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16-08-21, 10:58
I am going into the rabbit hole.

I am worried about my feeling of nausea

I am scared this is a symptom of a heart attack

cancer (brain tumour, and 20 other types of cancers, stomach, bowel, pancreatic, throat, oesophagus .

dental infection/gum

As I was nearly sick last week eating something.

I am only 37 and I don't smoke and drink.

I know anxiety is a beast, my arm /shoulder feels a lot better now. but still worried that this is lung cancer, (as I have been googling) with referred pain /interprets pain coming from somewhere else

I have been going back to group sessions which has helped a little

i am eating okay

I don't know whether tiredness can cause nausea or worrying too much, too much time on the computer

It is every symptom I get I panic

16-08-21, 14:16
Hi Unsure,i am SURE that nausea is a very common symptom of anxiety,i think most on here would agree on that.
It is part of the symptoms of panic that you describe along with tiredness.
If you do not mind me asking how do you find group sessions and how often do you meet?
Best wishes to you Gizmo

16-08-21, 14:45
Hi Unsure,i am SURE that nausea is a very common symptom of anxiety,i think most on here would agree on that.
It is part of the symptoms of panic that you describe along with tiredness.
If you do not mind me asking how do you find group sessions and how often do you meet?
Best wishes to you Gizmo

Thanks we meet up once a week for a couple of hours, the in person sessions have only been starting up again since May this year. we do have sessions online once per week.

I think the tiredness is mainly down to the worrying about my symptoms all the time , but worry tiredness could equal cancer, but I am not wanting naps during the day.

16-08-21, 16:03
I do go for brain scans due to my NF condition.

I have had nausea on and off the last 8 years, I have not thrown up, since 2019 when there was a stomach bug going around.

16-08-21, 17:37
Do you think the meet ups help you?I once wrote a post on here about group sessions but i did not get a very good response.
I have suffered h/a for a long time,and i cant thank my wife enough for helping me.However h/a is very difficult to understand if you do not have it.
Would you mind me joining your online group.I really want to be in touch with people like me.Have you had h/a a long time?all the things you wrote that you worry about so do i ,it seems to be a vicious circle one thing goes for a while to be replaced by something else,i worry everyday.

16-08-21, 19:53
110% tiredness and nausea are both very common symptoms of anxiety that I get frequently.

I hope you are able to get some help/support in group.

17-08-21, 08:05
I am going into the rabbit hole.

You're thinking your way down the rabbit hole, and you need to think your way back out again..

Nausea is one of THE MOST COMMON SYMPTOMS OF ANXIETY. I've had nausea so bad due to my anxiety that I couldn't eat anything aside Complans and soup, and that was simply a case of getting something inside me. I had no appetite whatsoever. I felt so sick that I was retching all the time. At home, in the doctors surgery (I was given a bowl to be sick into once) and in the street. At my worst with this symptom, I was drinking ginger tea all day and wearing anti-sickness bands on my wrists. Do not underestimate anxiety with this symptom!

Quite simply, it's fight or flight. Because you are SO ANXIOUS, your body is constantly in parasympathetic mode (fight or flight) so imagine how your body feels when you step out into the road and have a near miss with a car? Your heart races, your stomach lurches - you feel sick, right? In non-anxious people this normal response calms down quite quickly once the danger has passed - not so with anxiety. It's there constantly. The fight or flight never gets to stand down and your body is flooded with stress hormones and stress directly affects the digestive system. This is why you feel sick all the time, and because you are fearing this symptom - you are making the issue far worse than it needs to be..

Ginger tea is fabulous for nausea. It works. Try it.

What you don't do is fear this symptom. This is just your body trying to protect you with the fight or flight response because that's what's there for. It's just that your brain doesn't know the difference between a real danger and an imagined one. Fear is the key word here because people who don't have HA will see a spot on their @rse and not freak out. It's a spot. Spots are normal. EVerybody has them at some time. HAers, however, will see a spot on their @rse and diagnose themselves terminally ill within a few seconds of clapping eyes on the blighter. They will receive a massive shot of adrenalin which is to be expected with fear, and there will most likely be some kind of panic attack. And by the way, the part in your brain which is responsible for phobias (amygdala) is taking notes - to the point that you can be seeing someone in the street or on TV who has a spot and you will experience a panic attack!

It's like this. I had REALLY bad anxiety as a kid too and one day my parents took me to London. I had baked beans for my lunch and promptly threw up. For years after I couldn't look or smell a baked bean without feeling sick. My stomach would lurch and I would have to fight the nausea. It's a conditioned fear response. This is the amygdala in action. And this is how we develop phobias. You are conditioning yourself to react fearfully to every symptom and sensation in your body...

It's all very simple when you understand what's going on..

So what you do is to do things to alleviate this symptom which I've already explained to you. The ginger REALLY WORKS. When this symptom comes on - acknowledge it - but don't add fear to it because that only releases the hormones which will keep this symptom going. You tell yourself that, yes, this feels unpleasant, but it's not harming you, and it will pass. Eat little and often. If you can't face proper meals try nutritious soups.

Believe it or not, as crap as this feels right now, your body is working perfectly. Remember: real or imagined - it doesn't know the difference. It's just trying to keep you alive. It's working overtime and deserves some recognition for being excellent, don't you think?

17-08-21, 08:25
Maybe you need to see whether you could have 1:1 sessions instead of group work, Phil? Is your key worker aware of how bad your HA is at the moment?

17-08-21, 09:23
Maybe you need to see whether you could have 1:1 sessions instead of group work, Phil? Is your key worker aware of how bad your HA is at the moment?

My key worker is probably not aware how bad my HA is aware at the moment, I only had two phone calls with him so far

I have even been in touch with the samaritans and I am worried about every symptom i get is cancer

I am drained off energy because I am so worried about my health 24/7, which is making me feel tired, but not wanting to take naps during the day. which makes me think that I have something serious wrong with me.

17-08-21, 13:52
I got myself in a state, as I am worried that nausea = brain cancer, and my shoulder/arm pain = lung cancer as I read that it could be a nerve pressing against my shoulder ,

My parents keeping telling me there is nothing wrong with me.

I am panicing 24/7

17-08-21, 14:01
My advice would be to contact your key worker and tell him that you are really struggling with your HA. He won't know unless you tell him.

How are you filling your days? Do you have much to distract you from your health worries? Do you have any study plans for college in September?

17-08-21, 14:23
My advice would be to contact your key worker and tell him that you are really struggling with your HA. He won't know unless you tell him.

How are you filling your days? Do you have much to distract you from your health worries? Do you have any study plans for college in September?


Hoping to start some new voluntary work soon, just waiting for a start date for training, to do a bit of data entry for a local foodbank

At the moment there are no new courses which can be offered to me at college. I done my English (I don't need to do my Maths) did a level 1 earlier this year in Customer service.

I am back at the football , went on Saturday when Wednesday vs Doncaster, that was an interesting experience, loads of police. Wednesday play Fleetwood tonight

Does not help with my Nan having a heart attack a few weeks she went back into hospital yesterday as she was worried she was having another heart attack, and was checked over, and her heart sounded fine, her bloods were fine etc.

17-08-21, 14:34
You must have been very worried about your Nan but I'm glad that she's better now although still very anxious. It must have been very traumatic for her and for you all.

Having too much free time is hard when you have HA because there's little to distract you from symptoms and sensations.

The new voluntary work sounds promising. Can you pester anyone re giving you a start date?

17-08-21, 14:47
You must have been very worried about your Nan but I'm glad that she's better now although still very anxious. It must have been very traumatic for her and for you all.

Having too much free time is hard when you have HA because there's little to distract you from symptoms and sensations.

The new voluntary work sounds promising. Can you pester anyone re giving you a start date?


My Nan is in her early 80s, having a couple of nurses in the family does help.

The guy who is meant to to be doing the training with me, is on holiday at the moment . I only heard about possible voluntary work here, from where I did my last voluntary at. there is not much going off up here. I may be able to go back up to this place if things pick up, it is all depending on funding/contracts

17-08-21, 17:14
I am just scared of every symptom I get is more likely cancer, as this is how my mind works. I know as you get older you get more aches and pains

I am at the dentist next for checkup so hopefully I get ressurance that i dont have oral cancer, or any other type of cancer dentist can spot,. I can chew better now than I did a few days ago, but will mention this to my dentist.

I also fear my symptoms could be to do with bone cancer, but I am not drenching the bed at night, with leukemia and non hodkins lymphoma/lymphoma fears with my arm/shoulder pain, and nausea

It is an endless cycle

maybe I should ask my doctor to send me for a full body scan

17-08-21, 18:14
That would only give you temporary relief and the GP would hopefully not enable your HA by packing you off for unnecessary radiation.

17-08-21, 22:43
That would only give you temporary relief and the GP would hopefully not enable your HA by packing you off for unnecessary radiation.

It would be a bad idea if I had a full body scan as I will question the results and would want another scan. (I know I have to have MRI scans for brain because of my NF) I had a pointless spine MRI scan about 6 years ago, as my specialist wanted me to have a scan because I had a curve spine, it pretty common for people who have NF to have a curve spine

I had a few pointless scans in the past because I thought I had bowel cancer

18-08-21, 07:18
maybe I should ask my doctor to send me for a full body scan

Doctors will not (and should not) send people for scans with no valid reason. They're expensive, time consuming (meaning you are delaying things for somebody who really needs a scan) and there's such a thing as 'incidental findings' - which ramp up HA more than ever. And there is the radiation to consider..

Even if your GP agreed to this (they won't) this would only provide you with temporary reassurance which will disappear the moment a new anxiety symptom kicks in. You will convince yourself that they missed something, you got the wrong scan results, or a crap radiographer. This is how health anxiety works.

It's not a full body scan that you require. It's therapy for your health anxiety disorder.

18-08-21, 07:53
While I agree that nausea is a common sign of anxiety, there are other (benign) explanations as well. I had health anxiety for several years and never had nausea, but one day I got it, and it lasted for a week, but it was weird because I didn't eat anything bad nor was I stressed. Then a few months later, another week long bout of nausea came. That's when I, just like you, started worrying about cancer. I thought that it's either brain cancer or GI cancer, but with brain cancer, the nausea would probably be caused due to high intracranial pressure and I didn't have headaches, so I started with endoscopies. Colonoscopy came out fine, but upper GI showed acid reflux disease and gastritis. I started taking proton pump inhibitors and it never happened again.

18-08-21, 09:25
I have not thrown up since 2019, I thought I was going to throw up last Thursday, as I was struggling to chew on some food (a piece of meat) I hope I don't have a dental abscess or have chipped a tooth (or start of gum disease) I do go to the dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups. I don't smoke or drink booze,

Than again I think this could be stomach cancer why I am feeling nausea, even though I am not getting abdominal pains,

I am not getting headaches.

I don't think I have lost weight

I have not been to A&E yet

18-08-21, 12:35
I just can't cope worrying about every symptom I get now

I keep thinking I got something wrong with me. I am not myself as I keep worrying 24/7 . I am not getting up during the night. but I am panicing like crazy

18-08-21, 12:57
If it helps any, I’ve woken up the last two mornings a little nauseated. Sometimes our bodies are just weird and there isn’t an explanation for them acting the way they do. Gotta learn to roll with the punches so to say, and in the process you’ll help your HA as well.

I’m nowhere near perfect at this by the way lol. It takes constant practice and constant self talk and I still struggle with that sometimes. But you just have to keep trying because letting the anxiety win is never the solution!

18-08-21, 13:41
I just can't cope worrying about every symptom I get now

I keep thinking I got something wrong with me. I am not myself as I keep worrying 24/7 . I am not getting up during the night. but I am panicing like crazy

Phone your keyworker, Phil? Or get your dad to contact him? Do you have any medication for when your anxiety is very bad?

18-08-21, 16:31
Phone your keyworker, Phil? Or get your dad to contact him? Do you have any medication for when your anxiety is very bad?

I have no medication for when my anxiety is very bad, I should try mindfulness again

My parents and I need to phone my keyworker cbt person. to tell them how bad I am. My Dad thinks I need physio on my shoulder, arm I still think it is lung cancer (because I read this symptom a few weeks ago) but may have pulled it whilst on the train/taxi during the weekend when England played in the final. I am taking tablets to help reduced the pain.

