View Full Version : Pancreatic Cancer

13-08-21, 13:44
I have previously posted that I have been having chronic back pain in my left side, reflux and regurgitation i have lost nearly a stone in the last month and I have now noticed that my stools are now really greasy and loose but have not changed colour.
I am having bloods taken and seeing go again on Thursday next week. I feel certain it’s pancreatic cancer.
I feel that I was in a state of high health anxiety checking every part of my body all of the time, however, constantly thinking I had various illnesses, but I feel that the last few weeks that has stopped and now it’s like I know what the outcome will be especially since my pain is getting worse and the greasy poo is final straw.
I am really sad and keep looking at my little one and crying thinking I won’t be here to see him grow up.
I’m not sure why I’ve posted this but I feel like I don’t want to talk to my family, my partner agrees I’m losing weight and is bit worried but i think he feels I’m not looking after myself and my mum would just panic, she is already worried about me and mentions every time I see her that she is scared I’m getting so thin.
I am not looking for reassurance as i just have to wait for proper results but as I say I just needed to get it out of my head.

14-08-21, 01:33
Hi there! I'm sorry about what you are going through. Fear of the potential for pancreatic cancer sucks. I went through (and am still going through) similar issues, although my pain is mainly on my right. During May, I dropped roughly 2 stones since I wasn't eating solid food due to the pain. Based on bloodwork (elevated amylase/lipase), it turns out I had pancreatitis; inflammation of the pancreas. I had an MRI of the pancreas done, and that turned out normal. So no pancreatic cancer or anything too terrible for me. Although that also means I have no current cure for the pain, and kind of just have to live with it.

Hopefully nothing too serious is wrong with you. I am wishing you the best of luck! :)

Edit: whoops! I forgot that you already commented on my thread, sorry about that! I really really hope you get positive news too, and that they get a CT scan done. Lots of hugs! :bighug1:

14-08-21, 08:08
Thank you for commenting. Yes I was reading your story but as you say your pain was mostly right side.

I’ve been up all night again with left sided back pain no matter which way I sleep it’s hurting more and more. Sounds stupid it’s not back pain though it’s obviously organ inside. I’m trying not to sound or be dramatic but I know there is something seriously wrong. I don’t really suffer with anxiety it’s only come on in last 4 months since I had the baby and I think it’s because I knew something wasn’t right. I have had lots of random issues which I obsessed about instead of staying calm and focusing on main problem of my back pain.
Let’s hope for miracle it’s inflamed pancreas or pancreatitis but I don’t think it is, they seem to come with more severe nausea, stomach pain symptoms.
I just need to know now as I can’t stop crying, maybe once I have diagnose at least I will get into fighting mode although good outcomes for PC diagnosis is often very poor. My friend died of it couple of years ago and he only lasted two months after being diagnosed.
Thanks again for your response

14-08-21, 10:13
I've had pancreatitis and I didn't have nausea or stomach pains.

14-08-21, 10:58
Thank you, do you mind me asking did you lose weight snd how long was the episode?
I’ve just fully broke down in front of my partner and told him how petrified I am. He has calmed me down obviously he can’t reassure me but I feel better that he knows how scared I am. He admitted he was quite worried about my weight loss but we have put so much down to hormone changes following baby snd because I’m breastfeeding too. He is going to come to gp appt with me to go through bloods. See what they say I have basic private medical cover through work so I’m presuming I will need some scans but hopefully we can rush these through.

14-08-21, 12:33
Thank you, do you mind me asking did you lose weight snd how long was the episode?
I’ve just fully broke down in front of my partner and told him how petrified I am. He has calmed me down obviously he can’t reassure me but I feel better that he knows how scared I am. He admitted he was quite worried about my weight loss but we have put so much down to hormone changes following baby snd because I’m breastfeeding too. He is going to come to gp appt with me to go through bloods. See what they say I have basic private medical cover through work so I’m presuming I will need some scans but hopefully we can rush these through.

Also did you have back pain? I’m really struggling

14-08-21, 16:00
I got pancreatitis as a by product of having gallstones. I Iost weight because I had to modify my diet because of the gallstones and to be honest I didn't lose much because I have a sweet tooth and this was prior to the pancreatitis.
I initially thought I had pulled a muscle on my right side, but to be honest the pain escalated very quickly and I was admitted by ambulance from our local minor injuries unit probably within 16 hours from the first pain.

