View Full Version : Can’t get a deep breath/air hunger

16-08-21, 17:42
I’ve had this all day. I feel like I can’t get a deep breath into my lungs, sometimes I can get a satisfying one but other times not. I feel like my breathing is weaker than usual and my throat feels tight. I’ve been yawning a lot today as well and I just cannot get a satisfying breath. I’m worried

16-08-21, 18:56
I've been dealing with this off and in for over a year. Just recently got tested for covid and the doctor told me my lungs sound great and my o2 saturation was perfect. Its definitely an anxiety thing. The more you focus on it and try to fix it the worse it's gonna get. Basically what's happening is by trying to take a deep breath all the time your causing yourself to Basically hyperventilate. Try to distract yourself and ignore it and it will improve with time.

17-08-21, 08:53
Thank you for the reply.
I slept okay last night and it didn’t bother me, I didn’t wake up breathless. Do you think if it was a lung problem I’d be able to walk around and do my normal stuff?
I’m trying so hard not to focus on it, I’ve woke up with a headache this morning so I’m going to do a covid test just to rule it out

18-08-21, 04:13
So my covid test was negative, I asked my friend to bring her oxygen meter over as I was worried I wasn’t getting enough oxygen into my lungs but my oxygen read at 98 so that was fine.
This feeling is just horrible, it almost feels like something is stuck in my chest. I’ve got horrible acid tonight too. My heart rate is high as well, it read at 130 on the oxy metre. I’m so tired of feeling scared

18-08-21, 07:28
Try this..

Breathe out. Completely empty your lungs of air. Keep going as long as you can. Then, take a deep breath in...

18-08-21, 08:21
I tried that and it feels horrible, it’s such a weird feeling. My breathing just feels totally off. My heart rate is higher than usual too 😩 if my oxygen is okay then do you think this is something I need to see a Doctor for?

18-08-21, 08:27
No. You're just hyper aware of your breathing mechanism so it won't come naturally and will feel "laboured" and awkward. The fact that you were able to breathe quite naturally when asleep is proof that you are fine.

18-08-21, 08:35
I did wake up at 3am and it felt worse, but I went back to sleep and slept normally for another 5 hours. It almost feels like something is stuck in my throat and chest. It all started a couple of days ago and I sort of had a semi panic attack and had to take a propranolol. But I keep noticing I’m holding my breath too. It’s so odd like I’ve forgotten how to breathe

18-08-21, 08:38
I tried that and it feels horrible, it’s such a weird feeling. My breathing just feels totally off. My heart rate is higher than usual too  if my oxygen is okay then do you think this is something I need to see a Doctor for?

This is SO common with anxiety. I've had lots of these episodes which miraculously calm down when I stop focusing on them. :whistles:

I also hold my breath as this calms the heart rate down within a few seconds. Then I do the deep breathing and tbh when you've been used to breathing shallowly for so long and you do breathing exercises - it does feel weird because breathing deeply has become unfamiliar. If you are aware of the racing heart then it's unlikely that your breathing will slow down because it's a cycle of fear/stress hormones etc. And you will most likely be breathing from your chest, rather than your abdomen. Your oxygen is fine, so that's good.

My advice? Stop focusing on this. Go for a walk. Do something which distracts you. Do some crafts. Whatever. Just stop focusing on this...

18-08-21, 09:47
I’m really going to try, I have to keep clearing my throat too, it just feels horrible. I feel alright when I nose breathe but it’s when I mouth breathe. I don’t know if I always breathed through my nose during the day.

18-08-21, 09:50
I feel light headed if I deep breathe and it seems to make it worse. Honestly this is too much for my panic.
If I had a lung problem would my oxy be low?

18-08-21, 14:28
When I eat it feels worse

18-08-21, 15:22
Yes, if you truly weren’t getting enough air your oxygen levels would show that.

It’s an anxiety symptom. It is an awful, terrifying one but it’s anxiety.

18-08-21, 19:57
Thank you. I’m really struggling.
Everyone around me is saying anxiety too and not to worry but it’s like my air tube is smaller than before or something and then with this lump feeling. I just want it to go away

18-08-21, 20:21
It’s a very common anxiety symptom.

Try this: hold your hand in a fist really clenched for about 5 seconds then release it & shake out your hand and fingers.


Did you notice that when your fist was clenched that you also held your breath? This is an anxiety thing where we are stressed and we clench our muscles, which then often causes us to start to shallow breathe (breathe from the upper chest instead of the belly). Shallow breathing makes you feel a bit dizzy, spikes your adrenaline and you start to feel the need to gulp down air.

My tip is to learn to clench and release your muscles over your body. It’s called progressive muscle relaxation, and it starts to show you how tense your body is when you clench your muscles through anxiety. You have to practice this every day and you’ll eventually be able to body scan & relax your muscles.

But because us anxiety sufferers like a quick fix, try swallowing instead. Swallow that breath and it will force you to kind of stop & start again.

Also, Place your hand on your tummy, when you breathe in your tummy should rise, when you breathe out it should fall. This is the key to getting rid of that shallow breathing. Try distracting yourself by playing a game on your phone or calling a friend. Notice how your breathing starts to go back to tummy breathing when you forget about it.

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19-08-21, 07:30
I’m really going to try, I have to keep clearing my throat too, it just feels horrible. I feel alright when I nose breathe but it’s when I mouth breathe. I don’t know if I always breathed through my nose during the day.

Try some alternate nostril breathing?

I do this as well as diaphragm breathing when my breathing goes tonto..

The yawning you're complaining of is also a common anxiety symptom. It's because your body is in active stress response, and this affects the chest muscles etc

The Changes With The Stress Response (fight or flight)

Increased heart rate
Release of stress hormones (cortisol/ adrenalin etc) - hyperstimulation.
Increase in respiration
Tightened muscles in the chest, abdomen, and diaphragm - restricting breathing.

These happen naturally when we encounter a grizzly bear (not that it happens that often) have a near miss in the car, or some other real threat to our existence. This is the body doing exactly what it's meant to do, and we expect to feel this way, right? I mean, if we stand there calm as feck - we have a problem! With chronic anxiety we get this response just by thinking. We can be sitting or lying down - our bodies will respond to our fearful thoughts and anxiety feels so much scarier when we're at rest, right? The thing to remember is that your body is doing what it's meant to do. It's keeping you alive. It just doesn't know that the 'danger' is imagined, not real.

All these symptoms you are experiencing are to be expected with anxiety and the only way to improve these symptoms is to do breathing exercises - which WILL feel weird at first, especially if you've been experiencing anxiety for a long time. You have to calm your system down and get the parasympathetic response to kick in and this will turn off the active fight or flight. But it's not an instant thing - even when we manage to calm down - because our bodies are flooded with stress hormones and this will take time to settle. This is why people lose heart when these exercises don't magically make everything go away after a few days or weeks. It's taken me a long time to control my breathing but a big part is that I understand these symptoms when I get them so there's no fear. I am able to get my parasympathetic system to engage now, and quite quickly!

Once you understand that this is a normal anxiety response, and your body is trying to protect you - things don't seem so scary, right?

19-08-21, 08:36
I’ve woken up in absolute panic, I can’t breathe and my head hurts.
I’ve woken up with headache for 3 days. There has to be something seriously wrong with me.
I’m in such a panic I can’t calm down

19-08-21, 10:57
I’ve got a doctors appointment at 2.15. I’m so scared I just feel like he’s gonna tell me I need the hospital 😭

19-08-21, 13:09
Hey! You mentioned you had a lot of acid? Acid reflux and GERD symptoms (not serious!!) can cause a feeling of tightness in your chest sometimes, and can cause globus sensation in your throat. You should try some pure aloe vera juice (my mum swears by it for acid reflux issues)

Hope you feel better soon x

19-08-21, 19:56
I went to the doctor this afternoon. He listened to my lungs, did my blood pressure, took my oxygen. And said they were all perfect.
He has given me some anti anxiety meds to take and I felt a lot better once I had left the doctors. Now it’s evening and I’ve put my kids to bed the feeling is creeping up on me again and I’m starting to doubt what he said.
I feel like banging my head against a wall

19-08-21, 19:58
Hey! You mentioned you had a lot of acid? Acid reflux and GERD symptoms (not serious!!) can cause a feeling of tightness in your chest sometimes, and can cause globus sensation in your throat. You should try some pure aloe vera juice (my mum swears by it for acid reflux issues)

Hope you feel better soon x

Thank you for the advice, I actually went and got some gaviscon tablets but they didn’t make much difference. I do feel like I have some acid still though. Thankfully the globus has gone today, it’s just the tight chest and the breathing issues

19-08-21, 20:25
I went to the doctor this afternoon. He listened to my lungs, did my blood pressure, took my oxygen. And said they were all perfect.
He has given me some anti anxiety meds to take and I felt a lot better once I had left the doctors. Now it’s evening and I’ve put my kids to bed the feeling is creeping up on me again and I’m starting to doubt what he said.
I feel like banging my head against a wall

Do you think the doctor lied to you? Why on earth would he do that?

19-08-21, 20:40
Well that’s (probably not) the last time I waste 10 minutes typing out advice for someone to ignore.

Hope you feel better soon.

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19-08-21, 20:41
Do you think the doctor lied to you? Why on earth would he do that?

I’m thinking maybe he missed something, I’ve got that tight feeling in my chest again and my heart is beating harder than it needs too

19-08-21, 21:05
I keep getting headaches too. And I’m not a headachey person. Urgh I hate this

19-08-21, 21:41
Tight chest and heartrate issues are textbook anxiety symptoms. You need to relax or its never going to go away.

20-08-21, 08:05
I’ve woken up in absolute panic, I can’t breathe and my head hurts.
I’ve woken up with headache for 3 days. There has to be something seriously wrong with me.
I’m in such a panic I can’t calm down

I went to the doctor this afternoon. He listened to my lungs, did my blood pressure, took my oxygen. And said they were all perfect.

Classic health anxiety.

Print the above quotes off. Stick them on your cupboard doors, fridge - forehead.

HA's good, right? And look how you're feeding it? Corden Bleu or what? I've bolded your HA dialogue for you. That's what you're feeding it with, and your body is responding by firing out those stress hormones which make you feel so crappy!

20-08-21, 08:16
I’m thinking maybe he missed something, I’ve got that tight feeling in my chest again and my heart is beating harder than it needs too

I think you've missed something? All the advice people are giving you.

20-08-21, 08:26
I think you've missed something? All the advice people are giving you.

Classic HA P. Ignore what's rational and focus/fixate on what's not..

20-08-21, 08:46
Well that’s (probably not) the last time I waste 10 minutes typing out advice for someone to ignore.

Hope you feel better soon.

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Sorry I didn’t ignore you, I did try what you said. I did clench my fist and yes I did hold my breath.
I understand what everyone is saying. I’ve just never had this issue before, this is quite a new one for me. I usually get dizzy or twitchy or I get weakness. I’ve never had breathing issues before so I’m struggling to get past the panic of it

20-08-21, 09:01
Well that’s (probably not) the last time I waste 10 minutes typing out advice for someone to ignore.

Same here Scass, only mine took a lot longer than 10 minutes. I don't know why I bother sometimes...

That's two in-depth posts I did yesterday and both got ignored. Not a 'thanks' or 'you can kiss my @rse Nora!' In fact, the other person started up a new thread using the same comment! :roflmao:

I'll learn one of these days that some folk just want the sympathy and somewhere to symptom dump..