I also worry the pain in my shoulder could be to do with breast cancer (I know breast cancer is very rare in males)

18-08-21, 17:46
Make phoning your keyworker the first thing you do tomorrow, Phil? Maybe it would be less stressful for you if either of your parents make the call?

19-08-21, 13:45
Make phoning your keyworker the first thing you do tomorrow, Phil? Maybe it would be less stressful for you if either of your parents make the call?

I been out for the morning to my anxiety group session

I am also worried this morning as I had a pale stool colour, did not look much brown in so thinking this is either pancreatic cancer, liver cancer/disease, stomach cancer. I know what you eat and drink can affect your poop, I have been taken tablets for my shoulder/arm pain, which could have made my poop turn pale.

I am going to get physio on my shoulder arm, I am worrying this is a sign of bone cancer, lung cancer. lymphoma, non-hodgkin's lymphoma, breast cancer (or a secondary cancer) but if I had a secondary cancer I be very ill, bed ridden. which I am not. I am also worried this could be MS or ALS.

Even my Dad and My mum can't put their touch fingers behind their back.

20-08-21, 12:43
Also have a habit of playing with my lymph nodes in my neck, checking whether I can feel the same on both sides (whether one feels a bit enlarged or swollen) as I am worried this is a sign of non-hodgkin's lymphoma or lymphoma

There are not visible which is a good sign, and I don't get night sweats like drenching the bed. I did asked my parents a few weeks ago was it a warm night, as I worried I woke up sweating

Anxiety is a beast

20-08-21, 14:56
I have not seen a doctor since late 2019, I seen a dentist though for dental checkups

I am worried about my health.

My Mum said I will never see a doctor again because of covid19.

20-08-21, 18:05
I have not seen a doctor since late 2019, I seen a dentist though for dental checkups

I am worried about my health.

My Mum said I will never see a doctor again because of covid19.

So has what she said triggered your HA because she is not right. Are you afraid that you will develop cancer and not be able to see a doctor?

20-08-21, 18:10
So has what she said triggered your HA because she is not right. Are you afraid that you will develop cancer and not be able to see a doctor?

Yes I am afraid I will develop cancer. and not being able to see a doctor.

I keep thinking my symptoms I am getting are cancer. as I can't think logically

I was worried about my poop being not brown yesterday, looked pale, so I thinking this is a type of cancer. (even though my poop was easy to flush yesterday)

I am worried about every pain I am getting is cancer

I am worried about my testicles and penis still (testicle penile) and penile cancer

I am worried about my nail bed on my toes/fingers, about marks I get or inbetween. for skin cancer

It is endless

I got the worst anxiety going.

20-08-21, 19:55
I can tell you that should you need to see a doctor for an urgent problem then you will be able to. My son has had tests and hospital treatment recently so your Mum is completely wrong.

Maybe she meant that you won't be able to see a doctor with HA issues?

21-08-21, 09:43
I can tell you that should you need to see a doctor for an urgent problem then you will be able to. My son has had tests and hospital treatment recently so your Mum is completely wrong.

Maybe she meant that you won't be able to see a doctor with HA issues?

Thanks I am going to the chemist so see whether I can have something stronger for this ribpain/arm pain/shoulder poin (I am still very worried it is cancer, like bone, non hodgkins, hodgkins etc

21-08-21, 11:04
I got some tablets to help the pain, my mum told the chemist staff I have anxiety, as there have been a lot of customers coming in with worries

22-08-21, 12:43
My Mum talked to my sister about my anxiety worries about the big c. It is going to take time controlling my anxiety and worries , as we get older we get more aches and pains.

23-08-21, 11:44
I am also worried that the pains and nausea could be to do with gallstones, my gallbladder, with my rib pain

My health anxiety is getting worst and worst

I am worried about my nausea could be too do witjh my jaw (so to me this equals cancer, jaw cancer, tooth cancer, mouth cancer) I feel less nausea today, and tried changing my toothpaste

Also worried that my symptoms are to do with MS, ALS, Motor Neurone disease

I am not getting carried away with Sheffield Wednesday being top of league one, on goal difference

25-08-21, 15:00
I have emailed my doctor now, as I am getting very worried about my health and anxiety

No matter how much reassurance I get I am still worried, about every symptom

I know cancer is rare, but 1 in 2 or 3 people in lifetime will get cancer (symptoms scare me) I am not bed ridden.

My energy is drained, and I feel very breaking down in tears because I am worried about these pains and symptoms, I know anxiety can cause pains and weird symptoms, but I think every symptom I get is cancer, ALS, MS, motor neurone etc

25-08-21, 18:01
Would you consider taking medication to help with your anxiety, Phil?

25-08-21, 18:09
Would you consider taking medication to help with your anxiety, Phil?

Yes I will try them again

I am also at the dentist on Friday for my checkup, (for my 3 monthly checkup) I am worried about my chewing issues whether this is oral cancer , as I am eating a lot slower than I usually do.

My niece has also worn me and my parents out

25-08-21, 19:50
Tiredness can really ramp up anxiety.

I hope your GP recommends restarting your meds. Group therapy for anxiety just isn't enough for you at the moment.

You need and want to get some enjoyment back in your life again.

25-08-21, 21:19
Tiredness can really ramp up anxiety.

I hope your GP recommends restarting your meds. Group therapy for anxiety just isn't enough for you at the moment.

You need and want to get some enjoyment back in your life again.

Thanks for your reply, I need to get some enjoyment in my life, having my niece up for a couple of days has helped, she has just started potty training., we may have my niece up in October, and she has tested my bed out already this afternoon. I let my niece have my room, and I sleep in my sister's old bed room. my sister and brother in law sleep down stairs

I enjoyed my niece sitting on my lap. we love giving each other fist bumps

26-08-21, 08:13
I bet she loves being with her uncle! How old is she now?

26-08-21, 08:36
I bet she loves being with her uncle! How old is she now?

She is 3 in November. and have a very good vocabulary so we have to watch what we say, so no trips to Hillsborough for my niece.

She had us all up at 6.30am on Wednesday, saying wee wee

27-08-21, 09:57
I got a doctors appointment on Tuesday, so I can talk to him about my worries and my anxiety

I also been told my dentist that my chewing issue is to do with anxiety

28-08-21, 11:39
I will tell my doctors my concerns and my anxiety, also I told him I am worried I still have testicle cancer (even though I been checked out loads of times) it still a concerned

my sister even told me last week she also recently find out how to check her bits properly. my sister has booked an appointment as she found something which could be like what my Mum and myself suffer from NF (my mum was unware she had until she was in her 30s)

And also worried about my pin and needles I get now and again.

The pain underneath my armpit has gone down, since i went to to the dentist yesterday

Also worried that the pains I am getting could be cause by osteoarthritis, or arthritis as this runs in the family, on my mum side of the family, no idea on my dad side of the family, I am sure his parents had problems , as for his brothers/sister I don't know.

29-08-21, 20:54
My anxiety is still very high.

I will tell my doctors everything. I am also concerned about my penis yet again,

My nausea seems to have faded a bit

Anxiety does weird things to the body

30-08-21, 10:07
Off to the doctors tomorrow. I am still very worried about my health, every ache and pain, mark ,

My parents say if I had anything serious wrong with me, everyone would know , including myself. I don't know how

30-08-21, 12:36
Also my poop came in bits today, so I am worried this is a sign of bowel cancer, maybe I should get more fiber in my diet. my poop was brown, no blood in bowl

I can't be a cat, as I am obessed about looking at my poop

30-08-21, 13:23
How about consulting a Professional Doctor to be sure? Don't ignore small symptoms as it may cause a greater risk of illness in the future.

30-08-21, 14:24
How about consulting a Professional Doctor to be sure? Don't ignore small symptoms as it may cause a greater risk of illness in the future.

i am off to the doctors tomorrow, I just panic about every symptom I get

31-08-21, 08:20
Good luck today, Phil. Just tell the doctor how much distress you are in . I do hope that he/she can help maybe with some medication to lessen some of the awful anxiety to begin with but also with a referral for some specialised therapy. You need more than group therapy at the moment.

31-08-21, 11:43
Good luck today, Phil. Just tell the doctor how much distress you are in . I do hope that he/she can help maybe with some medication to lessen some of the awful anxiety to begin with but also with a referral for some specialised therapy. You need more than group therapy at the moment.

Thanks he said my arm pain is muscular and a bit of inflarmation. I have been put on tablets for my anxiety, I had the choice of two one which were beta blockers

31-08-21, 13:07
Are you going back on the same meds which helped you before? What about therapy for your anxiety?

31-08-21, 13:20
Are you going back on the same meds which helped you before? What about therapy for your anxiety?

Thanks for asking

Same tablets as before. Still waiting to hear back to start anxiety could be a while

It felt weird going into a doctor practice in covid19 times with all the gps wearing gowns/masks etc.

I know I went last year as I had my 18-24 month brain scan because of my NF and that was different

31-08-21, 18:44
I had my first dose of tablets (can take one per day, at evening/night)

Doctor phoning me up in two weeks time, to see how I am going

31-08-21, 19:46
Good that you're being monitored, Phil and well done for making that appointment. I hope the meds help to take the edge of you anxiety. Remember that the doctor said that your pain was muscular with some inflammation so nothing sinister. Try to keep that in your mind if you feel panicky?

31-08-21, 20:14
Good that you're being monitored, Phil and well done for making that appointment. I hope the meds help to take the edge of you anxiety. Remember that the doctor said that your pain was muscular with some inflammation so nothing sinister. Try to keep that in your mind if you feel panicky?

Thanks, he also asked me how long do i spend on the computer, and also told me the pain could be also RSI, but nothing sinister

01-09-21, 11:46
He did not mention about my nausea as he could not see any red flags (for signs of brain tumours) wearing masks

01-09-21, 13:35
I think you can feel very reassured that you are physically in good health, Phil. Did the appointment make you feel better?

01-09-21, 14:01
I think you can feel very reassured that you are physically in good health, Phil. Did the appointment make you feel better?

It did, make me feel better.

He said if I had anything serious wrong with me, I would know

02-09-21, 13:04
2nd tablet last night felt better taking this tablet (I may have to take them for around 6 months)

I made myself worry today as I nearly trip over twice in the same place in a row,

I am trying to reduce my caffeine intake but concern my nausea is too do with a brain tumour,. My GP would have picked up something Tuesday (he did not referred me for any scans which is good)

02-09-21, 13:46
Your GP has put you back on your anxiety meds. He isn't concerned about your physical health. He would have sent you for a brain scan if he thought you could have a brain tumour.

This is good news, Phil.

02-09-21, 20:06
The tablets are making me feel nausea which I was warned about and my balance is worrying me.

My anxiety is getting no better and more worries,

Doctor did not even check my testicles this time

can nausea be cause by stomach pain (or it is just my anxiety) and my rush of adrenaline

03-09-21, 09:41
I woke up sweating during the night (I think it was a warm night) I did wear long pjs last night, so thinking this is a sign leukemia, non hodgkins, problems with my nausea, my tablets

I know sweating is common but I if it had any serious problems I be getting up and changing the bed sheets and pjs during the night

We did have the heating on yesterday

03-09-21, 12:34
My Dad complained that I threw some of my lunch away today (I said the cheese tasted a bit different to normal) even if it was a fresh pack. we get the same brand

So worried this is a brain tumour, my anxiety playing up, my nausea, my tablets are affecting me.

03-09-21, 14:08
He did not mention about my nausea as he could not see any red flags (for signs of brain tumours) wearing masks

Remember what the GP said?

03-09-21, 14:53
Remember what the GP said?

Thanks I am trying ginger biscuits to see whether this helps with nausea I am trying to eat (I ate well yesterday) had to stop eating half way through last night as my arm/shoulder was given some grief

I am not getting any of the red flags like throwing up all the time (last time I threw up was 2019 and there was a bug going around) not bring up blood/bile

Doctor did not even listened to my heart/blood pressure or lungs , my Dad told him that my Nan had a heart attack, whether this is causing my anxiety/nausea

I don't have a blockage as I can go for a poo

When I going through my bowel cancer worries, I had an ultrasound which also took in the other organs as possible when I had the CT scan/nuclear scan. and everything looked as it should be

03-09-21, 16:42
I have thought about asking about the camera down my throat/stomach to get to the bottom of my nausea.

