View Full Version : Constant worries every waking (and sleeping moment)

11-08-21, 15:49
Well where to start - I have always been a total worrier and truly believe that I do not every think I am fine but I am now tired of this feeling - I am 53 years old and at 39 years old was diagnosed with Grade 3 breast cancer and had chemo and radiotherapy (13 years ago now) for a while after this I was not too bad but right now I see no way out. I work in a secondary school and have a very stressful job but now wondering if I can do this as just slipping into a hole. I first worried about the whole Covid thing when I had to be in school last September and I don’t really think any worries have left me since then. I have a very rare type of lupus called hypertrophic lupus which affects the skin and causes extremely painful thick skin patches so spend a lot of time on and off oral steroids - I also have allergies which result in me having constant post nasal drip which causes cough and then I worry about this - I have times where I feel shakey constantly inside and my heart races - blood pressure normal but now I am not sleeping constantly waking myself - if I sleep and worrying about my worries and then get off coughing and feeling I cannot breath - this has been an issue for more years than I care to remember but middle of night causes major anxiety with it as I’m
Sure most of you will relate to!! There are so so many other things I could add but I would bore everyone - sorry just wanted to write it down but it hasn’t made me feel better really x

11-08-21, 19:40

11-08-21, 19:45

I read every word and I'm sorry you're going through so much. Its understandable you are anxious given everything you're dealing with, but remember, you are a fighter and you've come so far having to deal with Lupus and Cancer. I truly hope you can get a break from everything so you can sleep better and worry less at bedtime.

I'm sorry I don't the right words, but I do care and wish you well.

11-08-21, 22:02

I read every word and I'm sorry you're going through so much. Its understandable you are anxious given everything you're dealing with, but remember, you are a fighter and you've come so far having to deal with Lupus and Cancer. I truly hope you can get a break from everything so you can sleep better and worry less at bedtime.

I'm sorry I don't the right words, but I do care and wish you well.

Thank you so much for caring 🥰