it shouldn't be too long before Sarah feels better...

Thankyou Darling NoraB as always.

you’re bang on where I’m concerned and everything you say correct.

some days are good some days aren’t. And the anemia. Really isn’t helping. As you say tho. I’ll be better soon.

sorry for being over dramatic .

���� Sarah x

12-08-21, 18:12
It's hardly surprising you have no faith in diagnoses, Sarah. It must be really hard to learn to trust the doctors again xx

12-08-21, 18:34
Same doctor. Who’s learned a big lesson, who know supports me with my anxiety, but also deals with my issues in the appropriate way (doesn’t encourage the hysteria, but shows support and understanding). It’s helps x