I know I have panic myself a lot over the last 6 weeks, plus since I have started posting on this site

I dont feel bloated

03-09-21, 17:44
The tablets are making me feel nausea which I was warned about and my balance is worrying me.

My anxiety is getting no better and more worries,

Doctor did not even check my testicles this time

can nausea be cause by stomach pain (or it is just my anxiety) and my rush of adrenaline

The tablets are probably making the nausea worse and also your anxiety. This can happen when you restart your tablets. It will get better over the coming days. It's not an indication of a brain tumour or any other serious physical illness. Remember what your GP said? Maybe you should write down what he said and use it as a visual prompt? Carry it around with you and look at it when you are panicking?

03-09-21, 21:47
The tablets are probably making the nausea worse and also your anxiety. This can happen when you restart your tablets. It will get better over the coming days. It's not an indication of a brain tumour or any other serious physical illness. Remember what your GP said? Maybe you should write down what he said and use it as a visual prompt? Carry it around with you and look at it when you are panicking?

Thanks for your reply, it is certainly affecting my bowel movements, and the colour (to my eyes) was certainly not bright red or black I am hoping my stomach settles down with the tablets.

My parents and I are going to sit down every two weeks to talk about what I am worried about, if anything. I think my Dad will talk to my GP as well,. as my Dad went with me on Tuesday, and even though my doctor know what I am like, he told him what I am like with my anxiety.

04-09-21, 08:27
I'm glad that your dad is supporting you at your appointments. It's a good idea to talk to your parents at an agreed time and to tell them all the things that are worrying you at that time. You can all work out a plan to help you rationalise these worries and your dad can talk to the GP for additional advice?

04-09-21, 15:05
I'm glad that your dad is supporting you at your appointments. It's a good idea to talk to your parents at an agreed time and to tell them all the things that are worrying you at that time. You can all work out a plan to help you rationalise these worries and your dad can talk to the GP for additional advice?

I think it will be useful talking to them, as I am still concerned about my nausea it is passing slowly hopefully. and my poop colour is still a huge concern for me. that it is not always brown. I know like the tablets I took for my shoulder I was warn my poop colour may look more lighter, which I think these tablets are doing the same. I am jumping to the worst thing all the time.

My Dad will talk to the GP for additional advice, he gave an example on Tuesday that if gets a spot on his hand, he says hows it goes , and it heals.

It throws up the question about the lack of bile in my poo when my poop in lighter not much brown. with I got a problem with one of my organs or a blockage of my gallbladder

04-09-21, 17:50
The anti inflammatories which you are taking have caused your poo to go a lighter colour, Phil. The doctor warned you about this. Do not use Dr Google. Listen to your OWN doctor who is treating YOU. If you want your anxiety to improve you are going to have to stop using Google.

05-09-21, 11:09
I want my anxiety to improve and it is very hard, the nausea will take time to clear with these anxiety tablets, my Dad said remember what the doctors said a couple of weeks. I am eating a lot slower, sometimes I have to stop if my nausea playing up when eating.

My doctor has never asked me about my poop colour, sometimes it is dark if I am staining or been in my system a while and what I ate, maybe I have eaten something which has upset me, but my fear of the colour could equal blood to me this equals cancer. looking at my bowel movements all the time, going to take time, it is a habit

I don't know whether the tablets are affecting my appetite or it is my nausea/anxiety causing this problem.

My Mum is frustrated with me say you keep it up you won't live to you 40 with your worries

05-09-21, 13:35
Does your Mum understand health anxiety? She is frustrated because she can't help you but only you can do that by remembering what the doctor told you and believing it.

05-09-21, 13:42
Does your Mum understand health anxiety? She is frustrated because she can't help you but only you can do that by remembering what the doctor told you and believing it.

My Mum is probably frustrated with me, and I need to do more for myself and believing the doctor I will annoy the comment about the age, as that is just a figure of speech.

05-09-21, 16:26
Also with my anxiety and nausea, I am getting anxious in my stomach/throat

I hate being like this.

This anxiety and nausea is keeping me awake at night, and not sleeping well.

06-09-21, 15:13
Even I told my sister about my poop, she said the same thing as you and others, my mum, my dad, doctors that what you eat affects your colour of your poo, tablets etc, my niece had a black poop yesterday as she ate black topping from a cake, some how I am still struggling not to focus on my poop colour like others have said. as I always think the worst if it not brown.

I could be starting the training soon for the voluntary work.

Also I am worried my nausea could be to do with kidney disease, I had a urine sample done as part of my NF in 2018 and 2019 and that was clear. I know sometimes I pee more than others (but that is how much i drink)

06-09-21, 15:46
It is a good idea I should ask for a stool sample to be taken by my doctor just to shut me up. or a blood test. to prove I don't have pancreatic cancer (which is [probably rare for someone in at 37, same for liver cancer) and anything else a blood test can show up.

my gp did not even ask where the nausea feeling, nausea was coming from roughly my neck area throat

06-09-21, 17:38
No it's not a good idea to ask for unnecessary tests when your GP is happy that you are physically well. Tests just make anxiety worse and your GP told you that you were not ill.

07-09-21, 20:06
I been taking the tablets for the week, and my anxiety is just getting worst worrying about my health. I will keep taking the tablets. Hopefully in a couple of weeks time I know it tough with covid19, I would be referred to talk someone, my GP would be asking my Dad on the telephone how I been next Tuesday, my nausea is starting to fade I hope. I am eating smaller meals. anxiety really affecting my appetite, which is probably making me feel nausea.

Even my Nan has all colour of poop, after her heart attack, with the tablets and meds she takes now, she had the same paler/lighter colour as me. same for my Grandad, My Dad keeps saying you don't have to worry about your colour of your poop as long as you can go. My sister has mention the classic Bristol stool chart.

It was pretty warm last night,

My niece did not pick up anxiety from me, but she kept washing her hands at child care yesterday,

08-09-21, 08:40
My poop was brown today, and stress can probably affect your shape and the constantly of the type.

Stressing worrying about my health is probably making my nausea stay.

08-09-21, 12:40
Hopefully my shoulder and arm will get better, I probably made it worst as I walked into my door earlier, did not help as I was eating something but I was not choking.

My nausea will take time to heal, I have also a habit of looking at my urine, to see how many bubbles I get, I get them now and again, depending on what I drink and the force. dentist would have spotted signs for diabetes a few weeks ago. I think I may know if I had kidney disease

Still concerned my nausea is to do with a brain tumour, I am due for an eye test soon.

As I am not sleeping well I know my eyes are tired and hurt

08-09-21, 18:01
Can nausea causes dysphagia problems, swallowing certain foods. I am eating a lot slower these days. I asked my dentist about my chewing issues she told me it was anxiety. as she could not see anything wrong with my teeth, gums etc; I thought I had broken a tooth because of this issue, and this when my nausea started getting worst.

09-09-21, 10:15
I am still very worried about my pale/light colour colour stools. I don't seem to remember last time I took these tablets my stool went pale. I know when I had dental work done my poop was pale/light colour

Can stress change your poo colour so it does not contain much bile.

I am also worrying my nausea could be do with a sign of stomach cancer

09-09-21, 13:22
I am sill scared that my poo colour with it being lighter than usually, not brown, this is a sign of cancer. liver disease, stomach disease, gallstones, gallbladder disease, tumours etc

How long does nausea last for. could my nausea be a sign of acid reflux.

I don't think I have lost weight, as my sister or brother in law would have commented when they came up. I got weight on two surfaces last night and both was the same numbers.

09-09-21, 14:41
Going to talk to the gp on Tuesday, as I am worried about my poo colour being lighter colour/pale (as it is not brown) sometimes I can dark brown poo, I am not bleeding in the bowl. sometimes if I strain that can affect the colour (as it never been bright red, or dark red, as that what colour it would be on the toilet paper?

The tablets I am taking are white in colour. I eat white meat, yellow cheese (like Edam etc) now, I usually eat red leicester. I have not eaten much chocolate the last few days, I do eat other things. I need help. I am like when I was worried I had bowel cancer back in 2012/13/14, but fear my poop colour sometimes is a sign of bowel cancer, as there is no family history (in blood relative) seem to remember my Dad's mum was given 24 hours to live in 2000, as she was rushed into hospital and was riddled with cancer, plus she smoked liked 20 per day, even more when she lost her husband from a heart attack

09-09-21, 18:23
Still very worried my pale stool/lighter colour (it was not white white like snow) just not much brown in it, this means I got a liver/pancreatic problem, blockage, gallstones or cancer, as there was a lack of bile. I know pancreatic, stomach, liver, gallbladder cancer is probably very rare for someone under 40.

I had a non meat meal for evening today. and did not feel nausea or had to stop.

can nausea also be caused by Hepatitis

13-09-21, 19:43
I went away with my parents this weekend and had to stop taking these tablets as there were making me feel very nausea (probably did not help it being a very warm day at the seaside as we went to Scarborough) so not been taking them since Friday night. My eating habits are getting back to normal

I will have to try something else to take.

I had another worry thaty I was losing weight, the elastic in my pjs bottoms had gone on holiday

I am still worried about my poo colour , my mum checked it on Saturday evening for me, as it was a brown colour (I am not sure what is classed as light pale colour/lighter colour. it was not floating, oily, smelly, it was easy to flush. If I had something serious wrong with me I would be showing signs of of jaundice if I had pancratic cancer, liver cancer, gallstones etc and possible be bedridden or very ill (I could not walk 14 miles, as we did this one day yesterday, we did stop for breaks, did 10 miles on Saturday walking with breaks.

13-09-21, 21:29
I feel I had to stop taking the tablets (and my parents also said the same things, dont take them) as there were making me feeling ill.

I ate better on Saturday, Sunday, I am eating smaller meals now.

14-09-21, 14:54
Asking for new tablets today

14-09-21, 18:19
I am trying new tablets tomorrow for my anxiety, I am still concerned about poo colours,.

14-09-21, 19:11
My GP phoned me up earlier and he is putting me on beta blockers now, I told him the tablets turned my poo a lighter/paler colour, I am worried that this means cancer still. hopefully the beta blockers wont do the same. and make me feel more nausea

I tried red leicester again and it did not make me feel nausea this time. people can have minor disagreements with foods sometimes with their stomach it happens. I am on poo watch.

14-09-21, 19:20
Why are you on poo watch when you know it makes you so anxious? What did the doctor say about your worries re lighter poos? Would he have prescribed beta blockers if he thought you needed tests for cancer?

14-09-21, 19:48
Why are you on poo watch when you know it makes you so anxious? What did the doctor say about your worries re lighter poos? Would he have prescribed beta blockers if he thought you needed tests for cancer?

He asked me how I was feeling with the tablets, and he will phone me up in two weeks. looking at my poop in the bowl in a habit. I can't look once per week

I don't think he would have given me the tablets, if I needed tests for cancer like pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, bowel cancer, gallbladder cancer. etc.

14-09-21, 20:04
So what does this tell you?

14-09-21, 20:10
So what does this tell you?

I am fine, and my anxiety has mess my bowel movements up and the tablets. I ate well on Friday night, Saturday morning, lunchtime evening, sunday morning, lunchtime and evening, Monday morning, lunchtime and evening meal, in Scarborough and in the pub yesterday evening. we loved the guest stayed in, the place only did breakfast, either full English or continental breakfast I had the continental breakfast) and we had a good view of Scarborough castle from the hotel bedroom.

I don't think I could walk 14 miles with break in between if I had something serious wrong with me.

14-09-21, 20:41
I agree, Phil..You couldn't. You know this as well. Just hang on to this fact?

Your Scarborough break sounds wonderful! I've never been there. How great to be able to see the castle from your room too! Did you feel better by being away from home for a bit?

14-09-21, 20:55
I agree, Phil..You couldn't. You know this as well. Just hang on to this fact?

Your Scarborough break sounds wonderful! I've never been there. How great to be able to see the castle from your room too! Did you feel better by being away from home for a bit?

