View Full Version : Hi Everyone

13-11-07, 23:04
Hi I am 31 and stumbled across this site searching for help on Anxiety/Agoraphobia. I am happy I found this site it seems very useful for somone suffering like me. I have suffered with Anxiety since I was a little girl. Six years ago after my Dad passed away I started suffering from panic attacks and gradually came the Agoraphobia. I managed to control the Panic Attacks with low dosage of fluoxitine prescribed by my Doctor and after being on it for six months decided I wanted to go it alone. I was fine for a while but my anxiety seems to have crept up on me again and due to other circumstances in my life which is hard to explain all at once here, I don't want to have to go back on them. With the Agoraphobia I tend to only go out with my friend (who lives with me) but never on my own which is causing problems because I really don't feel he understands and I understand he has to get on with his own life and I feel I am putting him under preassure. I really wish I wasn't like this. I am a single mother and I worry my Anxiety is rubbing off on my son who is now ten. I have had tremendous amount of family problems which involves solicitors and also I don't get to see my family for one reason or another and haven't done since my Dad's passing. I have one sister who lives in Cyprus I talk to daily but it isn't the same as being face to face if you know what I mean. Every night I am by myself my friend works in the Evenings and the Evenings are the worst time of day for me. I hear from my friends rarely because I don't have anyone to help me look after my son therefore they have given up asking me to go out. When I was younger I got badly beaten up by a couple of girls with their gang of about 20 closely watching. I believe this has scarred me mentally because I fear the youths of today. If I hear them I freeze anxiously wondering what trouble they will cause. Doe's this sound cowardly odd? I know these gangs are everywhere and If I see a few girls or boys together or mixed together I freeze up. I am only 5ft and they are all so tall nowadays which doesn't help. I try to tell myself I am older now and should be able to cope with this situation but nothing comes out of me repeating this I still fear. Anyway I hope to hear from you soon thanks for taking the time to read this Sharrie:)

14-11-07, 00:00
Hello Sharrie :welcome:to you!

My goodness no! You are not a coward - what happened to you is enough to make anybody anxious of the same.

My problems also only came to light after my dad died two years ago - big hugs for you:hugs::hugs:

You'll find plenty of help and support here - please don't be afriad.

Pleased to meet you!


14-11-07, 00:38

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

14-11-07, 01:08

14-11-07, 08:06
Hi Sharrie,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

14-11-07, 10:38
Hi Sharrie and :welcome: to the site xx

14-11-07, 11:33
Hi Sharrie

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


14-11-07, 11:42
Hello Sharrie

Welcome to NMP. Hope you make loads of friends. You will get great advice.

Hope to see you around.

14-11-07, 15:59
Hi Sharrie

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

14-11-07, 19:26
Hi Sharrie and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

Pink Princess
15-11-07, 08:42
hey sharrie xxx


take kare xxx

15-11-07, 09:26
Hi Again Wow I was shocked to receive all these messages they all made me smile. :D I hope you are all happy and well. As time goe's on I'm sure you will find out alot more about me and I hope I find out more about you too.

Thank you for your kind words it has lifted my day and I genuinely feel on top of the world now.

Please stay in touch I will too I will tell you all the small methods I am taking to get myself and my mind better. Please tell me if you have panic attacks, Agoraphobia etc and tell me if you found anything that helped you with this. I'd really be interested. I am going (with friend of course) to look for a book on this soon do you know of any good ones?

Takecare All the Best :hugs:


15-11-07, 09:30
Hi Sharrie,

I am a big Claire Weekes fan and she has a few books that I treasure as my bibles when times are bad. I have health anxiety and her books always give me the reasurrance I need :D xxx

15-11-07, 21:07
Hi Mandy

Thanks for that I will have a look round for a her books tomorrow.

All The Best


15-11-07, 21:16
Hi and welcome :)


15-11-07, 21:21
Hi Sharrie
Welcome to nmp, hope this site helps you as much as it helps me. Take care.
love Mags xxx

15-11-07, 21:37
Hi Mags Thank you I have a good feeling this site will help me it has lots of nice friendly people and good advice. One step at a time and hopefully I should be on the road to recovery. When I try and talk about Panic etc to my friend its like its a taboo subject there doesn't seem to be any feedback at all. I understand I have to help myself but I probably would have been better off talking to my cat.

All The Best Sharriex

15-11-07, 21:44
Thanks Bluebell x