20-08-21, 14:10
It just feels so bad and uncomfortable. Like the feeling in my throat and chest

20-08-21, 14:20
It just feels so bad and uncomfortable. Like the feeling in my throat and chest

Re-read the replies from others on your thread. There are very wise words in there

20-08-21, 14:51
I will do thank you

21-08-21, 07:54
I’ve woken up this morning, I’ve take my 40mg of propranolol and I’ve taken my second tablet of 75mg Venlafaxine. Im sat watching a movie with my 4 year old and yes im feeling horrible but im trying really hard to breathe through my nose and relax

21-08-21, 08:00
Also I’ve posted on another anxiety site and they are saying that I should go to A&E which I’m not finding helpful right now

21-08-21, 08:13
Why are you posting on another anxiety site? What response are you looking for? What don't you like about the responses you have had on here?

You've been checked over by the GP.

21-08-21, 08:17
I get that reassurance need and I’m like oh god I need to post somewhere else too.
It isn’t helpful I know.
Can I ask you one more time and I know I’m annoying. But would the doctor have picked it up if I was having an issue with lungs? He listened to them and did my oxygen which was normal. Surely something would be off if they weren’t right or I had like an illness

21-08-21, 08:25
Can I ask you one more time and I know I’m annoying. But would the doctor have picked it up if I was having an issue with lungs? He listened to them and did my oxygen which was normal. Surely something would be off if they weren’t right or I had like an illness


This has been answered on this thread - numerous times.

Go back and read the replies instead of constantly asking the same question. The answer won't change. Engage your brain instead of your HA mind. Do you honestly think that your oxygen levels would be normal if your lungs were not working properly? Come on! :shrug:

21-08-21, 08:44
Well that’s the thing, surely my oxygen would be lower than normal or he would of heard something. I keep needing to clear my throat too. It’s definitely worse when I mouth breathe. Like when I yawn it feels like my breath cuts off weirdly. It’s the physical feeling that’s scaring me the most

21-08-21, 08:55
And I sleep all night. Which surely
I wouldn’t if something was really wrong with me

21-08-21, 08:57
Well that’s the thing, surely my oxygen would be lower than normal or he would of heard something. I keep needing to clear my throat too. It’s definitely worse when I mouth breathe. Like when I yawn it feels like my breath cuts off weirdly. It’s the physical feeling that’s scaring me the most

Chlobo, I've explained this symptom to you. Why it happens and what to do to stop it from happening. Go back and read my post.

My sympathy is a given here. I've experienced everything that you are experiencing and I know it's scary. But you need to trust me when I tell you that these are normal responses to your fearful thoughts. It's fight or flight. End of.

This feels unpleasant, for sure, but it will not (and can not) harm you. In effect, it's doing the opposite. Your body thinks you are in danger because of the thoughts you are having. It doesn't know the danger's not real. It's responding EXACTLY as it's meant to do. It just feels unpleasant because it's constant and your system is hyper-stimulated - which amplifies the whole thing.

Throat clearing is common with anxiety. Think of people who have to give a speech and are nervous? Dry throat and mouth? One of the most common symptoms of anxiety. Deal with the symptom. It's real. Suck on some sweets. Drink more water. Don't focus on the sensation and it will pass.. What's not real are the things your mind is telling you..

Let these symptoms happen. Observe them. Acknowledge that they're unpleasant but unharmful. DON'T ADD FEAR.

21-08-21, 09:04
Thank you Nora. Thank you for trying to help me get through this. I’ve just never had this symptom like this before for so long

21-08-21, 09:14
I googled but I’ve been putting anxiety at the end but esophigal cancer came up and lung cancer

21-08-21, 12:04
Seriously, it's not a good idea to google in any form. It's not helping you.

21-08-21, 14:56
Dang Chlobo... you're having a heck of a relapse eh? Like I said several months ago, you're definitely under some pressure with 4 young kiddos at your age but you've managed before for several years. Why not focus on how you dug yourself out before and work to apply those things now? This pattern of hyper-focusing on every niggle, googling and seeking reassurance certainly isn't getting you anywhere.


21-08-21, 15:26
Dang Chlobo... you're having a heck of a relapse eh? Like I said several months ago, you're definitely under some pressure with 4 young kiddos at your age but you've managed before for several years. Why not focus on how you dug yourself out before and work to apply those things now? This pattern of hyper-focusing on every niggle, googling and seeking reassurance certainly isn't getting you anywhere.


I’m just so scared fishmanpa. This is a really frightening symptom

21-08-21, 15:48
I’m just so scared fishmanpa. This is a really frightening symptom

Which you've been having for 5 days now. If it were truly serious, don't you think you'd be at the doctor or a hospital instead of here? And the fact you're here affirms what the issue is. You're back in the dragon's grip and doing the things to keep him well fed. Look at your post history the last several months. The pattern is obvious :(


21-08-21, 16:05
Which you've been having for 5 days now. If it were truly serious, don't you think you'd be at the doctor or a hospital instead of here? And the fact you're here affirms what the issue is. You're back in the dragon's grip and doing the things to keep him well fed. Look at your post history the last several months. The pattern is obvious :(


I’m not sure, maybe I should be at the hospital getting checked out.
In the last hour I’ve gone and got a chest of drawers and various other bits that someone was selling on my estate and carried and loaded them into a car. I’m not sure i’d be able to do that if I was having heart problems or lung.
But then the feeling is still there in my chest and throat like I’ve got this horrible thing blocking my breathing

21-08-21, 16:20
In the last hour I’ve gone and got a chest of drawers and various other bits that someone was selling on my estate and carried and loaded them into a car. I’m not sure i’d be able to do that if I was having heart problems or lung.

And the answer to that question is? :whistles: (Hint: Its a yes or no answer)


21-08-21, 16:38
If it helps, I had this symptom once for months. Literally months. I even got an inhaler from my doctor. And then one day I got up and wondered if it was all just anxiety and I was doing more harm than good using the inhaler. So I stomped out any thoughts of it. If I noticed it, I would tell myself it’s fine and do something - anything - to distract myself. And it worked.

21-08-21, 20:54
If it helps, I had this symptom once for months. Literally months. I even got an inhaler from my doctor. And then one day I got up and wondered if it was all just anxiety and I was doing more harm than good using the inhaler. So I stomped out any thoughts of it. If I noticed it, I would tell myself it’s fine and do something - anything - to distract myself. And it worked.

Thank you Poppy.
Can I ask what did yours feel like?
Similar to mine? Did it come on suddenly?

21-08-21, 22:42
It came on once when I walked up stairs, then it was constant. It felt like no matter what I did, I just couldn’t get enough air. Like every breath was kind of pointless, and there was chest pressure too.

21-08-21, 22:49
It came on once when I walked up stairs, then it was constant. It felt like no matter what I did, I just couldn’t get enough air. Like every breath was kind of pointless, and there was chest pressure too.

The pressure in my chest is horrible, I also have it in my throat. It feels like my windpipe is closing up. Or it’s smaller than usual. I’m hoping and praying it goes away as fast as it appeared, like yours it just seemed to come on and then didn’t go away

22-08-21, 00:36
Just for some perspective. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?158722-Hi-everyone)....


22-08-21, 08:17
Just for some perspective. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?158722-Hi-everyone)....


Is that my first ever post?

22-08-21, 08:52
I have a dry cough today 😭 what is happening to me

22-08-21, 08:55
Lung cancer lung cancer lung cancer lung cancer this is my head right now. My goodness please just please let this go away

22-08-21, 09:03
I googled but I’ve been putting anxiety at the end but esophigal cancer came up and lung cancer

You don't have any symptoms of either of those cancers.

Lung cancer would affect your oxygen levels and your levels are perfect.

Re the other cancer - you are taking a very common anxiety symptom (dry mouth/throat etc) and trying to make it fit. This is what happens with health anxiety.


22-08-21, 10:10
You don't have any symptoms of either of those cancers.

Lung cancer would affect your oxygen levels and your levels are perfect.

Re the other cancer - you are taking a very common anxiety symptom (dry mouth/throat etc) and trying to make it fit. This is what happens with health anxiety.


Yes oxygen is all fine, just this horrible feeling.
I’m taking 40mg of propranolol and 75mg of venlafaxine in the morning. The venlafaxine is making me feel nauseated.
If I had a physical issue would my oxy be low? Maybe I’ve got something going on like inflammation in the heart or lungs that they wouldn’t know about unless they did a chest X-ray.
I haven’t left my house in 4 days, I can barely eat or shower because I’m crippled by this symptom. I’m just a mess

22-08-21, 10:13
I actually called my granny last night and told her and cried down the phone, she has asthma so she’s very used to feeling short of breath. She told me not to worry and to listen to the doctor. She said he would have noticed something was off that required further tests. She said to trust her and if she thought I was unwell she wouldn’t hesitate to get me help.
She said I’ve got a lot on with the summer holidays and all the children, I have 4 now. And a single mum again. She said I need to eat, and drink water and stay active but it’s so hard to want to move when I feel like this

22-08-21, 16:37
Believe your gran, your doctor and the knowledgeable people on here.

You are suffering from the symptoms of anxiety and your HA is latching onto them and making you believe there is something wrong with you.

22-08-21, 17:25
I hope you guys are right.
The feeling in my chest and throat are worse after eating for some reason 😔
Why would that be?

22-08-21, 20:55
So I drank cold milk and felt really breathless after the cold had hit my throat, is that normal?
Should I buy a peak flow metre? It’s one test the doctor didn’t do on me. I’ve seen them on Amazon fairly cheap but at the same time I don’t want to make my anxiety any worse as I don’t think I’ve ever done one so I don’t know what my normal range of blowing air out would be? I used to have a bp monitor but I chucked it because I became addicted to taking it

22-08-21, 20:58
Do not buy a peak flow meter. They are a diagnostic tool, but really not the best indicator and you have admitted you don’t know how to interpret the results. When I had this exact same thing, they did that test and it was borderline so they gave me the inhaler - it was all 100% anxiety.

The last time I was tested with a peak flow meter I had pneumonia - my results were again borderline BUT a listen of my lungs and an X-ray both confirmed pneumonia. If you were ill, your doc would absolutely know, and there would be multiple signs.

22-08-21, 21:03
Is that my first ever post?

Yep... "7" years ago.... Might be worth revisiting your threads. You'll recognize a very familiar pattern that's been repeating itself sans the three years you were absent and doing Ok. Look at your posts over the years and now and you'll see what I and others who have been here see. You've managed before and you can do so again but you have to break the cycle to do so. What did you do to break out before? Perhaps its time to revisit that time and put those tools to work.


22-08-21, 23:07
Yep... "7" years ago.... Might be worth revisiting your threads. You'll recognize a very familiar pattern that's been repeating itself sans the three years you were absent and doing Ok. Look at your posts over the years and now and you'll see what I and others who have been here see. You've managed before and you can do so again but you have to break the cycle to do so. What did you do to break out before? Perhaps its time to revisit that time and put those tools to work.


I’m actually not sure what I did, I think I just didn’t have any ‘symptoms’ I didn’t need to visit a doctor. I also had a baby during that time so I was usually at the doctors anyway being checked over, and I had something else to focus on.
I think my issue is I’m getting older now too so issues can arise more.

22-08-21, 23:09
Do not buy a peak flow meter. They are a diagnostic tool, but really not the best indicator and you have admitted you don’t know how to interpret the results. When I had this exact same thing, they did that test and it was borderline so they gave me the inhaler - it was all 100% anxiety.