Yes thanks, We managed to get up to Whitby on the bus in Scarborough, and we did my best to social distance but it was very tricky at times, I had my mask on when needed around. on Saturday we did 10 miles . we did try and look for the guest house we stayed in 30 years as is no longer there and is empty my parents went up 10 years earlier and was not there,

15-09-21, 11:45
I got my new tablets, today. I asked about side effects in the chemist, I could get signs of more nausea again, and I asked about would it effect my poop colour taking these tablets as look pink.

We are now looking at our next uk holiday (as we wont get aboard to next year because of covid) looking at Liverpool, Newcastle/Gateshead and possible if we can get a good deal on the trains Edinburgh.

15-09-21, 13:44
I went to Edinburgh 3 years ago..It's a fantastic city to visit. I think you'd love it as there's plenty to see and do and loads of walking potential!

15-09-21, 16:24
I went to Edinburgh 3 years ago..It's a fantastic city to visit. I think you'd love it as there's plenty to see and do and loads of walking potential!

And to see Arthur's seat, we would probably spent 3 or 4 nights in Edinburgh. I did mention to the chemist whether it would turn my poop pale/light colour with these new tablets. my appetite is getting better. my arm pain has gone down a little, but still worried may take weeks to heal, chemist staff would have picked up something if I had something serious wrong with me.

And if food goes through my symptom quickly it was look a lot lighter/paler colour

15-09-21, 17:54
I think you would like Calton Hill too


Fabulous views at night but a very steep climb! I bet you have plenty of climbing practice though?!

15-09-21, 18:48
I think you would like Calton Hill too


Fabulous views at night but a very steep climb! I bet you have plenty of climbing practice though?!

Thanks, Yes and where I live in Sheffield is pretty hilly in places

16-09-21, 14:19
I am taking a brand called Propranolol, these are pink in colour. I will be on the poop colour watch still.

I am not got any violent pains and the have lost my appetite altogether, I am eating but smaller portions as the GP checked under my arm when I went to see him a few weeks ago.

I am not bid ridden

16-09-21, 16:56
Also got a worries about my penile head, plaque fordyce spots/ Pearly Penile papules, not bleeding but worried about penile cancer again, must have had them years

16-09-21, 18:10
Urine a bit bubble and foamy, I got a nasty habit of holding it in, and have a huge force. I do flush the toilet before I go

I have been taking beta blocker today, but worried about my kidneys

17-09-21, 08:20
I am really worried about my health, going to see the doctors again. or go down to A & e

17-09-21, 08:53
Talk to your dad about how frightened and anxious you are, Phil? See what he suggests? Maybe he can help you calm down? You really don't need to go back to the GP as he only saw you last week and said that you were physically fine. You shouldn't go to A&E with HA either. You won't get any help there for your anxiety which is the main problem.

17-09-21, 10:23
Talk to your dad about how frightened and anxious you are, Phil? See what he suggests? Maybe he can help you calm down? You really don't need to go back to the GP as he only saw you last week and said that you were physically fine. You shouldn't go to A&E with HA either. You won't get any help there for your anxiety which is the main problem.

He just says I can't keep going down, or do i really need to go. nothing wrong with my poo I can go, wee. I been to doctors a few weeks ago and he said I look fine. and said you don't want to annoy the GP too much. My Dad is going to have word with my GP for me. I can eat and drink. I would not have be able to do 14 miles walk.

My Dad struggles to understand my anxiety at times, my Dad said I don't smoke or drink etc.

I am always worried about my health, every pain and ache in my hip, back etc. I hope my tablets don't change my colour poop to pink.

17-09-21, 13:11
They won't.

You have got yourself into an HA spiral. You have to accept and believe this. New meds will worry you with all the uncertainties re potential side effects etc. I'm sure your dad understands your anxieties better than you think he does because he is just trying to reassure you with facts. Your GP isn't worried about you, health-wise. You have no red flag symptoms. You are not pale, weak, fatigued and anaemic. Your main issue is HA but you have to believe this to get better mentally and lessen your anxiety.

17-09-21, 16:43
They won't.

You have got yourself into an HA spiral. You have to accept and believe this. New meds will worry you with all the uncertainties re potential side effects etc. I'm sure your dad understands your anxieties better than you think he does because he is just trying to reassure you with facts. Your GP isn't worried about you, health-wise. You have no red flag symptoms. You are not pale, weak, fatigued and anaemic. Your main issue is HA but you have to believe this to get better mentally and lessen your anxiety.

It did not turn my poop pink colour with the tablets, the tablets so far has made me feel less nausea. I have bad health anxiety,

17-09-21, 17:56
Yes you do but you can learn to manage it better. It won't always be like this.

18-09-21, 10:28
I hope I can managed it better, but the poop checking for colour has still not gone away. I do eat a lot of lighter colour foods like chicken, white bread etc. but still very concern if it not brown, and more lighter colour (it is never a white or whitish, or grey colour like clay colour, but still a concern , that I got something wrong with my bile ducts. liver. pancreatic , but I will be yellow

I dont think I ever had grey colour stool/clay

pale = white

If I had anything wrong with my liver etc, I would look yellow

I am not getting dark urine

No abdominal pains, I am just concerned about my poop colour, as it is not brown. I will be speaking to my doctor in a couple of weeks time as he is phoning me up. I will talk to him again about my stool colours

18-09-21, 18:32
Gray, pale or clay coloured stool can indicate a problem with the pancreas or bile ducts, some doctors will use gray, pale or clay coloured talking about poo

18-09-21, 20:50
I did go to the football today to watch Wednesday play, I nearly tripped over someone bag in the gangway, and stumbled I lost my balance, and someone had their feet blocking us getting to our seats

18-09-21, 21:07
What do you think of Saido Berahino?

It's very easy to fall over someone's feet or bag getting to your seat because there is just no space.

18-09-21, 21:14
What do you think of Saido Berahino?

It's very easy to fall over someone's feet or bag getting to your seat because there is just no space.

Took his goal well, also does not help wearing my mask in the ground.

19-09-21, 08:06
No but at least crowds are allowed back in the stadiums now. You like going to football, Phil and it could be a good distraction from your HA if only for a short while?

21-09-21, 20:14
No but at least crowds are allowed back in the stadiums now. You like going to football, Phil and it could be a good distraction from your HA if only for a short while?

Yes. I am off to get my flu jab tomorrow with my Mum (we put our names down, me and my parents) My Dad got to wait for his, something to do with his age, as he needs a different one to me and my Mum.

And we just had a phone call earlier saying the chemist person who does the jabs have phoned in sick, so booked in for next week instead

22-09-21, 16:00
My poop was dark brown yesterday, must have had quite a lot of chocolate, and had a burger, a bit broke off and was floating must have be a lack of fiber in the last little bit (as I worried about stomach cancer now) 37 and still worried about my poo colours

can you get a hairs in your bottom.

22-09-21, 20:58
I will need to go back to my GP as the pain and problem in my arm and shoulder has got no better it is taking time to go away, I must have really pulled my arm on the train/jarred in the taxi weeks ago, and my neck area can't be a dental issue as I had a dental checkup a few weeks ago.

He may have to give me a injection in my arm to help the pain go away.

23-09-21, 11:33
When my Dad had a go at me last week, because I was driving my mum and dad about my health worries. I am concerned about my poop colour still, why it is some days it is not brown, can lighting make the colour look different, it is not clay colour or clay colour or grey (I get confused between that and brown)

My Dad said would I poop sample test help you

I am so worried about my health. I will talk to the doctor on Tuesday as I am still very worried about my health. the tablets are not helping my anxiety making me feel worst

There are too many health articles on the website. I even have to be careful which chemist I go in, as there are plenty of articles about various types of things I am worried about, always good to know symptoms but

24-09-21, 10:30
I am still struggle a lot about my health worries. I am worry about my poo colour, whether my poop is class a light colour, pale. I am worried I got one of the big cs still, even though I am still on poop watch colour

I can't flush without looking, or get one of the blue discs to put down the toilet

My dad say would going to see a private GP help you,

He says you poop colour is down to what you eat and drink, that you don't have to look all the time at your poo colour

24-09-21, 12:18
I am getting more and more worry each day about my health and get more and more distress

I am eating okay, and my nausea has gone down more, someone else has been taking the same tablets as me, and she felt nausea , not the same batch

Also I am worried about my hip pain again,

I am still very worried about my health, I am so scared

I am talking to my doctor on the phone Tuesday, and my dad is talking to him as well.

24-09-21, 13:32
I tears worrying 24/7 about my health., poo colour, testicles etc

I have talked to samaritans, I am getting in touch on Tuesday to get cbt moving forward, I go private if need be

24-09-21, 14:55
I have talked to samaritans, I am getting in touch on Tuesday to get cbt moving forward, I go private if need be

This is wise. You've been down the rabbit hole many times through the years but this one seems particularly bad. Hope you find some peace.


24-09-21, 19:58
And another go, I am driving them mad

I am worried about my poo, arm pain, testicles, penis head etc. I am really struggling. It okay saying my parents say change diet,. come off the computer, taking tablets. I am worried about my there is something wrong with me. I am scared I got a trapped nerve in my arm, or it could be bone cancer or another type of cancer which these pains.

I am eating okay, sleeping okay

24-09-21, 20:00
How does it help you to list all your symptoms here, Phil? What benefit do you get? Are you looking for any "answers" or just writing every thought and fear down?

27-09-21, 10:41
I am just waiting every thought and fear down of things I think I got , I am getting worst by the day.

I am still very worried about my poo colour,.

27-09-21, 13:38
How does it help you though? What do you think would help you?

27-09-21, 13:45
How does it help you though? What do you think would help you?

I agree... Why a public blog of endless thoughts and imaginary symptoms? This thread is over a month old and its quite apparent its not helping :shrug:


27-09-21, 13:50
You have to do something to challenge your HA, Phil? What has helped you in the past?

27-09-21, 15:27
What has helped me in the past, a bit of IAPT talking about my health worries

Things which will help me ,. blood tests, exams etc.

I will talk to my GP tomorrow (my Dad is also going to talk to him about my worries) as this is getting serious with my health worries, about me wanting to self harm myself as I was feeling very worried on Friday, I have read the self harm thing on here today as well. which has helped me.

27-09-21, 17:29
I am reading too much about stool colours, pale, light colour, grey etc, on the internet and plenty of google and what it means like the big c. I am not yellow , not lost weight . I get the odd pain in my hips.

Even though my mum has checked my poo colour in the bowl and she says it is fine. I am still worried I got something serious wrong with me.

No signs of itchiness

27-09-21, 17:50
I am reading too much about stool colours, pale, light colour, grey etc, on the internet and plenty of google and what it means like the big c. I am not yellow , not lost weight . I get the odd pain in my hips.

Even though my mum has checked my poo colour in the bowl and she says it is fine. I am still worried I got something serious wrong with me.

No signs of itchiness

So what does this tell you?

27-09-21, 17:53
What has helped me in the past, a bit of IAPT talking about my health worries

Things which will help me ,. blood tests, exams etc.

I will talk to my GP tomorrow (my Dad is also going to talk to him about my worries) as this is getting serious with my health worries, about me wanting to self harm myself as I was feeling very worried on Friday, I have read the self harm thing on here today as well. which has helped me.

Blood tests and exams will only reassure you temporarily with HA. They aren't the "answer". There will always be another health fear to replace the last one you've had which is pretty evident in your case.

Have you ever self-harmed before, Phil?

27-09-21, 18:01
So what does this tell you?

I am a hypochondriac when it comes to poo colour and other symptoms it like what everyone has said and keeps telling me it what I eat and drink, and how fast it comes through the system. My Mum has been checking my poo colour for the last week.

It one thing I will have to mention to my GP tomorrow as well as my health anxiety etc. to see whether he can help me see sense

The lastest with my voluntary I am getting a 2nd round of training, but going down in person, it was very hard to do the training online on a tablet, and will be the same on a laptop

The other person where I was doing some voluntary work has asked me to do something for them, but it will take an hour. will look good on my CV

The latest with college is, it has new management so a few of the tutors I have had left, and new staff have been brought in, I may be still able to do something there, all depending on the adult funding and with Covid19.

