View Full Version : New small melanocytic lesion between toes

16-08-21, 12:07
Feeling somewhat down today as I've noticed a brand new lesion between my toes.

I've had mole mapping in the past as I am high risk for melanoma - I have over 100 nevi (which is the greatest risk factor), a couple of large congenital nevi, type 1 skin with lots of freckles, the red hair gene, and I've had sunburns. The one thing in my favour is that I've no known family history of melanoma. I've been told to keep an eye on my moles, which is what I've been doing.

Anyway, now this extremely dark new lesion has popped up between my toes - an odd location. I guess it would be classed as glabrous skin, but not sure? At the moment it's only a couple of mm big, but of course that's how all melanomas start.

I'm speaking to the doctor on Thursday. At the moment I haven't taken any microscopic images but I know I'll become more tempted to do so.

If it's melanoma, I should think at least it's in its early stages. I still hate this, though.

16-08-21, 12:40
Melanocytic Leasion glabrous skin
microscopic images

Are you a dermatologist? Medical professional ? Google freak ?

Let us know what the Dr has to say :-)

17-08-21, 07:23
At the moment I haven't taken any microscopic images but I know I'll become more tempted to do so.

Microscopic images? :huh:

I'm sure you know how this works?

Speak to your GP who will dismiss your melanoma fears or refer you to dermatology to make sure. And for any HAers reading this - a referral doesn't equal melanoma. I've been referred twice and have no melanomas but have been told to 'keep an eye on my moles' and I would imagine this is standard instruction for every 'moley' human they see?

I don't know what you're doing to get those 'microscopic' images, but I suggest you stop as it's a sure fire way to ramp up health anxiety and you will be dealing with the effects of stress hormones long after you get the all clear!

Make the phone call and allow those who are TRAINED in all things 'mole' to do their job. :yesyes:

P.S I initially referred to people who have moles as 'mole-sters' due to my love of messing around with words. This was initially minus the dash. When I read it back I almost choked on my croissant and a dash was promptly added but this didn't alleviative things in terms of inappropriateness - hence 'moley human'. :blush:

17-08-21, 13:25
I'm happy to be a mole-ster! As long as they are just moles.

I'm speaking to the doctor on Thursday so we'll see what he says.

I just want it cut off really. I'd actually rather he referred me than told me to "watch and wait". If it's melanoma then it's (probably) early, and that's how I want it to stay!

18-08-21, 21:24
Here is the offending mole btw. Very small at least, so I'd imagine it's early if it is melanoma. Just such a weird location, and just come from nowhere, and given my melanoma risk level I feel like it's suspicious.

19-08-21, 06:47
Just looks like a regular mole to me?

I have one between my big and second toe. Been there for decades...

I advise getting all new (or weird) moles checked because it's common sense..

19-08-21, 09:40
Yeah I have tonnes of moles I've had for years, which haven't changed, so I'm not really worried about them. This one has appeared within the last month or so, though. I'll see what the doctor says in an hour!

19-08-21, 10:01
I've been asked to go into the surgery on Monday so they can look at the lesion under the dermatoscope.

19-08-21, 11:01
I have something similar on my cheek. It also grew a month ago and it's raised. Let me know what the doctor says!

19-08-21, 15:22
I have something similar on my cheek. It also grew a month ago and it's raised. Let me know what the doctor says!

I will - have you been to the doctor yet? I think you should, since your mole has changed.

19-08-21, 20:30
photos removed

19-08-21, 21:03
Not yet, but I will go qhen I find the time.

19-08-21, 23:14
Not yet, but I will go qhen I find the time.

It would only take half an hour, so please do go! Better safe than sorry. You can even just send them photos. I sent them the photos that I shared on here (I think they've been removed though) and that's when they asked me to come in for a face-to-face appointment.

20-08-21, 20:52
When I'm back from travelling I will do it. How did your appointment go?

23-08-21, 16:39
I saw the senior nurse today and she looked at the lesion under the dermatoscope and said that it didn't look too dark or anything, so I should leave it for a month to see if it grows.

I guess that is ok and I'll just keep an eye on it for the next month.

Hopefully it just stays the same. She says that if it hasn't changed in a month then it's fine. If it changes, she'll refer me to the hospital urgently.

29-08-21, 13:47
The lesion still looks more or less the same size, I think, a bit less than 2mm, but now it has a sort of dip in the centre. I'm not sure whether to go back to the doctor. I think I'll wait and see if it changes again.