View Full Version : Thyroid cancer fear

15-08-21, 01:06
I have very bad case of HA. I've discovered that I have Hashimoto six years ago and doctor saw something on ultrasound, wasn't sure about it so she ordered some tests. I never went. I haven't been to the doctor (for thyroid, but I have had blood tests few times) since 2015. I don't know anyone so irresponsible. Since then I live in fear that I have thyroid cancer and every time I want to go I imagine they will tell me I have a few weeks/months to live and I can't go.
I have fatique sometimes, my neck is swelled and I have depression which makes things worst. I decided to go when this heat wave passes but I am scared to death. If I had thyroid cancer in 2015 then it must reached stage IV now... I am beyond scared and I don't know how will I cope if they tell me I'll die.

I know that thyroid cancer is treatable but when catched early, after so many years I doubt it is.

15-08-21, 01:42
I don't know what you expect anyone to say :shrug: The fact you're here seeking reassurance years after indicates you're ok. Call your doctor and set an appointment for your reassurance.


15-08-21, 09:06
I have very bad case of HA. I've discovered that I have Hashimoto six years ago and doctor saw something on ultrasound, wasn't sure about it so she ordered some tests. I never went. I haven't been to the doctor (for thyroid, but I have had blood tests few times) since 2015. I don't know anyone so irresponsible. Since then I live in fear that I have thyroid cancer and every time I want to go I imagine they will tell me I have a few weeks/months to live and I can't go.
I have fatique sometimes, my neck is swelled and I have depression which makes things worst. I decided to go when this heat wave passes but I am scared to death. If I had thyroid cancer in 2015 then it must reached stage IV now... I am beyond scared and I don't know how will I cope if they tell me I'll die.

I know that thyroid cancer is treatable but when catched early, after so many years I doubt it is.

You don’t have thyroid cancer you have Hashimoto confirmed by a doc. Go to the doctors so you can get it treated :)

18-08-21, 09:03
With Hashimoto's, you often get thyroid swelling called goiter, and that's what your doctor probably saw. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer a year ago and on two ultrasound, the doctors could clearly tell me that I have a suspicious nodule and I need a biopsy. What did your doctor tell you?

17-09-22, 18:04
Hi Mostu, I know this thread was a long time ago can you tell me what your symptoms was please?. I have all the symptoms of Underactive Thyroid, I have struggled for years with these symptoms I did one test two years ago and it came back normal. I now have a goiter that is restricting my breathing, doctor has booked me in for tests and said that because I suffer with anxiety she will refer me to ENT. I am very worried the goiter is cancerous, I have only recently noticed it. My doctor did say to consider that I've had infection with my wisdom tooth for a long time and that I had a very bad chest infection last month. But seeing the lump is worrying me...

I hope you are well.

17-09-22, 18:05
Hi Darlene, what was the outcome on this?. I hope you are well.