I am fine with my health,. poo colour changes all the time, and some people are not worried about their poo colour. My Dad says it depends on what you eat and drink, he had black reddish poo a couple of weeks ago, as he drank wine in Scarborough, always think the worst.

I am not feeling nausea much these days

If I had something serious wrong like PC , I would be bed ridden by now. or would find it hard to eat

I have fist my knuckles against the wall once or twice a few years ago.

My poo sank today.

27-09-21, 20:17
I think you miss the structure of college life that you used to have pre-Covid? Too much time on your hands and no routine just opens the floodgates for anxiety and irrational fears. I do know how hard it is to keep occupied when not a lot is happening outside your home in terms of keeping you distracted and busy. Do you have a local Employability service who could advise you re any possible volunteering opportunities?

27-09-21, 21:00
I think you miss the structure of college life that you used to have pre-Covid? Too much time on your hands and no routine just opens the floodgates for anxiety and irrational fears. I do know how hard it is to keep occupied when not a lot is happening outside your home in terms of keeping you distracted and busy. Do you have a local Employability service who could advise you re any possible volunteering opportunities?

I got good contacts with where i did my last voluntary work and the current one could be a good stepping stone,

before the pre-covid it was all fun and games, with a certain lady , she kept in me in check . I still speak to her now and again, but the furthest I will take it meeting up with hot chocolate which we have done once (apart from the hugs and kiss, but covid19 has stopped us doing this again) covid19 has stopped us.

I have plenty of chances to look at my poo colour, I don't know what would be class as a grey/light colour/pale (I have never had a pure white white poo colour, or a black black stool colour or red stool colour) I am sure because of my tablets that these are changing the colour of my poop (to a light/paler colour than usually) but I am getting no yellowness in the whites of my eyes or body parts. I am very concerned if my poo is not brown, I struggle think rationally what has cause a change of my poo colour, like diet, what I drink and eat, tablets/medication, what I eat. how quickly it moves through the bowel/stomach etc.

Health anxiety is a beast

I am afraid of checking my poop colour , but it like checking my testicles and penis I am addicted to checking. as well as my skin for any changes

28-09-21, 08:10
Hi. I still get this intermittently but it was constant before. I wore sickness bands everyday and went through lots of packets of polos. I don’t know how I didn’t lose any teeth. I finally had cbt and as my anxiety subdued so did the nausea. It’s horrible I know. I hope you get relief soon 🤗

28-09-21, 10:28
My doctor is phone me later, I can tell him about my worries about my poop colour , as I am worried and keep thinking I got either either pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, gallbladder stones, gallbladder cancer,

28-09-21, 18:30
My doctor is not concerned about my poop colour, just my anxiety and how I am going with my tablets

Anxiety is a beast, so no more googling now.

It will take time to get myself back on traack

Yes the tablets will change my poop colour

I am concerned about my health still

28-09-21, 19:55
So what was the point of talking to the doctor? Did you actually listen to anything he said? Are you worried about your anxiety and not being able to think about anything else other than your health? Do you miss having a structure to your days?

28-09-21, 20:14
So what was the point of talking to the doctor? Did you actually listen to anything he said? Are you worried about your anxiety and not being able to think about anything else other than your health? Do you miss having a structure to your days?

I miss having a structure to my day, he has up my tablets to twice a day now. yes I am worried about my health anxiety

29-09-21, 18:31
Even my brother in law Mum who is a nurse has passed a message onto me about googling. she knows health anxiety is a beast, my brother in law and sister say I need hobbies, my niece will be given me the run around next Wednesday, a complete watching all Ben and Holly little kingdom. and my favourite character has to be Nanny Plum,

Even my two aunts who are also nurses know about my anxiety

01-10-21, 11:59
I'm up to two tablets now per day (from tomorrow)

I also noticed sometimes my penis head gets black cotton/thread sometimes stuck to it, I also obessed with my penis hole , and I have made the pink/red skin sore

I also got a small spot near my belly button ,

05-10-21, 11:57
My spot on the belly buttion area has gone

I noticed over the last 5 years i Have had got three small freckles on the sctorum (like age spots, never bled, looks different in different lights)

My arm/shoulder is no better going to be asked to referred to get it sorted out (my mum has a frozen shoulder for years)

I am scared this is serious as sometimes it takes me a while to take off my t-shirt, jumper but found a way to make it a little easier for me, scared that this pain is cancer

I am doing no better with my anxiety

I know as you get older we get aches and pains etc

06-10-21, 14:44
Whilst having my flu jab I talked to the chemist person about my arm,/shoulder he said it could be a trap nerve. he asked me how I did it,. I said either jarred it . I may need to have a injection in my arm, shoulder, neck area. or a massage on my neck/shoulder/arm . I am not buying it.

My Mum left her frozen shoulder for months before seeking help, it still plays her up after 7 years. so no heavy lifting for me. can't lift my niece up now, (she is a big girl) she sits on my knee okay, when I am sat down with my knee strech

07-10-21, 17:23
Going to phone the doctors up tomorrow or Monday, and get this shoulder pain/arm pain sorted out, refer to physio , as it is making me feel sad. also it is hurting my bits

I mayh need a massage on my shoulder/arm under my arm. to get rid of the trap nerve pain if this is the cause

10-10-21, 16:07
I am emailing the doctor again tomorrow about this pain in my arm, shoulder, fingers (it is causing arguments again) I think these pains are advance bone cancer or advance cancer

My Mum had a frozen shoulder but she did not see a GP for months

The chemist person said I may have a trapped nerve

My mum tried to pull my arm as much as she could but this hurt me more

I don't think I have lost weight as my brother in law and sister would have mention it earlier this week. the chemist guy told me to try and take some tablets again (these tablets have made my poo colour lighter but was warned about this)

I don't think i got sort of diabetes as my dentist did not mention it

arthritis does run in the family on my mum side of the family, no idea on my dad side of the family as we don't speak to them (my dad is not like his brothers) and my Dad is getting more fussy as he gets older

11-10-21, 15:17
I am started my voluntary work Wednesday some more training

I am still worried about my neck pain, shoulder pain /wrist pain which Ibeen having 8 weeks, I may need physio or injections to fixed the problem. I am scared that these pains are cancer i.e bone cancer or worst.

on the pain is referred pain but my doctor would have refer me to hospital if it he thought i had something serious going on

I also feel my back is hurting bit so worried this is cancer spreading (and I am still worried about my testicles still) I know testicle cancer is rare and rarer as you get older but aches and pains (I know i can poking them) maybe too much time on the computer, poking my body parts etc, or stress

Not putting down pains to anxiety

my parents, sister, brother in law (say I need to stop googling, my niece does not i have anxiety. oi am going to the doctorrs again soon to get this pain and aches sorted out, as IU am worried about my symptoms

11-10-21, 18:43
My nausea has gone now, but worried about pains under arm , but my gp said it was inflammation but don't believe him.

12-10-21, 08:13
I am worried that the pain is in the bones, I can't keep taking tablets, I am watching what I lift now, making me feel tired worrying

I tried giving myself a massage to help

12-10-21, 12:04
Sorry for another post

I am still very worried about these aches and pains I am getting in my arms, shoulders, wrists that I am worried are bone cancer, leukemia etc

My niece had to sit further up on my laps, as my bottom of my legs was also hurting

I do suffer from NF and arthritis is in the family.

I also worried that the shoulder pain is a sign of lung cancer or another type of cancer

I been told my GP that it is a little inflammation and muscular but reading google and looking at articles there are countless articles with people ending up being told it was cancer.

I am still taking my anxiety tablets

The person in the chemist who I saw told me it could be a trap nerve,

I am also worried about the pains in my neck , and back

I do a lot of sitting down, hunch over the computer

also i have to be careful how I sleep

I would love to get a xray or a MRI scan to get to the bottom of the problem with these pains or at least a blood test.

I report aches and pains to the doctor i see

12-10-21, 12:36
I am also worried about the pains in my neck , and back

I do a lot of sitting down, hunch over the computer

You've answered your own worry here!

I use to get a lot of neck and back pains when I worked on a laptop a lot. Try stretching every so often when using a computer and you could even start yoga that will target the neck, shoulders and back, there are tons on YouTube.

12-10-21, 13:49

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

12-10-21, 15:38
How long will these shoulder pain/arm pain etc take togo, there are not there are the time.
I am guessing bone cancer is severe pain where you can't move your arm or leg etc(depending where the tumour is growing/)

I should have not read about bone cancer but noticed reading about , inflammation

My doctor said I got a bit of (inflammation even though there are no redness and muscular pain ,

I am not getting any night sweats in fact it was pretty cold last night had to put on my long pjs

I can't feel any lumps on my bones

I have stopped going to the group sessions as my anxiety is still very bad

12-10-21, 19:01
I am sure my GP would have referred me if I had a problem(,as well like a slip disc

My Dad says we have not been to the gym in ages (well covid19) and also he controls my routine for the gym, I only like the bike and the running machine, as I can watch tv at the same time

14-10-21, 09:49
I struggle to trust my gp still

My anxiety has still not gone away

I know as we get older we get more aches and pains

14-10-21, 17:31
Not happy, still very worried abou this pain in my shoulder/arm hand it keeps moving from place to place (and under my arm pit) I nearly injury myself reaching for something today whilst I was out

It like a shooting pain, pin and needles etc.

I don't want to end up my like my Mum she left it for months before having her frozen shoulder been seen to

15-10-21, 13:22
Still worried that these pains are cancer , my mum has suggested to come off the computer

Can foot wear cause pain in your legs

It when I get a symptom I panic

also worried that my joint pain and shoulder pain is a sign of leukemia

and under the arm still hurts a bit so worry this is a sign of lymphoma , my gp said a few weeks ago it was inflammation and a pull muscle but still I don't believe him. i mention to him on the phone two weeks ago it was no better and also in a email . I will sent him another email next week, I am so worried about these pains that it is a cancer

16-10-21, 19:24
I am still very worried about these pains,

My Mum has tried using deep heat cream on me, the pain comes and go

I think theese pains are either bone caner, leukemia, lymphoma or another type of cancer, I do suffer from NF, there is arthritis in the family, my doctor and i spoke to the chemist guy i been told inflammation, pull muscle and trapped nerve.

I am worried abiout my testicles still and scotrum still as I think I go either penile cancer, testicle cancer (i can't feel any lumps) or skin cancer I know we all get freckles and age spots as we get older , I had these blood spots, freckles or what there are called for years, like pin pricks if it eas serious these spots would have good larger and bigger and have started to bleed

the opain feels like a pinching feeling, tense feeling, ache ,

it goes from my top of my shoulder blade, down my arm, under my arm , it does not stay in the same place all the tme

I am also worried it could be my heart

and hurting my ribs as I have kept poking at them.

17-10-21, 17:11
We went up to York yesterday and walked 10 miles with a break for lunch I don't think I could do that if I had cancer

I am going to physio soon and get this pain and ache sorted out in my arm?shoulder, and hand, my mu,m and dad think I spend a lot of time on the computer, but I think it is cancer of the bone, or bone cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, non hodgkins etc.

heart problems

18-10-21, 13:25
I am thinking of going private to see a doctor
I am worried about my health all th time, I worry about every pain I am getting that it is serious, that I think Igot cancer and it is is more than one place and is advanced

My Dad keep saying wait a couple of datys before going to see a gp i had this shoulder/arm pain joint paIN 10 weeks now. I have been to the gp he told me it was muscular, but it still hurting me

I have trried tablets, deep heat cream, 2 p pillows.

I am worredid that these pains are cancer , even though I been told it a trap nerve, inflammation pulled muscle, reading articles about people who got told it was a pulled muscle, ended up finding it was bone cancer or another cancer.

19-10-21, 09:02
Worried this is referred pain
I am scared I have left it too late if it serious.,

I am looking at physiio to ease in the pain, I don't want my Dad to go in, as he may not be allowed to due to covid19 and social distance rules even though me and my parents live in the same house. we can't

20-10-21, 17:44
latest with the shoulder pain after spending 6 hours in the walk in centre today, he says it is muscular, he did some tests more than my gp did with me. (my gp knows me though) he did say I need to keep my arm moving.

I need physio and been given some cream.