The last time I was tested with a peak flow meter I had pneumonia - my results were again borderline BUT a listen of my lungs and an X-ray both confirmed pneumonia. If you were ill, your doc would absolutely know, and there would be multiple signs.

I haven’t bought one, I stopped myself. He didn’t actually do that test on me but he listened to my lungs through my side and my back, made me breathe in and out quite a lot while he listened. would that and an oxygen test be enough? He was a lovely doctor, very nice and understanding and didn’t make me feel shit which was good. He also said he wants me to have some bloods taken to check my thyroid but I hate hate blood tests, they give me raging anxiety so I’m not sure what to do

22-08-21, 23:30
100%. The doc can hear if your lungs are clear and an O2 test will tell you if your blood is getting enough oxygen. A flow test just shows if you can output a certain amount of air and anxiety can absolutely have an effect on that.

23-08-21, 00:52
I’m getting older now

I'm 62 and I have kids your age so don't even go there ;) Perhaps focusing on your children and doing what's best for them would be the solution. They pick up on a whole lot more than you can imagine I assure you.


23-08-21, 08:06
I’m actually not sure what I did, I think I just didn’t have any ‘symptoms’ I didn’t need to visit a doctor. I also had a baby during that time so I was usually at the doctors anyway being checked over, and I had something else to focus on.
I think my issue is I’m getting older now too so issues can arise more.

"Something else to focus on"....

23-08-21, 08:12
Having 4 small children to look after must be gruelling but maybe you need something more for yourself other than the daily grind of constant childcare? HA shouldn't be that "something".

23-08-21, 09:20
I woke up with a jump this morning because the doorbell rang and I leapt out of bed, I went all breathless and shaky and I can’t get a proper breath even now 😭 I feel like calling an ambulance

23-08-21, 09:47
Having 4 small children to look after must be gruelling but maybe you need something more for yourself other than the daily grind of constant childcare? HA shouldn't be that "something".

It is and it’s the summer holidays at the moment. So I don’t get a break really. But then part of me is glad as I don’t think I’d be able to do the school drop off like this

23-08-21, 10:12
Just a question, with the need to breathe deeply, is it best to ignore that and take normal nose breaths? Like don’t take the deep mouth breaths

23-08-21, 10:16
Also should I eat before taking Venlafaxine? I’m struggling to eat at the moment but I’m taking them on empty tummy

23-08-21, 14:44
Just a question, with the need to breathe deeply, is it best to ignore that and take normal nose breaths? Like don’t take the deep mouth breaths

Always breathe out longer than what you breathe in when you're having an anxiety attack. There are loads of useful breathing techniques for anxiety that I find always help to regulate my breathing. The 7/11 method is good (breathe in for 7 seconds and out for 11), some people find it useful to take a short pause before exhaling too. Do it for at least 10 minutes, a few breaths aren't going to help. Also look in to alternate nostril breathing too - that always makes me feel incredible. Wish I'd known about those years ago when I had the same breathing issues due to anxiety!

When you do these you should notice your breathing a lot easier and you should feel more relaxed which should reaffirm what you already know: That it is anxiety

23-08-21, 21:53
Always breathe out longer than what you breathe in when you're having an anxiety attack. There are loads of useful breathing techniques for anxiety that I find always help to regulate my breathing. The 7/11 method is good (breathe in for 7 seconds and out for 11), some people find it useful to take a short pause before exhaling too. Do it for at least 10 minutes, a few breaths aren't going to help. Also look in to alternate nostril breathing too - that always makes me feel incredible. Wish I'd known about those years ago when I had the same breathing issues due to anxiety!

When you do these you should notice your breathing a lot easier and you should feel more relaxed which should reaffirm what you already know: That it is anxiety

Thank you very much.
I have been trying the nostril breathing and I prefer it to the other breathing exercises

23-08-21, 21:54
Does anyone know, is it normal to cough and feel shortness of breath after a cold drink?

24-08-21, 08:42
Now I’ve read something where someone had air hunger and not being able to fill lungs enough and they had nodules on their lungs and possible other issues that could be cancer 😭

24-08-21, 08:46
My heart is pounding

24-08-21, 09:00
Yes oxygen is all fine, just this horrible feeling.
I’m taking 40mg of propranolol and 75mg of venlafaxine in the morning. The venlafaxine is making me feel nauseated.
If I had a physical issue would my oxy be low? Maybe I’ve got something going on like inflammation in the heart or lungs that they wouldn’t know about unless they did a chest X-ray.
I haven’t left my house in 4 days, I can barely eat or shower because I’m crippled by this symptom. I’m just a mess

Chlobo, My brother and niece have heart problems. As did my MIL - alongside knackered lungs. There was nothing remotely vague in their symptoms because BIG problems happen when the heart and lungs are not functioning properly!

If your lungs are not working properly - your oxygen will be lower. Healthy people will have oxygen levels of about 95- 100. When I was telling my doctor that I 'couldn't breathe properly' my oxygen was 98.

There is nothing wrong with your lungs or your heart. This is a classic anxiety symptom which happens because of fight or flight. The more you scare yourself with these irrational thoughts, the more stress hormones will be released and the worse you will feel..

Stop thinking those thoughts now and concentrate on the one which is true..

Your oxygen level is perfect, therefore your lungs are working perfectly. Take a few seconds to thank them for working so well for you?

Get your coat on. Go for a walk and breathe the fresh air in. Don't think about doing this - just do it. You will feel better for having gone out..

And don't keep asking the same question on here. The answer isn't going to change. Constantly seeking reassurance is just feeding the anxiety which will keep you in this state. You have to break the cycle here!

Drink ginger tea to help with the nausea or get your GP to change your medication..

P.S have a shower!

24-08-21, 09:19
Chlobo, My brother and niece have heart problems. As did my MIL - alongside knackered lungs. There was nothing remotely vague in their symptoms because BIG problems happen when the heart and lungs are not functioning properly!

If your lungs are not working properly - your oxygen will be lower. Healthy people will have oxygen levels of about 95- 100. When I was telling my doctor that I 'couldn't breathe properly' my oxygen was 98.

There is nothing wrong with your lungs or your heart. This is a classic anxiety symptom which happens because of fight or flight. The more you scare yourself with these irrational thoughts, the more stress hormones will be released and the worse you will feel..

Stop thinking those thoughts now and concentrate on the one which is true..

Your oxygen level is perfect, therefore your lungs are working perfectly. Take a few seconds to thank them for working so well for you?

Get your coat on. Go for a walk and breathe the fresh air in. Don't think about doing this - just do it. You will feel better for having gone out..

And don't keep asking the same question on here. The answer isn't going to change. Constantly seeking reassurance is just feeding the anxiety which will keep you in this state. You have to break the cycle here!

Drink ginger tea to help with the nausea or get your GP to change your medication..

P.S have a shower!

I’ve had a shower, but I’m sure I’ve lost weight in the last week? I haven’t been eating as well but I’m sure I look abnormally slimmer than usual.
I’m meant to be getting my eyebrows done at 10.30
But I don’t know if I can go

24-08-21, 10:05
I’ve had a shower, but I’m sure I’ve lost weight in the last week? I haven’t been eating as well but I’m sure I look abnormally slimmer than usual.
I’m meant to be getting my eyebrows done at 10.30
But I don’t know if I can go

Nora I’m so scared, I’m only 31. Surely I couldn’t have lung cancer at my age but then Cancer doesn’t pick and choose by age

24-08-21, 12:28
Last time and I'm out.... Please go read how you were prior to the three year break. The pattern is identical. This is mental illness, not a physical illness. I understand you're deep in the rabbit hole again but you're not taking on anything anyone is saying :shrug: Get some real life help if you can. You have young kiddos that need their Mom and you deserve some peace from this mental turmoil.


24-08-21, 13:46
Now I’ve read something where someone had air hunger and not being able to fill lungs enough and they had nodules on their lungs and possible other issues that could be cancer 

Stop reading, stop seeking out info on Google on your “condition”, find other things to do to distract yourself. I think you’ll find some of these “symptoms” you’re experiencing will go all by themselves :yesyes:

24-08-21, 14:47
Stop reading, stop seeking out info on Google on your “condition”, find other things to do to distract yourself. I think you’ll find some of these “symptoms” you’re experiencing will go all by themselves :yesyes:

My lungs do hurt too, but I have a dry cough. The doctor has prescribed me some new medication it my symptoms feel different to usual I have a feeling like my airway isn’t clear, like it’s blocked when I breathe which is constant

24-08-21, 15:19
Last time and I'm out.... Please go read how you were prior to the three year break. The pattern is identical. This is mental illness, not a physical illness. I understand you're deep in the rabbit hole again but you're not taking on anything anyone is saying :shrug: Get some real life help if you can. You have young kiddos that need their Mom and you deserve some peace from this mental turmoil.


I have read back and it is the same but one day it could be IT. One day it could be cancer and right now I’m so scared that I’m going to die and leave my children.
This feeling in my lungs is bizarre, like they are full of something, and my windpipe too.

24-08-21, 18:07
Sorry guys I’m just a state. I’ve had some pain on my right lung, my chest is sore from coughing. Heavy feeling is there in chest and my lungs. Everyone around me saying anxiety but it might not be.
I don’t want to leave my babies behind.
I don’t want to go to a&e because im scared what they might find. I just don’t get what is wrong with me.
Anxiety surely can’t cause this?
My chest is so heavy when I breathe, I can feel it in my throat and my my throat is tickling

24-08-21, 18:11
Hi everyone, I’ve posted this in health anxiety but I’m so scared right now.
For the past WEEK my chest has felt heavy and tight when I breathe in, I’ve also got a dry cough. My doctor checked my lungs and said clear and said oxygen was all fine, blood pressure was okay. I can feel these symptoms all the time with no break apart from when I’m asleep. All I can think of is lung cancer and I’m a single mum with four kids who NEED me

24-08-21, 18:12
I’ve also got a sore chest and a slight pain in my rib today!!

24-08-21, 20:04
Please go to your other thread and reread the replies that you have been given.

You won't get any different answers by starting a new thread.

24-08-21, 20:46
Sorry guys I’m just a state. I’ve had some pain on my right lung, my chest is sore from coughing. Heavy feeling is there in chest and my lungs. Everyone around me saying anxiety but it might not be.
I don’t want to leave my babies behind.
I don’t want to go to a&e because im scared what they might find. I just don’t get what is wrong with me.
Anxiety surely can’t cause this?
My chest is so heavy when I breathe, I can feel it in my throat and my my throat is tickling

honestly to me it sounds like a chest infection that might need medicine. That’s how mine feels every time I have bronchitis.

24-08-21, 20:52
I just don’t know what to do 😭 I’ve got my doctor calling me tomorrow for a ‘check in’ it the cough wasn’t really there when I saw the doctor I don’t think. I feel fine in myself apart from this, no fever or anything

24-08-21, 20:54
I rarely run a fever with bronchial infections. It’s odd. I know a lot of people do, but I don’t. It’s worth getting checked out in my opinion.

24-08-21, 21:04
I rarely run a fever with bronchial infections. It’s odd. I know a lot of people do, but I don’t. It’s worth getting checked out in my opinion.

The doctor checked me over on Thursday, do you think he should check me again?

24-08-21, 21:05
The doctor checked me over on Thursday, do you think he should check me again?

How do they diagnose an infection like that?

24-08-21, 21:45
The doctor checked me over on Thursday, do you think he should check me again?

Have your symptoms worsened since Thursday? Deeper, chestier cough, barky like sound? Doesn’t necessarily have to be a productive cough, mine rarely are at the start.

