View Full Version : Ejection Fraction - Results?

15-08-21, 17:47
My last echo showed an EF of 55% which I was told was normal and fine. But I read something that its the lower level of normal and this concerns me. If you had an echo what was your EF? And if you have any advice on this I would appreciate it. I am going through a strong loop of ectopics daily and heart worries due to this. Under a lot of stress managing my father's care with aggressive cancer. Ectopics started in Feb and have not given up some days better than others though. I think the year of worrying about Covid just made me irritable and then the cancer diagnosis kept them coming etc. But I cant help but think something is wrong with me medically.

15-08-21, 18:37
It's still 'normal'


17-08-21, 03:52
EF of 55% is good and it’s normal. I have had more then a few echos. I used to be at 55% but my last 3 have me at 75% which is too high but I have diastolic dysfunction.
You don’t need to worry about your EF, it’s totally normal.

I’m sorry to hear your going through a hard time with your ectopics. Try your best to keep your anxiety and stress to a minimum (I know this is a lot easier said then done) as ectopics feed on those. Have you ever tried a magnesium supplement? Lots of people have success with magnesium.
You can also try to avoid common triggers like caffeine, nicotine etc. make sure your getting adequate amounts of sleep. The trick is to try and ignore them (I know this is difficult) because the more you think and worry about them, they more they tend to happen.

18-08-21, 08:43
Magnesium works for me..