I am see a physio in a couple of weeks time. I stuck with it and got answers , hopefully my physio can reduce the pain, aches

I did have my temperature taken and my blood pressure taken

23-10-21, 13:20
He did feel for any lumps in my shoulder/arm etc on Wednesday

These pains will take a while to go, he given me exercise to do until I see the physio. I just hope it not as well I am got problems with my wisdom tooth where I am getting these pains as well. I am not sweating during the night (like night sweats drenching the bed) it is just hurting so much my right arm/elbow

He did mention did I get any pin and needles ,

My Dad was allowed in with me,

The pains will take time to go.

24-10-21, 12:48
The pains and aches are making me feel tired

The pains come and go, I hope the pains are jus anxiety . My Dad has accepted I got anxiety now more, as I had to go down to thw walk in centre earlier this week about my arm and shoulder pain, as getting into the GP practice I am registered to is a joke with covid19 , I am not the only person struggling to get appointments . the walk in centre I attend was very very busy

I am still very worry this is a type of cancer with the pains and I am getting

I am worried the pains in arms are in my bones and kjoints and this means it is leukemia

25-10-21, 18:12
I am counting down the days to I see the physio

the cream/gel voltarol is taking time to work I had it less than a week, I am still very worry I got cancer and have left it too late. even though I have been seen by my own GP, walk in centre person and also the chemist person told me it was a trapped nerve

If it is a trap nerve it makes sense why it is hurting so much.

25-10-21, 22:15
Re shoulder pain about 18 mths ago I woke up with a really sore shoulder out of blue , it was so sore that I could barely lift my arm, I never sought help for it , as I have multiple other worries. However it eventually went away , took about 12 mths though there is quite a lot of mechanical things that can go out of tune with a shoulder as it's a complicated joint. You also mention some "male" issues I have similar bumps and have had them looked at Dr was unconcerned. Hope this helps.

25-10-21, 22:21
PS volterol, ibrufen gel had zero effect on reducing pain for me . I did a lot of research into rotator cuff, frozen shoulder, shoulder pain etc, not recommending a DIY approach of course, and did some simple exercises whether this helped I don't know

28-10-21, 16:11
I had my phone call from CBT I am on the waiting list , may take a while to get face to face appointment but it will be held at the GP Practice I attend

My anxiety is getting no better, my elbow/shoulder painetc thanks is getting no easier , my mum thought my movement was a lot better today.

06-11-21, 20:50
I am off to the physio in Wednesday

Whilst we up to my nieces birthday party (my brother in law Mum is a nurse) she had the same problem as me years ago, with her shoulder etc, she could not even type. my pains keep coming and going and comes back again, moves, around, it is making me feel tired, I think my brother in law Mum being a nurse would have picked up problems with me, she told my parents and me it can be painful , the pains also under my elbow , arm. it is down my right shoulder, and get wrist pains still.

I struggle to trust my gp

I am trying not to google things, as I still think I got bone cancer (but I had that I would struggle to use my arm) even if I had help sometimes cutting up my food, when it is cold my joints/bones feel worst..

I know as we get older our bones can have wear and tear on them.

06-11-21, 21:31
With all due respect Phil, knowing your mental and physical situation, what can we say or do for you to help you?


07-11-21, 18:38
I need plenty of reassurance and this is why I go to doctors regularly and ask for advise

this pain and trap nerve will never heal.

also very worry tht these pains in my right shoulder is a sign I got liver cancer , even though the pains comes and go. I do think I am getting muhc pain in the shoulder blade

10-11-21, 16:23
latest news with my shoulder

I have been told I have a frozen shoulder.

10-11-21, 18:02
Do you believe what you have been told? Have you been told what to expect pain-wise with a frozen shoulder?

10-11-21, 18:47
Do you believe what you have been told? Have you been told what to expect pain-wise with a frozen shoulder?

Yes the physio had access to my notes and he will get in touch with one of the gps at the practice i go to, to give me stronger tablets if i am in pain, he checked my reflex and the other tests the person at the walk in centre did,

He said I may need an injection next year

I been given some exercises to do.

I been told about the pain about the three stages, i have caught my frozen shoulder pretty early
He asked me quite a lot of questions like any heart or lung problems or lost of weight, and sleeping problems

My mum had the same problem as she still has problems years later

13-11-21, 21:02
My doctor is giving me stronger pain killers to help ease the pain of the frozen shoulder, it is at stage one

The nurse phoned me up on Friday, and will phone in two weeks time. I may need an injection later on

I been given exercises to do, ,

I hope he can give me sleeping tablets as well

I went to the dentist yesterday for my checkup no new problems, but I am informed them on my anxiety tablets I am taking , the dentist assistant also has the same as me, but her is in her elbow

THe pin and needles feeling is driving me mad.

15-11-21, 19:17
I been given some stronger painkillers, been taking them one day

Hopefully my shoulder pain will go. I am still worried this is lung cancer, ALS , bone cancer. the pains come and go, starts from my neck, travels to my elbow and down my arm. feels like one of the bones in my shoulder has popped out

Also ribs I do a lot of stressing

I worry about every pain, the doctor/nurse is phoning me up next Friday

I did asked questions to the chemist about tablets I could not take with these new painkillers , so I don't overdose

15-11-21, 19:44
Anxiety will make your perception of any pain or discomfort worse. Remember that you have been told that your frozen shoulder is just at stage one so easily treatable.

You have to give it time, Phil. Take the pain meds regularly but it's very important to believe the proper diagnosis and not those conjured up by your HA.

16-11-21, 13:47
Anxiety will make your perception of any pain or discomfort worse. Remember that you have been told that your frozen shoulder is just at stage one so easily treatable.

You have to give it time, Phil. Take the pain meds regularly but it's very important to believe the proper diagnosis and not those conjured up by your HA.

Thanks, I been told it could take up to 3 years to heal

Hopefully the tablets will ease the pain

I don't why the physio asked me whether I had any lung or heart problems

I think I got my blood pressure taken at the walk in centre as there were testing my stats? , one by one doctor and the other who checked my shoulder arm movements

I am still going to the football, we bumped into person we not seen for a few years, she does not go to many matches

16-11-21, 16:51
Also been warned about bowel movements problems,

I am worried about the abdominal pains witht these tablets I been getting, only been taking the tablets for a day, with hips pains. I did mention about my back pains to the physio with my shoulder pains . I am going for poops more regularly probably because I am eating more veg and drink more water.

THa pain is really really hurting me, if I have broken my bone the physio would have felt something

17-11-21, 12:22
The pains and getting me down, the pain seems to be coming from one or more parts of the body, with this frozen shoulder.

Nerves pressing

I always think the worst

I also seem to want to wee, whilst brushing my teeth,

17-11-21, 20:32
I noticed that the pains sometimes goes into my hips area and ribs, because my body is putting more work in

I am eating okay, but need help sometimes with cutting food up, with this shoulder pain

I am doing the exercises the physio told me to do

I just hope these pains are not cause by something which has spread , as pain cause by another part of the body

I am sure if there were any concerns I would have been referred to the hospital

18-11-21, 09:21
I don't think I have lost weight, physical niggles. I worry about every pain and ache still.

This will take time to heal, for the shoulder arm under arm pain to heal

It is really hurting me, and I am scared that this is serious like bone cancer, ALS, MND etc

Sometimes I have to stop eating because the pain is bad, I think because I have breakfast a t9am and lunch at 12, I sometimes feel full up .

I worried about every symptom I get

18-11-21, 18:29
And I think my GP, walk in doctor, physio (even my dentist I went for a checkup on Friday and no new dental issues) would have picked up whether I pulled a muscle .

I am trying not to read any more of those articles where people who had pulled shoulders and it turned out to be bone cancer and sometimes it spread

18-11-21, 18:32
I think you need to just take some time out to chill and relax and not keeping posting about these issues as you are just reinforcing fears that are unfounded.

19-11-21, 03:45
Question, have you tried seeing a therapist or psychiatrist? I know how you feel - you are essentially typing out the train of thought a lot of health anxiety sufferers have, but it's obvious you need to find some techniques to control your anxiety. It's leading you down rabbit holes and taking away your opportunity at enjoying life. I really hope you can find some help - I can understand why you do what you do but I think reaching out to a therapist would help you immensely.

20-11-21, 15:31
Question, have you tried seeing a therapist or psychiatrist? I know how you feel - you are essentially typing out the train of thought a lot of health anxiety sufferers have, but it's obvious you need to find some techniques to control your anxiety. It's leading you down rabbit holes and taking away your opportunity at enjoying life. I really hope you can find some help - I can understand why you do what you do but I think reaching out to a therapist would help you immensely.

Thanks I have seen a therapist and CBT and talking therapy has not helped me, I may have to try again

I been for an eye test, no changes in my eyes, but getting new glasses

I don't think anything willl help me, apart from seeing the GP/doctors etc

26-11-21, 15:07
I had a phone call from CBT and similar today, I am on the top of the list soon to get therapy for my health worries

I have been given stronger tablets and sleeping tablets to try and get rid of my frozen shoulder

I am still worried about my health

As I am still worried that the frozen shoulder is to do with either lung cancer, breast cancer, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or another type of cancer

Also I worry about any itchness I get whether this is a lymphoma

Still very very worried about this pain in my arm/shoulder/elbow not convince it is a frozen shoulder. I still worry this is cancer, in either my bones, lung., other part of body,

01-12-21, 17:42
Just checking in - are you doing okay? Did you get your CBT/therapy? Hope it's helping you, let us know.

01-12-21, 18:04
Just checking in - are you doing okay? Did you get your CBT/therapy? Hope it's helping you, let us know.

Thanks still on the waiting list, my frozen shoulder/elbow still/arm causing me a lot of problems . I may need an injection, still doing the exercises.

01-12-21, 22:50
Thanks still on the waiting list, my frozen shoulder/elbow still/arm causing me a lot of problems . I may need an injection, still doing the exercises.

Hope you get that treatment - I have a shoulder that clicks (right on the joint) and it's irritating and for me it's self-inflicted from using a mobile phone too much.

Sounds like you calmed down because your posting has settled down, please take care of yourself!

02-12-21, 12:34
I got an appointment to see someone for CBT next week.

I also woke up sweating las night , well this morning my pjs clothes felt damp and felt nausea, I felt better when I had some water., bur worry that sweating equals a sign of leukemia or lymphoma

Also had a bit of upset stomach but i think this is my tablets I am talking

I did have a bad dream last night

02-12-21, 17:07
Good to hear you got that appointment.

Yeah when I have those nights where I wake up sweaty I get the same kind of fear. HA is a nasty beast that refuses to be rationalized with. I don't remember the last time I had a dream I can remember, sorry to hear about your bad dream. Like I said just hang in there until you get to your appointment.

02-12-21, 17:20
Good to hear you got that appointment.

Yeah when I have those nights where I wake up sweaty I get the same kind of fear. HA is a nasty beast that refuses to be rationalized with. I don't remember the last time I had a dream I can remember, sorry to hear about your bad dream. Like I said just hang in there until you get to your appointment.

I can remember my dream, it was someone who we used to know. I do wear long pjs, switching to shorter pjs tonight, I got too much bedding on and sometimes i wrapped myself like a mummy and it does not help taking anxiety tablets, the bed sheets were not soaked

04-12-21, 10:49
I am still very worried about tthese pains, shoulder, arm etc. can't feel any lumps in my jaw neck, apart from the bone in the jaw

My shoulder, neck, arm getting no better, as well as elbow pain

Also I am worried about my testicles still, I think it how i sit, and pressing them too much, i am worried i have got testicle cancer still

05-12-21, 04:26
I really hope you get that CBT help you need. I know how frustrating it is what you feel. Your brain is hyper-focused on all your sensations.

Just try to resist the urge to Google all your symptoms as that is the worst thing you can do for yourself.

05-12-21, 19:38
My sister and brother in law think i should talk to Mind

I had nasty poop today where I struggled to go, I think these are my tablets which are causing this problem, (hard poop) as I was straining, I did not bleed. I need more water and fiber in my diet,

06-12-21, 20:02
Did you go today? How was it?

06-12-21, 20:33
Did you go today? How was it?