I’m not a doctor, I just get chest infections almost every year. All I’m saying is if I had new or worsening symptoms 4 days after my last doctor visit, I would ask them if they wanted to see me again. Actual symptoms, not just ones that are anxiety related - I know it can be tough to tell the difference if you’re trapped in the HA spiral. Maybe ask them when you talk to them tomorrow? Chest infections are easy to diagnose. They always just listen to my lungs. On occasion they’ll recommend an X-ray but it’s pretty rare, at least over here in the states.

24-08-21, 21:52
Not really worse, they have stayed the sameish. But the cough is generally new I think and the pain. Though I’m not sure if that’s why I’ve got some pain, because I’ve been coughing.
He listened to my lungs and said clear on Thursday, my cough is pretty dry, it feels like
I need to break up stuff on my chest but nothing happens when I cough, I get the odd amount of mucous but it’s clear

24-08-21, 21:53
I actually called an ambulance on Saturday morning because I was SO worked up. They didn’t come out and see me but the paramedic called me and basically said go back to GP.
He asked me a ton of questions and spent ages on the phone to me. I’ve just never had anything like this before and it’s unbelievably scary. It actually all started after a panic attack which is odd. But it really doesn’t feel like my normal anxiety symptoms

24-08-21, 22:04
You mentioned you have an appt tomorrow for a “check” so maybe just mention everything to your GP. They’ll decide if you should be seen again.

24-08-21, 22:08
You mentioned you have an appt tomorrow for a “check” so maybe just mention everything to your GP. They’ll decide if you should be seen again.

Okay, thank you for your advice.
I just can’t get the big C out of my head

25-08-21, 08:39

Your symptoms nearly 100% mimic mine, it comes in waves after stressful periods & if I focus on it, it'll hang around longer, gotta love anxiety!!
For me quitting coffee & alcohol helped a lot (over summer I drank a bit of both & symptoms got worse) & I do similar breathing/relaxation/meditation exercises that have already been mentioned. I also followed Buteyko breathing training (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKaUEVnducI), it helps you relax & also builds up your CO2 tolerance so you aren't so sensitive to that air hunger feeling. It feels weird to hold your breathe at the start but you quickly build up a bit tolerance, maybe give it a go.

I'm very far from a "cured" person but 100% understand how horrible that "can't breathe" feeling is so wanted to post my experience!

25-08-21, 08:53
I’ve had a shower, but I’m sure I’ve lost weight in the last week? I haven’t been eating as well but I’m sure I look abnormally slimmer than usual.

In one of your posts, I recall you saying that you 'hadn't eaten for days'?

Do you not think it logical that you will lose a few pounds by not eating?

Do you also not think it logical that an anxious body burns more fuel than a calm one?

I've lost over 2 stone due to anxiety, and numerous times in my life. Some people gain weight because they eat more. I can't eat when I'm severely anxious so it stands to reason that there will be some weight loss...

25-08-21, 08:55

Your symptoms nearly 100% mimic mine, it comes in waves after stressful periods & if I focus on it, it'll hang around longer, gotta love anxiety!!
For me quitting coffee & alcohol helped a lot (over summer I drank a bit of both & symptoms got worse) & I do similar breathing/relaxation/meditation exercises that have already been mentioned. I also followed Buteyko breathing training (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKaUEVnducI), it helps you relax & also builds up your CO2 tolerance so you aren't so sensitive to that air hunger feeling. It feels weird to hold your breathe at the start but you quickly build up a bit tolerance, maybe give it a go.

I'm very far from a "cured" person but 100% understand how horrible that "can't breathe" feeling is so wanted to post my experience!

Thank you, did you go to the doctor
Or have any tests?

25-08-21, 08:59
In one of your posts, I recall you saying that you 'hadn't eaten for days'?

Do you not think it logical that you will lose a few pounds by not eating?

Do you also not think it logical that an anxious body burns more fuel than a calm one?

I've lost over 2 stone due to anxiety, and numerous times in my life. Some people gain weight because they eat more. I can't eat when I'm severely anxious so it stands to reason that there will be some weight loss...

Yes, I asked my mum if I had lost a large amount and she said no that she couldn’t see much difference in me so that’s one less worry

25-08-21, 09:01
Just a general check up when I started to have panic attacks, high(ish) blood pressure was only thing off.

I don't have any issue when I "just do" physically things, renovating a house now with loads of physical work = no problems. Put me on the sofa with my own thoughts & I can get short of breathe just thinking about it :)

25-08-21, 09:10
Just a general check up when I started to have panic attacks, high(ish) blood pressure was only thing off.

I don't have any issue when I "just do" physically things, renovating a house now with loads of physical work = no problems. Put me on the sofa with my own thoughts & I can get short of breathe just thinking about it :)

So you didn’t have chest X-rays and blood tests? I’m scared to go for these tests but seems like
It’ll be the only thing that may help

25-08-21, 09:17
Nora I’m so scared, I’m only 31. Surely I couldn’t have lung cancer at my age but then Cancer doesn’t pick and choose by age

No, it doesn't. But you don't have lung cancer. You have severe anxiety.

I see you have children? Are you scared of leaving them? That was my fear with my third son who is autistic. This fear took me to mental breakdown..

Make your kids your goal for giving your all to controlling this mental health disorder?

I know how ill you feel right now. I've been there. I also know that your kids will be taking in more than you think. Is this what you want for your kids? For them to develop this condition? Of course you don't..

I damaged my son - not intentionally. Never intentionally, but I damaged him. Up until recently he thought I'd had a heart attack in 2017 because he remembered me being wired up to monitors in A & E. It wasn't a heart attack - on any of those occasions. So what else is in his head? I have a lot of work to do and I've no doubt that he understands that his mother has anxiety disorders, but I really hope that my legacy to him is how hard I fought to try and control or overcome them?

You don't have cancer. You do have a mental health disorder. The symptom that's currently kicking your @rse (breathing) I've already explained. Go back and find that post and read it over and over and over again. It's a normal physical response. It just feels unpleasant and you're adding fear to the mix which just keeps it going. You are in dominant sympathetic response (fight or flight)

You're also seeing yourself as thinner than you actually are because perceptions become distorted with severe anxiety and we develop a kind of body dysmorphia?

While this all seems very scary, it's all an illusion. By this, I mean that the symptoms are real, but your 'cancer' is imaginary.

Think 'Wizard of Oz' where the scary and all powerful 'wizard' is revealed to be nothing more than a little old man hiding behind a curtain - pulling lots of levers and pullies. Your fear is the man behind the curtain. And there are many little 'Toto's' on this thread who are all pulling the curtain aside to show you what's really there..

So come on Dorothy. You're stronger than you think. X

25-08-21, 09:57
So you didn’t have chest X-rays and blood tests? I’m scared to go for these tests but seems like
It’ll be the only thing that may help

I haven't had lots of tests because like lots of symptoms they come & go with stressful periods & now after 5+ years with on/off HA I'm very aware of the patterns in my mental & physically behaviour which trigger my symptoms not just this one.
Also for me reassurance isn't the best thing, will I accept/believe it or will I start to second guess it the second I feel unsure & start the cycle off again?!
For me learning to accept uncertainties & trusting your gut feeling (to know if something is badly wrong) have been much better approaches in the long run. I still have HA but it comes in stressful periods rather than a constant thing nowerdays.

Breathing stuff is so hard to ignore since we do it all the time but I find making 10mins a day to just lie down & slowly lightly breathe through your nose (do it before bed, I know it's hard to find calm with kids around :)) can really help bring your system to a calmer place.

25-08-21, 11:28
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


25-08-21, 15:26
No, it doesn't. But you don't have lung cancer. You have severe anxiety.

I see you have children? Are you scared of leaving them? That was my fear with my third son who is autistic. This fear took me to mental breakdown..

Make your kids your goal for giving your all to controlling this mental health disorder?

I know how ill you feel right now. I've been there. I also know that your kids will be taking in more than you think. Is this what you want for your kids? For them to develop this condition? Of course you don't..

I damaged my son - not intentionally. Never intentionally, but I damaged him. Up until recently he thought I'd had a heart attack in 2017 because he remembered me being wired up to monitors in A & E. It wasn't a heart attack - on any of those occasions. So what else is in his head? I have a lot of work to do and I've no doubt that he understands that his mother has anxiety disorders, but I really hope that my legacy to him is how hard I fought to try and control or overcome them?

You don't have cancer. You do have a mental health disorder. The symptom that's currently kicking your @rse (breathing) I've already explained. Go back and find that post and read it over and over and over again. It's a normal physical response. It just feels unpleasant and you're adding fear to the mix which just keeps it going. You are in dominant sympathetic response (fight or flight)

You're also seeing yourself as thinner than you actually are because perceptions become distorted with severe anxiety and we develop a kind of body dysmorphia?

While this all seems very scary, it's all an illusion. By this, I mean that the symptoms are real, but your 'cancer' is imaginary.

Think 'Wizard of Oz' where the scary and all powerful 'wizard' is revealed to be nothing more than a little old man hiding behind a curtain - pulling lots of levers and pullies. Your fear is the man behind the curtain. And there are many little 'Toto's' on this thread who are all pulling the curtain aside to show you what's really there..

So come on Dorothy. You're stronger than you think. X

Thank you for such a lovely message.
I am petrified of leaving my kids. I have a 7 year old, a 5 year old, a 4 year old and a one year old. I can’t bare to even look at them at the moment because i keep imaging them without me and how scared and hopeless they would feel. It kills me inside, eats away at me all the time. I try to keep it hidden as much as I can and I don’t talk about it in front of them but they pick up on it. Suddenly mummy is on the phone to the doctors a lot and family crying and asking for help, we don’t go out anymore and I don’t put my make up on or get dressed, they know some thing isn’t right with me. I’ve told them I’m poorly, but they don’t understand. Luckily my 7 year old is in Scotland for two weeks with her nan so she hasn’t seen me. I agree totally, health anxiety has given me body dysmorphia before, it makes you look unwell. Skinny, gaunt. And once the anxiety has gone you always look normal again so I agree.

25-08-21, 15:29
I haven't had lots of tests because like lots of symptoms they come & go with stressful periods & now after 5+ years with on/off HA I'm very aware of the patterns in my mental & physically behaviour which trigger my symptoms not just this one.
Also for me reassurance isn't the best thing, will I accept/believe it or will I start to second guess it the second I feel unsure & start the cycle off again?!
For me learning to accept uncertainties & trusting your gut feeling (to know if something is badly wrong) have been much better approaches in the long run. I still have HA but it comes in stressful periods rather than a constant thing nowerdays.

Breathing stuff is so hard to ignore since we do it all the time but I find making 10mins a day to just lie down & slowly lightly breathe through your nose (do it before bed, I know it's hard to find calm with kids around :)) can really help bring your system to a calmer place.

It is about trusting yourself you’re right, I feel like I can’t trust anyone that’s the issue, not even myself. It’s cruel. And yes breathing is so hard because it stops becoming automatic and you focus on every breath you take when usually you don’t. Mine comes on randomly, but every day I have a worry about my health. It’s sort of normal for me now.
I really hope I can get to a point where I can calm myself genuinely down

25-08-21, 15:31
I spoke to my doctor on the phone and he said he isn’t worried about lung cancer at all, he’s said he would book me in the hospital for a chest X-ray if I wanted but he said it would probably make me more tormented so I politely declined it. He has said he will do bloods on my thyroid though to check it’s not overactive which can cause panic and he will do an ecg just to cover my worries about my heart as well to reassure me.
So why do I still feel bad?