The pain was worse than childbirth (same with the gallstones). If you had pancreatitis you wouldn't feel much like posting on here. I don't want to got into other symptoms because I think that will start a cycle of self checking.

Personally I think you are hyper aware of perceived problems with your pancreas due to your friend dying. I'm not a doctor but I did suffer from post natal depression/anxiety, this manifested itself with me as even when I had opportunity to sleep I couldn't, I lost weight, predominantly because I had no appetite, I didn't focus on my health but I was extremely paranoid about something happening to my son for example I would be walking down a hill with him in a pram and I would be terrified I would trip and the pram would roll away. Or that I would forget I had him with me and leave him somewhere. None of these things happened and he's now a fully grown adult.

So I gues what I'm saying is, yes, get physically checked out. But also take into account that your body, hormones, lifestylle, just about everything has had a whirlwind over the last 13 months from getting pregnant, to giving birth and becoming a new mum, all while there has been a pandemic going on.

Talk to your doctor about how you are feeling as well as your physical symptoms.

14-08-21, 17:16
Thank you for your detailed response, I am hoping with every part of me that what you say is correct, baby was 5 years in the making of trying through ivf too so I’ve definitely had bit of an ordeal.
I did tell gp in the phone I was really scared, but I’ve actually got face to face Thursday so will be able to open up properly. Once again thank you

14-08-21, 17:30
An extra special baby! How wonderful!

But yes it must have been incredibly tough to go through.

Whatever happens, be kind to yourself.

16-08-21, 09:15
Bloods all done, results Thursday.

19-08-21, 17:20
Bloods all done, results Thursday.

Bloods all clear, but thyroid one was borderline which has happened before going to redo it in 4 weeks. Also wants me to do stool sample. She did acknowledge my wait had dropped significantly which she thinks is thyroid or anxiety or infection.
However gp thinks I have anxiety (I agree) and doesn’t think right now we need to do any further tests. I really stressed that my back was often in agony snd she said poo sample will help determine if I have infection or something else. I was so relieved in the surgery at the results but you can imagine as the day has progressed, i’m thinking I should have demanded a scan!
She did describe a low dose anxiety tablet can’t remember name as I pick that up tomorrow

19-08-21, 17:32
That sounds really positive.

Your body and mind have been through such a lot over the last 5 years, I do think it's right to wait and see how things go. I know it's hard but try and trust your GP. With regards to anxiety meds, it's definitely worth giving them a go. Did they mention counselling or CBT?

19-08-21, 17:44
Hi thanks for your speedy reply, yes she said i could be fast tracked for CBT, I did have some already organised through local charity but they have just had their funding taken away so she has put me forward for this. isn’t the mind a crazy thing !

19-08-21, 21:58
It is indeed!

20-08-21, 18:26
Catkins I have been prescribed 50mg sertraline, I’ve been reading reviews and people said it made them feel awful for several weeks before it kicked in. My gp was only thinking I needed it for few months so not sure I’m fancy it. Have you ever been on this? Any views?
I’m inclined to leave it and just do CBT?

20-08-21, 21:16
I've never been on it to be honest. You could always give it a go and stop if you don't like it? A lot of antidepressants can make you feel worse initially and they do take a while to start to work.

There's a really good medication section on here and Panic Down Under knows his stuff so he might be able to help.

They usually suggest taking medication for 6 months at least, which may be enough to get you over this bump in the road. Medication on it's own isn't the answer so having CBT as well is great.

It's up to you, you could start the CBT and see how you get on?

I've been using the app Insight Timer as well - there's lots of guided meditations on there that really help me with anxiety. You could give those a go too? I know you probably haven't got much time and energy at the moment, but they do ones of varying length, so you might be able to find a 5 minute one that you like.

21-08-21, 14:24
I’m Having a terrible day, didn’t sleep well with my left back pain, my stomach is a mess and my stools are now really greasy. I’m having no other anxiety symptoms like I was having before though. Like the pins and needles, funny heart rate etc.
I feel like I need a scan so I can just get an answer.
Going to call gp again on Monday and ask for referral to go private. I know it feels like I’m giving in to my anxiety but honestly this is sending me insane .