I have my appointment this Thursday

Going for my covid booster on Wednesday which is my birthday, was asked do I want to go on my birthday.

06-12-21, 22:56
I've had doc appointments on my birthday before... not that fun but still it will be a huge help to see the therapist.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

09-12-21, 17:15
A bit of a mix up with my first session, I start next week.

Still concerned about this arm/shoulder/arm pit/elbow pain, i am getting some physio in Janaury, but I fear I am being fobbed off, as one of the doctors phoned me up to see how I am doing. I told her what I fear it is

I am getting a phone call tomorrow which I think it is about my NF

13-12-21, 16:47
I done my pre questionnaire about my anxiety, I don't what he will think about it

My telephone call went okay with my NF person, but she can't offer any advise how to control my anxiety

13-12-21, 18:15
I done my pre questionnaire about my anxiety, I don't what he will think about it

My telephone call went okay with my NF person, but she can't offer any advise how to control my anxietyWhat is your NF?

Don't worry about what they think. The questionnaire is to gauge your anxiety so they can adjust their counseling and treatment to help you get better. I wish you luck with your appointment. When is it?

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

13-12-21, 19:15
What is your NF?

Don't worry about what they think. The questionnaire is to gauge your anxiety so they can adjust their counseling and treatment to help you get better. I wish you luck with your appointment. When is it?

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

thanks neurofibromatosis, this Wednesday in the morning.

16-12-21, 22:23
I went to my first meeting I told him about my worries about my symptoms, and my health anxiety

I got my next meeting 5 January, depending on how covid19 goes, I also got my next physio on the same day

20-12-21, 21:06
I am still very very concerned about this shoulder/arm /elbow pain how long does a frozen shoulder take to heal.

I am still thinking that these pains is to do with cancer. I know we are filled with bumps and lumps as you get older.

the frozen shoulder feels like a grinding and a break

and my back and neck

still not happy, I want to see a gp about this pain stil as my tablets are not helping , neither of my anxiety tablets even though my mum think there are helping. I think this pain/ache is being caused by a cancerous tumour pressing

Yhe pain is causing me huge problems , now in my shoulder /ar,m/ elbow , my parents say I got to wait to see the physio on the 5th jan , the pain is also in my wrist still, it also feels like i have problems with my heart, but something would have been picked up on my eye test had i got high blood pressure or heart problems, i think i need a few injections to fix the problems, or a massage,

I will also requested or asked whether I need a xray on my shoulder/ribs/arm/wrist. as I don't believe thr physio , my doctors this is a frozen shoulder . I think this is a cancerous tumour causing it

25-12-21, 17:05
My frozen shoulder is still about the same. can feel the pain still in my neck, arm, elbow it does not stay in the same place

I think if it was serious I would know and would struggle to eat

Also whether I had any heart issues and high blood pressure, would have probably been picked up from my eye exam a few weeks.

and the pain is much worst when it is cold

01-01-22, 16:38
My CBT appointment has been changed as he can't see me on the 5th January, as he can't see anyone for 72 hours after the 4th, as he got into hospital on the 8th

12-01-22, 18:32
My physio was also changed as he had the covid.

I am concerned a lot and it causing arguments once again with my parents, with the frozen shoulder is putting extra pressure on my ribs on the other side

I am also concerned that my back feeling sticky at times, I am worried since I have googled this, that this is either a heart problen, lung problem, or a slip disc

It feels like I got loads of trapped acid, wind and gas in my ribs, chest stomach

I want to go to the doctors, walk in centre and A and E every day

My Dad thinks it is my diet, he smokes and drinks

14-01-22, 12:49
I was nearly sick again whilst eating , I started to eat more fruit, it happened twice eat cheese base products last night eating quiche and eating a cheese sandwich. worried also because of my tablets these are causing me constipation

My anxiety is getting no better.

I am worried that this is cancer still, I am seeing my anxiety coach again on Wednesday and my physio

Also worried this is advance kidney disease

18-01-22, 17:47
My anxiety appointment has been cancelled again for tomorrow , 19 Jan, he had to have a small operation, but still feeling he is not fit to go back to work yet.

I am concerned about my shoulder pain/neck pain etc, I am off to see the physio tomorrow.

I am concerned that the rib pains I am getting is either heart attack, lung cancer, myeloma, bone cancer etc, as the pain is still in my back on when I lay down, also can feel loads of fluid in my back, probably still have a lot of poo still to be release, also fear I got acid reflux , always worried I got kidney stones which are causing these problems,

Still worried i got testicle cancer

19-01-22, 19:22
The physio I saw today has referred me to get a injection to help ease the pain, he now knows about my health anxiety, he has not mention the big c

He did asked about whether or not I think I lost weight, think this is just a standard question.

He did checked my range of movements in my arm/shoulder again.

He did explain to me and my Dad why I am getting pains more which makes sense

20-01-22, 12:55
I was given a phone call this morning as the hospital had a cancelled so i saw a specialist about a frozen shoulder, he did most tests (I may need a injection in a few weeks times) he sent me for two x-rays

The specialist I saw also had a frozen shoulder, he is on month nine

forgot to add, the last resort will be surgery to sort the frozen shoulder out,

I need to talk to my gp/and dentist about my nausea and nearly throwing up on food whilst coughing again happened again , was okay for a week, seemed to have a problem with cheese and a certain bread, I think this is oesophagus cancer /stomach cancer, GERD/acid reflux etc. my tablets does not help eating at the wrong time does not help not enough gap in hours.

25-01-22, 21:04
Still struggling with these pains, down both sides the specialist said I am putting on my body with my frozen shoulder. I am concerned the pains I am suffering are not to do with cancer, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, testicle cancer (again I am still worried I sitll have this) bowel cancer.

Sometimes I am struggling to swallow food and it takes me a while to eat, because of the arm pain, I also because I am think I am struggling to eat quickly or feeling full because of the pain in my shoulder, is either lung cancer, stomach cancer, gullet cancer/windpape/oesophagus cancer .

I want to the camera down my oesophagus , stomach to figure out what is going on.

I have not lost weight as I have recently got weight .

My appetite goes up and down daily I eat more down than others, I have started eating more fruit so whether my body is getting use to it

I think every pain I get is cancer

My cbt appointment has been cancelled again for a 3rd time, as his son has the Covid (and since they live in the same house, he spoke to his line manager and advise to cancelled the next 10 days appointments, and he need to gets a negative test before seeing people again

My back pain because of my frozen shoulder, feels like there is a lot of fluid in it, and it hurts when I lay down, think I got a tumour in my spine.

Google is still the problem with me

I have emailed my GP again with my concerns hope he phones me up , as I want to see him with my worries

The pains wakes me up, i sometimes struggled to settle down with my back pain/shoulder pain (i think this is cancer) but more likely been told it is my frozen shoulder / tension

I think I have left it too late to get treated

03-02-22, 19:11
I have finally got a date when I need to go back to the hospital about my frozen shoulder, I do need an injection, I hope I do not need surgery on it

My dental appointment went well yesterday, I asked about some marks in my mouth, and nothing to be worried about

I also concerned about my poo again, I can't help looking down the bowl. I thought I saw some mucus or red stuff yesterday, I am eating blueberries, strawberries, raspberries with strawberry yoghurt, which can affect my stools, I am going much more easier eating more fibre, drinking water, and eating more fruit, my poop is becoming more softer and easier to pass, of course the reason why I check my poo is because I worry about any changes equals bowel cancer

sometimes my poop floats a bit

12-02-22, 17:53
I went to get my blood pressure done yesterday at the chemist. I asked him whether my blood pressure was normal , he said yes, but looking what he wrote down and googling using NHS it says it a bit high, and some high normal 131/78. I have a frozen shoulder, so my blood pressure may have gone up a bit with taking my jumper off, I did have to wait 10 minutes before going in. He said if we have waited a few more minutes I would have probably got a different reading.

I have an eye test last year November (surely an eye exam would have picked up alarm bells if I had high blood pressure) and no idea what a dentist can spot about blood pressure if anything

Maybe I should not go to watch the football team I support that can raise my blood pressure

12-02-22, 18:14
Your BP reading is normal, Phil.

19-02-22, 11:52
Your BP reading is normal, Phil.

Thanks maybe I should have not be watching the machine whilst my blood pressure was being taken

Also I am going to go for more CBT therapy again, as I having problems with my worrying about my poo shape, etc again, sometimes my poo goes to right to the back of the bowl, I am eating more fibre now with more fruit, vegetables, and have swapped white bread for brown bread. my poop is much more easier to pass now, instead of struggling and straining at times , I had a nasty hard poop before Christmas, I eat more strawberries, raspberries, grapes and blueberries.

I have never had diarrhoea , loose just water poo, only when taking those tablets if I not been for a while. I just worry about my poo shape, size, consistency with this means it likely to be cancer of some sort, I have never had a black poo , maybve dark brown when it was old poo if I not been for a few days.

Maybe I should get the bristol stool mug.

I am glad the match against Accrington was called off on Wednesday even though the referee took his time to inspected the pitch

20-02-22, 17:47
Thanks maybe I should have not be watching the machine whilst my blood pressure was being taken

Also I am going to go for more CBT therapy again, as I having problems with my worrying about my poo shape, etc again, sometimes my poo goes to right to the back of the bowl, I am eating more fibre now with more fruit, vegetables, and have swapped white bread for brown bread. my poop is much more easier to pass now, instead of struggling and straining at times , I had a nasty hard poop before Christmas, I eat more strawberries, raspberries, grapes and blueberries.

I have never had diarrhoea , loose just water poo, only when taking those tablets if I not been for a while. I just worry about my poo shape, size, consistency with this means it likely to be cancer of some sort, I have never had a black poo , maybve dark brown when it was old poo if I not been for a few days.

Maybe I should get the bristol stool mug.

I am glad the match against Accrington was called off on Wednesday even though the referee took his time to inspected the pitch

I also worried about my stool consistency a lot, shape, size, whether it comes out in one piece or two or three smaller pieces, I know I stress a lot which probably does not help my bowel movements, what you drink, eat, I had a day break from eating fruit, I think I increase my fibre intake a bit too much in one go, and did not drink enough water one day, so it came out fast. I never timed how long it takes from me siting on the toilet to passing a poop.

I am still worried about my colour of my poop, as I worried I think if my poop is not brown, it is either pancreatic, liver, bowel, stomach, gallbladder, throat cancer, my skin and eyes are not yellow.

My stoosls are ,mainly between 4 and 6, but I do stress a lot, I have eaten more fibre which probably and since i am not use to eating loads of fruit in one go,

20-02-22, 20:53
How are you filling your days, Phil? Do you have much structure to them and do you find that your health anxiety is worse when you are at a loose end and bored?

21-02-22, 11:45
How are you filling your days, Phil? Do you have much structure to them and do you find that your health anxiety is worse when you are at a loose end and bored?

Job searching still, not much structure last week due to weather, my sister says I need a couple of new hobbies, my health anxiety has been very bad.

24-02-22, 09:15
I had my last therapy session yesterday because of my NF which is a neurological issue, the health anxiety is linked, me and my Dad was told the people who run the therapy are not trained in the neurological side of things. so I am being referred back to the my GP , who may have to referred me resources available

I have tried contacting NF but the people were not very helpful . I have find some sources useful what employers can do to help me in the work place. I can see links to my dyspraxia as well.

Also worried why I go more often for a poop than others, with consistency, shape, size, I am eating more fibre than I am use to , and I am trying to drink more water, and less caffeine , does not help stressing can that affect bowel movements consistency . If I had a bowel problem, I would have a blockage . I just want a normal bristol chart number 4, instead of number 5 and 6. I know what you eat, can vary, tablets, food, drink, etc.

I am scared I got a food intolerance which is bread bread, as I was having a cheese sandwich and I felt a little nausea like acid reflux, could it be the spread we are using causing the issue , I always scared of every symptom I get is every cancer, MS, or MND maybe because I am eating fibre I need to drink more water, maybe it because the bread is far too dry.

26-02-22, 18:42
I got weight yesterday have not lost weight in the last month, or gained weight.