25-08-21, 15:31
He also upped my dose too two propranolol a day, so 80mg a day

25-08-21, 17:31
So why do I still feel bad?

Because you’re still stuck in the HA spiral. Start treating the real issue, which is anxiety. It takes time but you will absolutely feel better.

25-08-21, 17:38
Because you’re still stuck in the HA spiral. Start treating the real issue, which is anxiety. It takes time but you will absolutely feel better.

Thank you x

25-08-21, 17:40
It is about trusting yourself you’re right, I feel like I can’t trust anyone that’s the issue, not even myself. It’s cruel. And yes breathing is so hard because it stops becoming automatic and you focus on every breath you take when usually you don’t. Mine comes on randomly, but every day I have a worry about my health. It’s sort of normal for me now.
I really hope I can get to a point where I can calm myself genuinely down

Yep I know what you mean, I totally lost my gut feeling/trust in myself after my first deep episode of HA but it will come back.
For me training again (built up slowly) helped because it gives focus on something positive & it made me see just how many things can go right in your body vs thinking about everything that can go wrong.

Definitely look at the thyroid tests, my wife has thyroid issues (hashimotos - don't Google it :)) which at times has given her very bad anxiety from nowhere. She takes thyroid replacement meds but a lot of symptoms she's healed or improved with diet (quit sugar, gluten & anything with soy in it), exercise & stress management, once she worked out triggers she's found it very manageable.

Good luck & feel better!

26-08-21, 08:11
Yep I know what you mean, I totally lost my gut feeling/trust in myself after my first deep episode of HA but it will come back.
For me training again (built up slowly) helped because it gives focus on something positive & it made me see just how many things can go right in your body vs thinking about everything that can go wrong.

Definitely look at the thyroid tests, my wife has thyroid issues (hashimotos - don't Google it :)) which at times has given her very bad anxiety from nowhere. She takes thyroid replacement meds but a lot of symptoms she's healed or improved with diet (quit sugar, gluten & anything with soy in it), exercise & stress management, once she worked out triggers she's found it very manageable.

Good luck & feel better!

Thank you, no I won’t google it.
The doctor is doing it next Thursday so I’ll have to wait till then.
I’m glad your wife is finding things more manageable

26-08-21, 08:14
Thank you for such a lovely message.
I am petrified of leaving my kids. I have a 7 year old, a 5 year old, a 4 year old and a one year old. I can’t bare to even look at them at the moment because i keep imaging them without me and how scared and hopeless they would feel. It kills me inside, eats away at me all the time.

I understand, believe me. And this fear totally blew all the other previous causes of my HA totally out of the water. I know how much this is hurting you lovely, and you have my empathy and love.

I agree totally, health anxiety has given me body dysmorphia before, it makes you look unwell. Skinny, gaunt. And once the anxiety has gone you always look normal again so I agree.

I look deathly ill (minus make-up) on a good day. That's just my natural skin lol. I'm an effortless Goth! But when I was really mentally unwell with health anxiety I looked like the living dead even with make up on. My skin was unhealthily pale with huge dark circles under my 'dead' eyes, and, well, I looked like I'd been exhumed to be honest. Logically, this happens for a few reasons. One being that we're constantly in fight or flight so the blood gets redirected at the parts of our body that need the extra power to help us run away or fight. Also, lack of sleep. Poor diet - it all adds up to an unhealthy looking complexion. So slap on some make up. Add some colour to your face!

I lost two stone, and rapidly, and that terrified me because weight loss equals cancer, right? Well it does when you have HA. I totally disregarded all the other times in my life where I'd lost a few stone during stressful periods! Also, I didn't understand anxiety or the stress response then. My mind was lying to me every second of every day and I fell for those lies, big time - just as you're doing now..


How did I overcome my fear of leaving my kids?

The answer is obvious. I accepted it.

It helped that my friend (who did have cancer) was given a terminal diagnosis and she had to face leaving her (then) 9 year old son. This wasn't her imagination. It was her reality. This amazing woman went out and bought a classic book for every one of her son's birthdays up until the age of 21. That done, she paid off the mortgage, sorted out jobs in the house, and took her family all over the world! She made those two years memorable for reasons other than her illness. Cancer? She couldn't control that, but she sure as hell gave it a run for it's money with her attitude, bless her! My friend died and people stepped up to fill that void in her son (and husband's) life. Her son is now in high school and doing really well - especially at sports - and my mate was a sporty lady so she'd have loved that. One of the important lessons here is that I learned that children are far more resilient than we think and part of your job as a mother is to prepare your children for a life without you - even if they are in their 40s when you finally croak!

The way out of health anxiety isn't to tell ourselves that we're never going to get ill because the chances are that one day we will. It isn't in magical thinking, and it certainly isn't in avoidance. We overcome HA by taking care of ourselves as best we can and accepting potential illness and inevitable death. That's it. That's how this works. Anything else is to render HA dormant for a while, and then it's back down the hole we go!

We take care of ourselves - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And we make happy memories to be remembered by because we're mother's and we don't want fear to be our legacies to our kids, right?

The past is gone and the future is unknown, but the 'now' is where we can live, and the problem with HA is that we're always time travelling to a very scary albeit imagined future, and I don't know about you but in 50+ years of being on this planet I've yet to see any of my catastrophic imaginings come true! Even when I encountered a life-threatening issue - I didn't fall apart. I actually handled it wonderfully! :shrug:

These days if my thoughts stray to me leaving my son, I acknowledge them and re-frame them to seeing him thriving and happy. I know he'd miss me - I'd had done a shit job as a mum if he didn't - but I know that I'm not the only person who loves him. He will be supported if I'm not there. He has a dad, brothers and uncles. I know he'll be Ok. I can't dictate when I die. All I have is the now. What I do with that time is down to me..

I used to think that I wouldn't be able to stand dying and leaving my kids - and two are in their 30s - but then I re-framed it and reminded myself that the alternative to not leaving my kids is to outlive them, and that obliterated my fear of leaving them..

You're 31. You don't have cancer. You have an anxiety disorder. You can get your life back if you work hard. It won't be an easy or immediate fix. You thought your way into this and now you need to think your way out and acceptance is key.

My advice to you is this: no matter how shit you feel. How weak. How ill. How tired. How wired. Whatever. Get washed. Get dressed. Get out of the house. Your body might shake. Your legs might feel like they're going to give way beneath you, but they won't give. You might feel sick, but you won't be sick. Your body will carry you. It's been carrying you all this time. Take it all with you and move about because this helps to discharge some of those stress hormones, and this will help you to feel calmer.

Allow those irrational thoughts to come.

'What if I collapse?' 'What if I pass out?' 'What if I throw up?'

Allow all those what if's and just keep moving. Get rebellious. Tell your HA, 'Yeah, whatever mate. I'm doing it anyway!'

If you like Harry Potter, give your fear a name, or a face, and 'Riddikulus' the crap out if by imagining it wearing a gimp suit (my personal favourite) or give those irrational thoughts a silly voice - like Mickey Mouse?Try this..

Read these words below in your normal way, and this should trigger you somewhat - but that's ok - then do it again adding a funny voice. I tend to use Cartman from Southpark because his voice cracks me up.

I'm so scared. I'm going to die. I can't breathe. I'm freaking out. Help me!!

Adding Cartman's voice removes the fear from these words. I just did this and even though those words are 'scary', I can't help but laugh. And also think of cheesey poofs! :huh:

Your mind is your prison, but it also contains the key to set you free, you get me?

26-08-21, 08:21
Do you have much of a support system, Chlobo? Someone who could step in to look after your children if you were ever ill? If you don't this can really add to the pressure being piled on you and can make you fear all sorts of extreme situations..

26-08-21, 08:35
Do you have much of a support system, Chlobo? Someone who could step in to look after your children if you were ever ill? If you don't this can really add to the pressure being piled on you and can make you fear all sorts of extreme situations..

No, not really.
My mum suffers with extreme depression and sometimes psychosis. She sleeps most of her days away.
I have my gran but she’s frail and In her 80’s. I have a couple of good friends but they have children and busy lives so I try not to bother them with my issues

26-08-21, 08:37
I’m hoping this new drug Venlafaxine will help. I’ve been taking 75mg for a week now

26-08-21, 08:46
No, not really.
My mum suffers with extreme depression and sometimes psychosis. She sleeps most of her days away.
I have my gran but she’s frail and In her 80’s. I have a couple of good friends but they have children and busy lives so I try not to bother them with my issues

That sounds like a very tough situation at home. Is there any way you could get some practical support with the children such as Home Start? Having a support network around you is such a bonus but not everyone does and that makes managing HA all the more challenging.

26-08-21, 08:58
I’m hoping this new drug Venlafaxine will help. I’ve been taking 75mg for a week now

Meds alone will not overcome health anxiety. Meds deal with the symptoms of anxiety - not the cause. And HA has a cause which is essentially the fear of dying or death.

I see you have a couple of 'good friends'? That's not 'nobody' Chlobo. Some people have no friends. You do. That's one to put in your 'Pro' box. Have you even tried to speak to them about how you're struggling? 'Good friends' would want to know so they can support you.

26-08-21, 09:41
Meds alone will not overcome health anxiety. Meds deal with the symptoms of anxiety - not the cause. And HA has a cause which is essentially the fear of dying or death.

I see you have a couple of 'good friends'? That's not 'nobody' Chlobo. Some people have no friends. You do. That's one to put in your 'Pro' box. Have you even tried to speak to them about how you're struggling? 'Good friends' would want to know so they can support you.

I am lucky to have the couple of friends that I do.
They do know about my health anxiety because I’m constantly asking for reassurance, when I’m like this They don’t really seem to want to see me. Problem is I just feel so anxious I’m not chatty or want to even talk, I just want to sit there. And they have kids so I don’t think they want there kids picking up on how I feel.
I’ve had a shower and washed my hair, done the dishwasher and my chest keeps feeling horrible, I keep clearing my throat and doing a deep mouth breath. Maybe it comes on more when I exert myself which I guess is just as bad.
I’m contemplating calling the GP and going ahead with the chest xray

26-08-21, 10:14
I’ve had a shower and washed my hair, done the dishwasher and my chest keeps feeling horrible.

It will do.

Do you know that it takes months for adrenalin levels to settle down after a single traumatic experience? So maybe you can imagine how these constant blasts of adrenalin throughout the day are making you feel like poo and keeping this chest symptom going? The muscles in your chest are constricted because that's what happens with fight or flight - and these symptoms/sensations continue even when you are not actively having an HA thought because your body is never completely out of fight or flight mode.

Those stress hormones linger long after the thought which created them has passed and because the symptoms linger, this adds fuel to the HA fire of 'I still feel ill. There MUST be something seriously wrong with me!' In reality, your body is stuck in fight or flight mode, and it's your thoughts which are keeping the whole circus going..

I keep clearing my throat and doing a deep mouth breath. Maybe it comes on more when I exert myself which I guess is just as bad.
I’m contemplating calling the GP and going ahead with the chest xray

If you want to expose yourself to a hefty blast of radiation (in the absence of symptoms that actually warrant one) that's up to you and your GP, but personally I'd advise against it. Imaging when necessary!

