View Full Version : Spider / thread veins

13-08-21, 07:23
I am in my 20s and I can’t stop obsessing over the number of veins in my leg. One say I think ok they aren’t that bad it’s health anxiety making you overreact. Then another I’m like they are everywhere this can’t be normal at my age. My fear is blood clots or having an underlying condition more than the way they look.

I want them to go away because looking at them gives me major anxiety. I have been trying to do some more walking.

I noticed a large bruise on my leg and it’s sent me into over drive.


13-08-21, 20:35
Spider veins aren't where you would get blood clots - they are tiny capillaries and are more visible in some people.
I bruise all the time, usually it's something I have forgotten doing. Vitamin K (in pineapple amongst other things) helps.

Don't look at them. That's not facetious, I have anxiety about some veins on my head and I KNOW they are normal but they freak me out. So I just don't look!!!!

14-08-21, 02:03
Hello! I'm in my twenties too, and have quite a few spider veins. I started noticing them after experiencing a large amount of weight gain when I was in my late teens. The spider veins probably appeared because the new fat either pushed them closer to the surface or because the new fat needed to be vascularized so that it could get oxygen and remove wastes. They are especially noticeable in areas where I have cellulite (my thighs, butt, and upper arms), which makes me think that they are connected to subcutaneous fat in some way. I don't have an underlying medical condition beyond my hormonal imbalance, PCOS, that caused me to gain weight in the first place. Like Speranza said, spider veins are normal and are not something that will predispose you to blood clots.

I think that the best thing to do would be to cover your legs so you don't hyperfocus on them. That is what I do with my nails. I paint them pretty colors so I don't have to see and be reminded that they look kind of paler than normal every time I use my hands for something.

About the bruising, is it possible that you have a vitamin deficiency? I noticed that I was bruising really easily (like really big bruises after blood draws and shots), and started drinking Enshure. This seemed to help reduce the number and intensity of the bruises, so I definitely think my easy bruising was caused by some sort of vitamin deficiency. I still do get bruises on my thighs though; usually from lifting and bumping into heavy things when I am at work.

15-08-21, 09:09
Thanks both. This did help. I just don’t know how to stop obsessing over this. I just feel other people my age don’t have these and I spiral thinking why at this age are they there and there must be an underlying reason. Even tho most sites say this is a cosmetic issue