I am still very worried about my symptoms, can anxiety cause stomach, bowel problems. with how my appetite is, as I am eating a lot slowly, need more breaks, sometimes I seem to be full very quickly, maybe I got to space out my meals better

I worried about every symptom is either cancer of the pancreatic, bowel, stomach, liver etc.

I am going to ask for a blood test next week, as I am going to have an injection for my frozen shoulder

My skin is not yellow or my eyes are not yellow.

A bit of hip pain

I am going to ask for food intolerance test

I am hoping my problems with food is because I have made myself so anxiety, and my throat sometimes is very nausea. I have never been sick whilst eating, it just feels like I am going to be sick.

My worries are too much

26-02-22, 18:52
When does the CBT start and if you started, how's it going?


26-02-22, 19:13
When does the CBT start and if you started, how's it going?


My CBT last four weeks (as we had Christmas in between, he had to miss three sessions due to him having an operation, and his son was tested for covid19, so he could not make one meeting, as my cbt therapy had to test himself every day for 10 days, due to the rules which was in place at the time, and advised from his senior management team) because I have got NF my anxiety coach is passing me back to my doctor and I am hoping to get referred to hospital for specialist help. The CBT talking therapy was going well, he asked my dad to come into the meeting the Wednesday just gone, to explain the next step move , so it did not looked like I was being fobbed off . Even though I am grateful for my Dad going with me, my Mum should have come with me as has NF

26-02-22, 19:18
So the follow up question is, do they know you post your symptom diary and reassurance seeking efforts on NMP?


26-02-22, 19:29
So the follow up question is, do they know you post your symptom diary and reassurance seeking efforts on NMP?


No but I seek reassurance from them every day, my parents keep telling me I would know if I had something serious wrong with me.

27-02-22, 18:05
I started to make a food chart of what making me feeling nausea to. as I am worried I have food intolerance, I am worried because I am eating a lot slower and feeling full up quickly so need to take a break.

I am worried this is still cancer, or got an ulcer in the stomach/bowel , maybe a problem with my thyroid.

My dentist did not see anything wrong with my mouth, neck area a few weeks ago, as I told her about my nausea and eating problems

I have done too much googling later,

I am still going with my frozen shoulder injection on Thursday and hopefully can relieve some pain

I want the camera down my throat, and up my bottom as I think there is something wrong with me, as I don't believe my symptoms are down to anxiety,

Also I think this is Gastroparesis/GERD/acid reflux etc

I had the same problem last year for a couple of days, I don't know what stopped it,

I am worried about my poo as well

Looking at webmd about Nausea and vomiting , which list a huge range of causes, I still think mine is to do with cancer,

28-02-22, 11:14
I had my letter from the anxiety coach being referred back to my GP, one typo in, wrong NF type.

I am still worried about my nausea still , can anxiety with nausea last months, with food, throat problems because I am worried I have GERD/acid reflux even though I not been tested yet, worried I got oesophagus cancer or problems because I am feeling nausea eating, I have been trying ginger biscuits again to see whether this help.

I still very worry about my symptoms, my Dad said there is nothing we can do until my GP phones me back.

I am worried about whether I may have a stomach bug, can anxiety cause stomach issues, gut issues.

I can go for a poop okay. but I am still very worried

So when my GP phones we are going to be asked to be referred, I need to speak and see my GP to talk to him about my symptoms instead of going around the houses, I go for the worst thing first and work backwards )not the other way round) . rule out the worst thing first.

I am so worried about my symptoms nausea I had it before last year for a few weeks, nausea whilst eating.

I am so worried this is cancer and I left it too late, but would know as I be in bed or in hospital getting treatment to help reduce symptoms

I am so worried that it taking me more and more time to eat food, I need more breaks, my throat tights up , I probably stress myself so much not being able to get a GP appointment at the practice I go to. I worry about every symptom, my shoulder is no better.

I am so scared of my symptoms.

I did try a few ginger snacks today.

I have read about stomach polyps, and other polyps and stomach ulcers which could be causing this problem .

It is doing no good between me and my parents. my skin is not yellow, eyes of whites are not yellow.

Too much googling still, I think my nausea is to do with liver cancer

28-02-22, 21:43
I am hoping my GP practice phones me tomorrow, I hope my GP works tomorrow, as I am so worried about this nausea and feeling sick

It probably has not help the last 6-7 months not sleeping well, with my frozen shoulder, this could also be the cause why I am feeling nausea

I am worried so much that my symptoms could be to do with cancer, even though I have not been tested yet.

I have read to much information online about symptoms and matching symptoms, my mum googled for me about nausea but she can read it better than me, and does not jump to the worst thing first like me.

i hope I have not got gerd with damage oesophagus problems

01-03-22, 16:58
My nausea is still playing up, one of the GP at the practice phoned me up today, she is going to referred me to the neurological about my anxiety, NF.

My mum told the GP about my anxiety, thinking I got something wrong with me

Can feeling full all the time, be cause by anxiety, and feeling sick. I keep thinking this is cancer. I am going for more poops still worried about shape. consistency etc. but I am eating more fibre. I am taking more breaks eating.

I am 38 ,

I don't know how long I will have to wait to see someone about my neurological with anxiety

I am getting a phone call in two weeks time from the doctors. I told them about my tablets.

07-03-22, 19:27
I had my injection for my frozen shoulder a few days now, seems to be a little bit better will never be 100%

I have also applied for a admin job in a hospital.

18-03-22, 20:11
Latest with my health worries.

I managed to get a GP appointment Wednesday just gone, she was a fantastic doctor, who listened, she checked my blood pressure, my weight, felt my stomach area, listened to my heart and lungs (as she asked me to breath in and out) because of my NF I am getting a blood test done , I am getting to get more phone calls from the GP now. I am going to be referred to get more help, maybe mindfulness with local buddhism centre, I don't know.

She talked to my worries about the big C , very unlikely I am at risk. as I don't smoke, drink and my weight is okay (could be a few more kgs heavy) but if she saw my parents both my parents are not over weight.

When I talked to her about my bowels movements, she was not too concerned about colour, as I would be showing signs if there were a problem.

As for cancer, she said if I had anything serious wrong with me I would know about it.

Do I believe my GP yes, as she took the time.

20-03-22, 08:20
That is good to hear, Phil.

Maybe the next time you want to update your thread you should re-read what you have written here and reassure yourself instead of listing symptoms again?

The doctor took her time with you and really listened to your fears. She answered your questions and recognised that your HA needs treating but it's important that you should be referred to a service that understands ASD.

I hope you can stay with this GP now because feeling confident that you are being listened to sensitively is such a bonus. I hope you hear soon about getting some decent help and support. Chase up the GP if you don't hear anything for a while?

20-03-22, 09:19
That is good to hear, Phil.

Maybe the next time you want to update your thread you should re-read what you have written here and reassure yourself instead of listing symptoms again?

The doctor took her time with you and really listened to your fears. She answered your questions and recognised that your HA needs treating but it's important that you should be referred to a service that understands ASD.

I hope you can stay with this GP now because feeling confident that you are being listened to sensitively is such a bonus. I hope you hear soon about getting some decent help and support. Chase up the GP if you don't hear anything for a while?

Thank you for your reply, the GP I saw on Wednesday is leaving the practice at end of the month. I have logged into my details for the doctors, and checked when my next appointment is, got a phone call in the middle of April with a different GP someone who I not met before hopefully the GP understands about health anxiety

Tuesday just gone I had a phone call about my blood test when I want to go in hospital or GP practice with the nurse, I said nurse at practice, as this will be a lot easier for me.

30-03-22, 10:13
I went for my blood test today, and asked the question to the nurse about what we were testing/checking for.

cholesterol levels, red and white cells, liver function, kidney function, iron and blood count.

I know now what we eat affects our poop colour, as well as how fast it works through our system, medication. I remember my last doctor said he was not worried about poo colour, if I had a serious issue with one of my organs I would know.

21-04-22, 16:02
All my blood test results came back fine a few weeks,, no further action needed, one was satisfactory but no further action needed. I believe these results, and had i any problems these would have been flagged. I did have cold. which may have affect my white blood cells count.

In the last week I have quite itchy skin, front area but have been to the chemist who had a look she gave me some itch relief cream, I am thinking I got either non hodkins or lymphoma or liver cancer as i got a few itchy patches on skin, the chemist person thinks this is hives

I do suffer from NF, and even though I should not read NF lumps and skins can cause itchyness

I may have an allergy to some foods

I know it been warm the last few days, may have got some bites marks as well

I am getting no night sweats , can't feel or see any hard lumps

I feel a bit tired as I could not stop itching my chest area Tuesday night during the night, I don't think this is class as fatigue as I don't want to sleep all the time

21-04-22, 19:50
I'm glad that your blood test results show that you are healthy and that you believe the evidence that you don't have a sinister illness.

23-04-22, 14:03
I'm glad that your blood test results show that you are healthy and that you believe the evidence that you don't have a sinister illness.


My skin feels less itchy and the marks are slowly fading .

26-04-22, 18:36
I been in to the doctors about my skin problem, he thinks it a fungal problems, which is causing the itchiness , i still thinking this either lymphoma, non hodkins etc. the marks seems to be fading slowly.

I need to pick up prescription tomorrow as it was too late to pick it up today

Also worried that the itchy is cause by liver disease, because i have googled it.

today 28/4/22 i picked up my antifungal cream

29-04-22, 16:35
I was also given some shampoo for my hair.

The marks on my skin are slowly fading and on my legs. itchiness has gone down a lot, but still worried that every itch is too do with cancer, like skin, lymphoma, nhl, leukemia, liver cancer, liver disease , kidney disease, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer etc

I have been given some more tablets to try for my anxiety, i been told to take them once per day, and told to try to take them for longer,

11-05-22, 21:54
I been taking these tablets for a bit now, but it still making my anxious about my poo, with consistency, how often I go (I go a more regularly now, because I am eating more fruit and vegetables) which helps me soften my poop up, instead of straining. also worried about bowel incontinence, I can control my bowel movements, just need to get better toilet paper to wipe more easier

I am worried still about if I got bowel cancer, because my poo consistency ,

my niece is a lot better now.

12-05-22, 07:57
Latest with my health worries.

I managed to get a GP appointment Wednesday just gone, she was a fantastic doctor, who listened, she checked my blood pressure, my weight, felt my stomach area, listened to my heart and lungs (as she asked me to breath in and out) because of my NF I am getting a blood test done , I am getting to get more phone calls from the GP now. I am going to be referred to get more help, maybe mindfulness with local buddhism centre, I don't know.

She talked to my worries about the big C , very unlikely I am at risk. as I don't smoke, drink and my weight is okay (could be a few more kgs heavy) but if she saw my parents both my parents are not over weight.

When I talked to her about my bowels movements, she was not too concerned about colour, as I would be showing signs if there were a problem.

As for cancer, she said if I had anything serious wrong with me I would know about it.

Do I believe my GP yes, as she took the time.

Important to remember what the GP told you, Phil. Has there been any news about your referral for more help with your HA?

12-05-22, 08:29
Important to remember what the GP told you, Phil. Has there been any news about your referral for more help with your HA?

Not yet, since the GP who I saw in March left the practice, I told the new GP about i had no news. but will keep trying

12-05-22, 15:39
A big thank you for this positive and informative post. Just about how I feel most of the time, especially appointments+social situations, pounding chest, pins+needles and the dreaded nausea. Always feel better when out of the situation and back in "safe place" mode. Never actually sick, but, as pointed out, it's the fear of the symptom. A brilliant and clear explanation-has helped me a lot-I will read often and maybe things will improve. Thanks again.

16-05-22, 21:58
Hoping my anxiety goes away soon, as fingers cross me and my parents are off to Hungary later this year in September, already booked, it was either that or Poland, maybe in 2023 Poland.

I am getting more and more gurgling noises from my stomach and bottom lately , must be all the fruit etc I been eating, In the past I been told I have IBS

19-05-22, 19:15
I had my latest appointment at the hospital with my frozen shoulder I am moving to the next stages of it, and will get more movement back in around 6-12 months. I also having physio now, we are not rushing this. slow and steady. the specialist I been seeing he is 3 months ahead of me as is 95% there.

I am about 10 o clock on a clock getting my arms up, I was around 7pm a few months ago. struggling , could not sleep properly