26-08-21, 13:49
I am lucky to have the couple of friends that I do.
They do know about my health anxiety because I’m constantly asking for reassurance, when I’m like this They don’t really seem to want to see me. Problem is I just feel so anxious I’m not chatty or want to even talk, I just want to sit there. And they have kids so I don’t think they want there kids picking up on how I feel.
I’ve had a shower and washed my hair, done the dishwasher and my chest keeps feeling horrible, I keep clearing my throat and doing a deep mouth breath. Maybe it comes on more when I exert myself which I guess is just as bad.
I’m contemplating calling the GP and going ahead with the chest xray

You can't really blame your friends for not wanting to encourage your HA especially when it's all you want to talk about. Maybe you could force yourself to talk about normal stuff which is nothing to do with symptoms or illness? You don't want your friends to back off.

As for the chest xray...A responsible GP wouldn't send you for one just to get you off his/her back. It wouldn't work anyway.

27-08-21, 10:04
It will do.

Do you know that it takes months for adrenalin levels to settle down after a single traumatic experience? So maybe you can imagine how these constant blasts of adrenalin throughout the day are making you feel like poo and keeping this chest symptom going? The muscles in your chest are constricted because that's what happens with fight or flight - and these symptoms/sensations continue even when you are not actively having an HA thought because your body is never completely out of fight or flight mode.

Those stress hormones linger long after the thought which created them has passed and because the symptoms linger, this adds fuel to the HA fire of 'I still feel ill. There MUST be something seriously wrong with me!' In reality, your body is stuck in fight or flight mode, and it's your thoughts which are keeping the whole circus going..

If you want to expose yourself to a hefty blast of radiation (in the absence of symptoms that actually warrant one) that's up to you and your GP, but personally I'd advise against it. Imaging when necessary!

I have decided against the X-ray for now ( I think )
Doctor said he wouldn’t usually do it but to calm me he thought it might help.
It’s just hard to believe anxiety can cause such physical symptoms? Because people like my mum say to me ‘oh it’s in your head’ but it really isn’t, it’s a real physical feeling the same as if you had a pain, I didn’t know it could take that long for the body to settle down from physical feelings.
I took my kids to the park yesterday morning for a couple of hours and then we went for a little walk afterwards, it was all I could manage before I had to come home. I look awful at the moment too and I’m always worried about seeing someone I know who will wonder what’s going on with me.
My friend came round yesterday evening as well for a few hours and she gave me a big cuddle and chatted to me for ages.

27-08-21, 10:06
You can't really blame your friends for not wanting to encourage your HA especially when it's all you want to talk about. Maybe you could force yourself to talk about normal stuff which is nothing to do with symptoms or illness? You don't want your friends to back off.

As for the chest xray...A responsible GP wouldn't send you for one just to get you off his/her back. It wouldn't work anyway.

Yeah I do understand why it can be annoying, my friend came to see me last night and we chatted and I managed to talk about other things as well as how I’m feeling. She gave me a huge cuddle and she said that she had experienced the same feelings and symptoms as me before when she’s been under stress. The doctor said he wouldn’t usually do it but he thought it might calm me down, but I’ve decided against it for now

27-08-21, 11:09
Feeling really agitated this morning and dealing with bad thoughts about lung cancer.
When I breathe in it feels like I can’t get a full breath and my chest feels clogged. I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this. Please give me the strength to get through

28-08-21, 09:28
Hi again everyone, I’m really struggling. I’m not sure I should of started this new medication 😭 My children go back to school in one week after the summer holidays and I don’t know how to cope with sorting all their things out for school.
All that’s on my mind is I’m seriously unwell and I’m going to die

29-08-21, 06:26
Hi again everyone, I’m really struggling. I’m not sure I should of started this new medication 😭 My children go back to school in one week after the summer holidays and I don’t know how to cope with sorting all their things out for school.
All that’s on my mind is I’m seriously unwell and I’m going to die

Sorry you're still struggling.
I think what Nora & others wrote about fight or flight is really important to understand & accept, I had a hard time too with accepting that anxiety/stress could cause some physical stuff but once I understood it, it helped.
Fight or flight is built in us to survive but in the modern world it gets triggered far too often for the wrong things (bad thoughts, newspaper headlines, email checking, social media etc). Being chased by a lion or bear would generally be a short intense stress (you get away or you don't) but modern stress is far more ongoing & therefore symptoms can be the same.
By worrying about a symptom over & over you're triggering your fight or flight again and again and making the symptom last longer or worse.

If I can't let a symptom go (doesn't happen so often these days), I sometimes set myself a "deadline": if in X weeks the symptom is worse or still really truly bothers me then i'll get it checked but in the meantime i'll put my focus somewhere else, most the time, by the time the deadline comes my symptom is improved or I've found something else to stress about :)
Meditation has been a huge help for me, it's given me better focus & that helps not let my worries take over like they used to.

Summer holidays are great but can be really stressful at time too so maybe your kids going back to school might help you get some space to yourself.

I haven't & don't take any medication so can't comment on that.

29-08-21, 08:18
All that’s on my mind is I’m seriously unwell and I’m going to die

Almost 2 weeks after you started this thread about this particular symptom and you're still here, and you're still choosing to listen to the lies your HA mind is telling you rather than to reason.

You're not 'seriously unwell'. You are going to die one day (as we all will) but that's probably not today (or for a long time yet)

This is what your mind is telling you, and it's a lie.

You don't have to worry about how you'll cope'. Just do it. Sorting out the school stuff will take your mind off yourself for a while and doing something will help because doing nothing allows HA to really mess with your head and this will only encourage the release of more stress hormones - whereas moving about helps to discharge them. It's simple.

When I had my breakdown, I didn't move out of the chair. My husband went to work and there I stayed. Phone at the ready to dial 999. I felt scared to move, like I would fall down and die if I did? So all I could do was let those irrational run amok in my head and all that adrenalin coursed through my body 24/7. It felt like I was having electrical shocks, and constantly. It felt like I was always just one step away from falling into insanity or death. When I eventually got up, my legs shook like jelly. Every part of my body shook. I felt weak and breakable. Surely I was done for? But Claire Weekes was telling me to move and she assured me that I wouldn't die. So I moved, and I didn't die. Claire was right, and I am right because I've lived this, and in you I can see myself. And I made it back to normality. My normality anyway. And so will you, but you have to make the decision to get off your @rse and do things accepting that you're going to feel like poo for a bit..

Take the kids for a lovely walk in the fresh air. Watch them play and enjoy life. Nothing will happen to you that isn't beneficial. You might feel lousy when you walk out the door but you won't feel 'as' lousy when you come back..

Stick the Vs up to HA and do something lovely today. Make a beautiful memory. Laugh. Be childlike. Connect with your kids on their level. Don't think, just 'do'.

29-08-21, 08:39
Almost 2 weeks after you started this thread about this particular symptom and you're still here, and you're still choosing to listen to the lies your HA mind is telling you rather than to reason.

You're not 'seriously unwell'. You are going to die one day (as we all will) but that's probably not today (or for a long time yet)

This is what your mind is telling you, and it's a lie.

You don't have to worry about how you'll cope'. Just do it. Sorting out the school stuff will take your mind off yourself for a while and doing something will help because doing nothing allows HA to really mess with your head and this will only encourage the release of more stress hormones - whereas moving about helps to discharge them. It's simple.

When I had my breakdown, I didn't move out of the chair. My husband went to work and there I stayed. Phone at the ready to dial 999. I felt scared to move, like I would fall down and die if I did? So all I could do was let those irrational run amok in my head and all that adrenalin coursed through my body 24/7. It felt like I was having electrical shocks, and constantly. It felt like I was always just one step away from falling into insanity or death. When I eventually got up, my legs shook like jelly. Every part of my body shook. I felt weak and breakable. Surely I was done for? But Claire Weekes was telling me to move and she assured me that I wouldn't die. So I moved, and I didn't die. Claire was right, and I am right because I've lived this, and in you I can see myself. And I made it back to normality. My normality anyway. And so will you, but you have to make the decision to get off your @rse and do things accepting that you're going to feel like poo for a bit..

Take the kids for a lovely walk in the fresh air. Watch them play and enjoy life. Nothing will happen to you that isn't beneficial. You might feel lousy when you walk out the door but you won't feel 'as' lousy when you come back..

Stick the Vs up to HA and do something lovely today. Make a beautiful memory. Laugh. Be childlike. Connect with your kids on their level. Don't think, just 'do'.

I just feel SO rough. I’m not sure if the Ven is contributing. I’m sweaty and hot, feel really odd, my heart keeps racing.
I went out last night and felt awful, I went for a walk and felt like I was gonna pass out! I hadn’t eaten much that day, a cerial bar and a pack of crisps but I felt like shit. And then my brain screams lung cancer even more. I don’t know if it was because I hadn’t eaten/new tablets side effects/anxiety plus the fact I haven’t been doing much for two weeks so it was a shock to walk a lot! But it scared me, I also feel like I might actually be getting a cold or something. My dry cough has turned more chesty and I just feel congested, sometimes coughing up stuff

29-08-21, 17:36
I just feel SO rough. I’m not sure if the Ven is contributing. I’m sweaty and hot, feel really odd, my heart keeps racing.
I went out last night and felt awful, I went for a walk and felt like I was gonna pass out! I hadn’t eaten much that day, a cerial bar and a pack of crisps but I felt like shit. And then my brain screams lung cancer even more. I don’t know if it was because I hadn’t eaten/new tablets side effects/anxiety plus the fact I haven’t been doing much for two weeks so it was a shock to walk a lot! But it scared me, I also feel like I might actually be getting a cold or something. My dry cough has turned more chesty and I just feel congested, sometimes coughing up stuff

We went to a car and air show today, god it was awful. My anxiety was raging, I felt like shit, I looked like shit. All I could think about was being unwell. Spent like 6 hours there and then came home and slept. I woke up and I feel much better weirdly. I really needed that nap. I just need this feeling to go when I breathe in and then I’ll feel much better

29-08-21, 17:37
I’m going to have a look at Claire weeks..

29-08-21, 17:47
Feel the fear and do it anyway..You'll be fine..as you were today.

29-08-21, 18:36
How do you cope when you feel anxious and then come across these videos on Facebook that show you someone that went for an eye test and was diagnosed with a brain tumour. I just can’t cope with it

29-08-21, 18:37
Feel the fear and do it anyway..You'll be fine..as you were today.

Thanks, I was glad to come home but I did it. My son was so excited to go. I just felt crap the entire time

29-08-21, 19:17
It doesn't matter how you felt you, did it. Keep doing things and it'll get easier.

The videos/adverts that appear on your timeline of FB are based on your internet search history. They have very clever algorithms that pick up what you look at.

30-08-21, 07:41
How do you cope when you feel anxious and then come across these videos on Facebook that show you someone that went for an eye test and was diagnosed with a brain tumour. I just can’t cope with it

In general I think total avoidance isn't the answer (exposure can be good at the right time in my view) but at the same time if you're constantly being drawn in by videos & newspaper headlines that make you feel crap, there's not really anything useful to gain from them.
Also in this day & age there's a tonne of misinformation online & clickbait.

When I had my worst HA period I just decided to avoid all media for a period of time, helped a lot, once I felt better I could phase some back in & I could react a lot better when not highly stressed.

Like others said, you done great to be out for 6 hours, anxiety might always be there but not letting it run your life is the most important part!

30-08-21, 08:07
I just feel SO rough.

I know you do. I don't doubt that for one second, but that doesn't mean you're dying does it? I felt every bit as crap as you do and I didn't die.

I’m not sure if the Ven is contributing. I’m sweaty and hot, feel really odd, my heart keeps racing.

Possibly. I found that the side effects of my meds were far worse than what I was taking them for...

I went out last night and felt awful, I went for a walk and felt like I was gonna pass out!

But you didn't pass out..

I hadn’t eaten much that day, a cerial bar and a pack of crisps but I felt like shit.

Anxiety aside, if that's all you ate yesterday - you're going to feel like crap. You need to be eating little and often. Nutritious soups or have some Complans - at least you will be getting the nutrients your body needs. We all need fuel and an anxious system needs more fuel than normal because we're burning more. You might not have an appetite (I certainly didn't) but this is a case of eating for necessity rather than pleasure.

And then my brain screams lung cancer even more. I don’t know if it was because I hadn’t eaten/new tablets side effects/anxiety plus the fact I haven’t been doing much for two weeks so it was a shock to walk a lot! But it scared me

It's not your brain; it's your mind. The brain is visible. It's tangible. The mind is not. The mind is where the imagination is, and that's what's screaming 'lung cancer' to you. Your brain is responsible for the fight or flight response. This is what's giving you this 'scary' symptom, except that it's there to keep you alive. You are very much alive..

You're a mother. You wouldn't send your kids to school without food would you? You know that they will feel awful and not be able to concentrate, so try mothering yourself and get some food inside you.

And keep going out..

30-08-21, 09:27
I know you do. I don't doubt that for one second, but that doesn't mean you're dying does it? I felt every bit as crap as you do and I didn't die.

Possibly. I found that the side effects of my meds were far worse than what I was taking them for...

But you didn't pass out..

Anxiety aside, if that's all you ate yesterday - you're going to feel like crap. You need to be eating little and often. Nutritious soups or have some Complans - at least you will be getting the nutrients your body needs. We all need fuel and an anxious system needs more fuel than normal because we're burning more. You might not have an appetite (I certainly didn't) but this is a case of eating for necessity rather than pleasure.

It's not your brain; it's your mind. The brain is visible. It's tangible. The mind is not. The mind is where the imagination is, and that's what's screaming 'lung cancer' to you. Your brain is responsible for the fight or flight response. This is what's giving you this 'scary' symptom, except that it's there to keep you alive. You are very much alive..

You're a mother. You wouldn't send your kids to school without food would you? You know that they will feel awful and not be able to concentrate, so try mothering yourself and get some food inside you.

And keep going out..

This has been two weeks of my own personal hell, the fear and the panic constantly is too much for me. I’m debating whether to go to A&E today and ask for some tests. I just can’t go on like this, not knowing wether something awful is happening to me. I’m in constant turmoil and I can’t escape. I feel like the only outcome for this is uncovering some awful illness. I don’t know what’s happening to me, my children deserve better than me, I look at their little faces and I think all I’m going to do is destroy them mentally or they will be destroyed mentally anyway with how hard and fragile life is, one minute it’s just gone. All I know is I can’t do this, All I can think about is tests, hospitals, cancer and death. My brain won’t go anywhere else. I’ve tried so hard but I just can’t cope anymore

30-08-21, 10:03
I just had some green phlegm come out and it had some pink in it!!

30-08-21, 10:18
Is anyone there I’m on my way to A&E

30-08-21, 14:26
I’ve had an ECG on my heart, blood tests, a chest X-ray and the doctor said I am fine.
I’m sat in the toilet at the hospital sobbing on the floor, not because I’m not happy but because my mind has total control over me and my anxiety is at a level where I feel like I need to be sectioned. My poor kids deserve better than this

30-08-21, 14:31
Believe me you are nowhere near the level of needing to be sectioned. You have health anxiety. You can allow HA to dictate your behaviour or you can take control back and learn not to react to anxiety symptoms.

31-08-21, 08:13
I’ve had an ECG on my heart, blood tests, a chest X-ray and the doctor said I am fine.
I’m sat in the toilet at the hospital sobbing on the floor, not because I’m not happy but because my mind has total control over me and my anxiety is at a level where I feel like I need to be sectioned. My poor kids deserve better than this

Chlobo, I've been exactly here. Dragging my husband and son to A&E and walk in centres. Having tests. Being told there's nothing wrong with me (except anxiety) and then breaking down crying, though I did that in front of my 8 year old son, husband, and doctor.

You don't need to be sectioned. You're nowhere near that. You don't want to be sectioned either. I used to say this too but the truth is that I would have fared much worse being away from my children. This is just desperate dialogue and I completely understand it..

You need to accept that this is all anxiety but also the possibility that one day you might become ill but you will cope.

Being ill doesn't equate to a death sentence. That's the thing with HA because it only deals in terminal illness and death - totally bypassing the far more likely scenarios of minor conditions etc.

Acceptance is how we beat HA. Anything else just puts it into hibernation or numbs the symptoms. This must be dealt with at the root or it keeps coming back. I've now had four significant health issues since my breakdown and these would previously have sent me spiralling out of control, but I still haven't gone back down that rabbit hole..

When I was where you are now I wanted to hear from people who had been every bit as mentally unwell as I was but who had got themselves out of that hole. That's what I'm doing with you, or trying to. My advice is good but you have to want to take it and understand that you'll have to be proactive.

There's only one thing you need to be putting into your mind today, and that's the word, 'ENOUGH!'. That's all you need to keep telling yourself for the next few days when those HA thoughts show up, and they will show up. They never stop - even when we're no longer imprisoned by them because they're just thoughts and overcoming HA isn't not ever having those thoughts again - it's how you deal with them when they come..

It's the fear which does the damage..

Your kids do deserve better so now is the time to start reading all the replies on this thread, and I do mean read them - not scan them or ignore them completely..

I did have a mental breakdown. That's how far HA can take you. However, with hard work and determination I got myself better. So if I can come back from breakdown (and with numerous other MH disorders to cope with) then I don't see why you can't? But you need to know that there is no quick fix. No easy way out. No short-cuts. You just have to make that mental shift with HA and accept death as the certainty that will come to every living being on this planet and also of potential illness in your lifetime. Though you can influence both by looking after yourself - body and mind.

Let the A&E visit be the last time you allow HA to scare and lie to you like this, and remind yourself that, yes, anxiety can well make us 'feel' like we're dying.

You've had a chest X Ray and an ECG so that absolutely draws a line under these present fears. ENOUGH NOW!

Don't move onto fearing cancer with the next symptom because there will be more symptoms. Your body will be swimming with stress hormones for months after this 'all clear'. Hence symptoms will remain. This is why people doubt doctors. 'If there's nothing wrong with me, why I do I still feel so ill?'

The doctors haven't missed anything. You didn't get the wrong results. You're physically healthy Chlobo, but you are mentally unwell - and you need some help with this..

You also deserve better than this, right? But it's only you who can change this situation. Seeking reassurance won't help you I'm afraid. We can throw you the ropes that will help you out of this hole but none of this will make any difference if you don't reach out and help yourself. You get me?

Time to start kicking HA's @rse lovely. X

31-08-21, 08:31
I wonder whether the root of your HA is being the sole carer of 4 young children and having no family support? It all hinges on you so you can't afford to be seriously ill? You can't rely on your Mum to help you because she's ill herself.

01-09-21, 03:30
Wow Nora. I've read through all your posts and that is some amazing advice. So well worded that even I took something from it and I am recovering nicely from HA.

Chlobo, I have been as deep in the rabbit hole as you. Except mine was regarding my heart. I wasted months worried that I would drop dead any minute. It took a lot to pull myself out. First and foremost you NEED to trust your doctor. That was the most important thing for me. She told me "if this ekg comes back normal I can assure you you have nothing to worry about" and it came back flawless. Whenever HA rears it's ugly head I play back those words and remember "I have nothing to worry about".
Its hard and there are time I feel off or have a heart palpitation and I second guess everything. But it's important to remember what the doctor told you and don't let HA steal any more of your time.

01-09-21, 07:12
So well worded that even I took something from it and I am recovering nicely from HA.

Good to hear this.

02-09-21, 16:13
Chlobo, I've been exactly here. Dragging my husband and son to A&E and walk in centres. Having tests. Being told there's nothing wrong with me (except anxiety) and then breaking down crying, though I did that in front of my 8 year old son, husband, and doctor.

You don't need to be sectioned. You're nowhere near that. You don't want to be sectioned either. I used to say this too but the truth is that I would have fared much worse being away from my children. This is just desperate dialogue and I completely understand it..

You need to accept that this is all anxiety but also the possibility that one day you might become ill but you will cope.

Being ill doesn't equate to a death sentence. That's the thing with HA because it only deals in terminal illness and death - totally bypassing the far more likely scenarios of minor conditions etc.

Acceptance is how we beat HA. Anything else just puts it into hibernation or numbs the symptoms. This must be dealt with at the root or it keeps coming back. I've now had four significant health issues since my breakdown and these would previously have sent me spiralling out of control, but I still haven't gone back down that rabbit hole..

When I was where you are now I wanted to hear from people who had been every bit as mentally unwell as I was but who had got themselves out of that hole. That's what I'm doing with you, or trying to. My advice is good but you have to want to take it and understand that you'll have to be proactive.

There's only one thing you need to be putting into your mind today, and that's the word, 'ENOUGH!'. That's all you need to keep telling yourself for the next few days when those HA thoughts show up, and they will show up. They never stop - even when we're no longer imprisoned by them because they're just thoughts and overcoming HA isn't not ever having those thoughts again - it's how you deal with them when they come..

It's the fear which does the damage..

Your kids do deserve better so now is the time to start reading all the replies on this thread, and I do mean read them - not scan them or ignore them completely..

I did have a mental breakdown. That's how far HA can take you. However, with hard work and determination I got myself better. So if I can come back from breakdown (and with numerous other MH disorders to cope with) then I don't see why you can't? But you need to know that there is no quick fix. No easy way out. No short-cuts. You just have to make that mental shift with HA and accept death as the certainty that will come to every living being on this planet and also of potential illness in your lifetime. Though you can influence both by looking after yourself - body and mind.

Let the A&E visit be the last time you allow HA to scare and lie to you like this, and remind yourself that, yes, anxiety can well make us 'feel' like we're dying.

You've had a chest X Ray and an ECG so that absolutely draws a line under these present fears. ENOUGH NOW!

Don't move onto fearing cancer with the next symptom because there will be more symptoms. Your body will be swimming with stress hormones for months after this 'all clear'. Hence symptoms will remain. This is why people doubt doctors. 'If there's nothing wrong with me, why I do I still feel so ill?'

The doctors haven't missed anything. You didn't get the wrong results. You're physically healthy Chlobo, but you are mentally unwell - and you need some help with this..

You also deserve better than this, right? But it's only you who can change this situation. Seeking reassurance won't help you I'm afraid. We can throw you the ropes that will help you out of this hole but none of this will make any difference if you don't reach out and help yourself. You get me?

Time to start kicking HA's @rse lovely. X

Thanks Nora, you’re right, the symptoms haven’t really gone away. They are sticking around, not as bad as before I think, I find I can’t always notice it.
The worry is still there, and yes my brain has been what ifing a lot, and I’m trying to quieten it. More so, what other tests should they do? Or could they do. Maybe they’ve done all they can? But I’m trying…

I’ve felt frazzled for about 3 days now, I’ve stopped taking the venlafaxine and the doctor has put me back on citalopram as I can’t cope with the weird side effects it’s causing me, it was hard to cope with the kids when I felt so crap physically. I take the tablets more for the fact I’m addicted to them and to stop withdrawal, rather than thinking they actually do much. They don’t alter how I think about Illness.
I’m still just waiting on my CBT to come through.

I went to the doctors today for my thyroid bloods to be taken and I did the ECG the doctor had requested, I didn’t mention that I had been to a&e and had one done.

I want to thank you for your help and advice, as much as it looked like it was falling on deaf ears, every reply has helped me, and I have re read them all. Thanks to everyone for their support

02-09-21, 16:15
And yes acceptance… of illness and death, the hardest part. I hope I can get to where some of you are now with your HA. I can’t imagine not panicking and losing my mind every time My body decides to produce a symptom. I really hope I can get well…

03-09-21, 04:10
You CAN get well. But it takes a lot of effort and hard work. You can't just sit around and hope to one day randomly get better. You have to make a conscious effort to get better. It takes time, effort and patience. And even when you do start feeling better there will still be bad days. You have to take those in stride and don't let them break you.

03-09-21, 08:30
And yes acceptance… of illness and death, the hardest part. I hope I can get to where some of you are now with your HA. I can’t imagine not panicking and losing my mind every time My body decides to produce a symptom. I really hope I can get well…

It is the hardest part because everything about us is survival. That's essentially what fight or flight is. But acceptance of illness and death really is the key to beating this disorder because fear of one or the other (or both) is the reason for it - whether it's fear for ourselves or for someone we love.

You can absolutely get to where I am but only if you make the mental shift that you are going to overcome this disorder by putting the effort in, expecting to take one step forward and a few steps back, and that there is no time limit on this. It took me a long time for my anxiety levels to drop back down to my 'norm'..

One thing..

Your body isn't deciding to produce a symptom for the hell of it. It's in direct response to your thoughts. You're still fearing these symptoms. It's your thoughts which you need to be working on, and by that I don't mean trying to avoid or block them. You need to be able to allow them in and observe them but not react with fear to them. HA is all about the response, and so is recovery...

I used to fear death. Every waking minute of my life was lived in fear. (I had HA from the age of 5 - not that I understood that then) and then I got a visit from someone who had been dead for years, and regardless of people's beliefs - that experience was so profound that my fear of death ended there. Added to this was the amount of 'good deaths' that I knew about - including my dad's and Nan's - and other experiences that I was having.. Then I became a mother and fear of becoming ill and not being around for them crippled me mentally. Having an autistic son in my late 30s? HA took advantage of this, and how! In my case, an early menopause, developing fibromyalgia, arthritis all over, MCS and all alongside anxiety disorders - all contributed to the conclusion that I wasn't going to make it to the end of every year. I planned my funeral years ago, I was that sure.

All I have is today. Now, to be more exact. I know I'm here now, but I can't guarantee that I'll see another sunrise. None of us can, no matter how old or young we are. We can influence this by looking after ourselves and not being reckless dicks, but death is a certainty so why waste our lives fearing it? To do that is to waste the time we do have, and in turn this affects those we love because HA doesn't just bugger us up - it's affects those we love too. So there's a lot to play for here..

My kids know I battle anxiety disorders but they've also seen how hard I've worked to overcome HA and I want that to be my legacy, and a big part of that was to be mindful of the words I was putting into my mind. There is no room for 'trying' and 'hoping'. Dialogue like this allows HA to be in control. It has to be, 'I am', 'I will' - even when you feel abysmal...

Especially when you feel abysmal...

You can get well. You will get well. You're not giving HA an option here. In doing this, you are, in effect, giving HA notice of eviction.

Hope won't get you out of the shithole you're in lovely. Only hard work and determination will get you out, and keep you out.

03-09-21, 09:30
It is the hardest part because everything about us is survival. That's essentially what fight or flight is. But acceptance of illness and death really is the key to beating this disorder because fear of one or the other (or both) is the reason for it - whether it's fear for ourselves or for someone we love.

You can absolutely get to where I am but only if you make the mental shift that you are going to overcome this disorder by putting the effort in, expecting to take one step forward and a few steps back, and that there is no time limit on this. It took me a long time for my anxiety levels to drop back down to my 'norm'..

One thing..

Your body isn't deciding to produce a symptom for the hell of it. It's in direct response to your thoughts. You're still fearing these symptoms. It's your thoughts which you need to be working on, and by that I don't mean trying to avoid or block them. You need to be able to allow them in and observe them but not react with fear to them. HA is all about the response, and so is recovery...

I used to fear death. Every waking minute of my life was lived in fear. (I had HA from the age of 5 - not that I understood that then) and then I got a visit from someone who had been dead for years, and regardless of people's beliefs - that experience was so profound that my fear of death ended there. Added to this was the amount of 'good deaths' that I knew about - including my dad's and Nan's - and other experiences that I was having.. Then I became a mother and fear of becoming ill and not being around for them crippled me mentally. Having an autistic son in my late 30s? HA took advantage of this, and how! In my case, an early menopause, developing fibromyalgia, arthritis all over, MCS and all alongside anxiety disorders - all contributed to the conclusion that I wasn't going to make it to the end of every year. I planned my funeral years ago, I was that sure.

All I have is today. Now, to be more exact. I know I'm here now, but I can't guarantee that I'll see another sunrise. None of us can, no matter how old or young we are. We can influence this by looking after ourselves and not being reckless dicks, but death is a certainty so why waste our lives fearing it? To do that is to waste the time we do have, and in turn this affects those we love because HA doesn't just bugger us up - it's affects those we love too. So there's a lot to play for here..

My kids know I battle anxiety disorders but they've also seen how hard I've worked to overcome HA and I want that to be my legacy, and a big part of that was to be mindful of the words I was putting into my mind. There is no room for 'trying' and 'hoping'. Dialogue like this allows HA to be in control. It has to be, 'I am', 'I will' - even when you feel abysmal...

Especially when you feel abysmal...

You can get well. You will get well. You're not giving HA an option here. In doing this, you are, in effect, giving HA notice of eviction.

Hope won't get you out of the shithole you're in lovely. Only hard work and determination will get you out, and keep you out.

I think acceptance of symptoms for me is hard, so just allowing them to come but not to worry about them… my windpipe and chest feels horrible this morning and my breathing when I mouth breathe also feels horrible. I’m really trying to stop but now I’m thinking hmm did a chest X-ray see enough? Maybe it’s my throat? Etc etc.
How do we talk to these thoughts?
I dropped my son to school this morning and he was so sad, he cried and it felt like my chest was closing up and my throat felt so horrible and I just couldn’t breathe.

That’s amazing that you took comfort from that. I haven’t actually seen death apart from when I was very little I had a look in a family members open coffin but it’s just what I’ve been told, not what I remember. Ive also had HA since very young, I remember crying in science as a small child because they were talking about the body and our organs and I just felt so scared thinking that was inside me, I used to have panic attacks and they took me out of the class in the end because it was too much for me.

I just want to feel sure that they have picked everything up at the hospital and this symptom isn’t something really bad. It’s just frustrating. When it happens I think oh no as well and I start testing my breathing. I’m expecting a call from my therapist next week for an appointment.

03-09-21, 11:20
You can & will feel better, I guess nearly everyone who's commented here has been where you are & now they're given advice so that's proof alone this will get better :)

Having an upset child is stressful by design, the fact that that triggered it is more proof it's stress/anxiety related.

Don't second guess the doctors especially when you've seen multiple doctors, accept what they say but accept that doesn't mean symptoms will instantly disappear.
"Being sure" they didn't miss anything is part of the problem, like Nora said nothing in life is sure & that's the bit that you need to get comfortable with which does take time.

When you have a thought like you said, acknowledge it as just a thought not reality, then move your focus to something else, can be anything: making dinner, counting clouds in the sky, your kids homework or play, just break the focus on the thought and repeat whenever it comes back.

Something physical I do when my breathing is crap from a stressy day/week/month etc is: lie down, only breathe through your nose (feels hard by design so we don't over breathe) & breathe with your belly not your chest, breathe in for 3 (belly goes up), hold for 4, breathe out slow for 5 (belly goes down), slight hold/pause & repeat for at least 5mins. I read this helps calm your nervous system/fight or flight & helps if you hyperventilate like I used to do basically all the time.

04-09-21, 08:49
I think acceptance of symptoms for me is hard, so just allowing them to come but not to worry about them… my windpipe and chest feels horrible this morning and my breathing when I mouth breathe also feels horrible. I’m really trying to stop but now I’m thinking hmm did a chest X-ray see enough? Maybe it’s my throat? Etc etc.
How do we talk to these thoughts?

They're just thoughts. Allow them in but don't react with fear...

So now you're doubting the X ray? Yep. That was always going to happen because HA thrives on the 'what ifs'..

I dropped my son to school this morning and he was so sad, he cried and it felt like my chest was closing up and my throat felt so horrible and I just couldn’t breathe.

That's a normal emotional response in non-anxious people. Maybe you can imagine how amplified this normal response is in sensitised people?

That’s amazing that you took comfort from that. I haven’t actually seen death apart from when I was very little I had a look in a family members open coffin but it’s just what I’ve been told, not what I remember. Ive also had HA since very young, I remember crying in science as a small child because they were talking about the body and our organs and I just felt so scared thinking that was inside me, I used to have panic attacks and they took me out of the class in the end because it was too much for me.

I threw a wobbler when they dissected bulls eyes... :scared15:

I just want to feel sure that they have picked everything up at the hospital and this symptom isn’t something really bad. It’s just frustrating. When it happens I think oh no as well and I start testing my breathing. I’m expecting a call from my therapist next week for an appointment.

My anxiety is high at the moment, and my breathing is buggered. My chest feels tight because I naturally breathe shallowly when anxious. I have a lump in my throat and my jaw has gone into spasm due to the constant teeth clenching. Difference is, I know it's anxiety. I've had three nocturnal panic attacks this week. I know what's going on so there's no need to add fear to the mix and blow this all out of control. I know what I have to do.

Here's another (brace yourself and apologies in advance for the TMI)

In my quest to get myself into a better place health wise - I bought a blender with the idea of making smoothies. So I went out and bought £20 of veggies and fruit and on Thursday night I made myself a 'magnesium smoothie'. Nomnomnom, right?

I need to back track slightly here..

We'd also planned to have a day out in the Lake District the day after (Friday)..

Anyway, I made my smoothie which being rich in magnesium included a banana, strawberries and two large cups of spinach - which is very high in fibre. I bunged in some oat milk, whizzed up those bad boys, and what came out resembled something similar to what comes out of my grandson's nappies? :whistles:

It was now 7pm at night and I chugged down the whole lot.

Then, at 9pm, I had my usual magnesium bedtime drink as well..

Now, I advocate what an excellent laxative magnesium is on here so maybe you can imagine where this is going?

Well, I was (sort of) aware of rumblings in my colon throughout the night but that's nothing new for me. I got up at 6am on the Friday morning and wandered downstairs and I was tapping away on here when I lifted my @rsecheek for my obligatory morning fart and suddenly it all felt very warm in my PJ's..

No time to lose, I took the stairs two at a time (which is good going with my arthritic knees) - all the time praying..

'Please just be a fart'..

'Please just be a fart'..

'Please just be a fart'..

I reached the bathroom in record time.. (seems I can still shift if I need to)

I dropped my PJ's and peered into my knickers and the results were in: it wasn't just a fart..:ohmy:

Oops. :blush:

Mortification aside, I couldn't help but marvel that the contents of my drawers looked exactly the same as what came out of the blender? :huh:

Also, there was much thanking of lucky stars that I didn't add the flaxseed that the recipe also asked for or I'd have been washing bedsheets as well as knickers! :lac:

Nora, have you no dignity at all? Why are you sharing this on here?

Because this also turned out to be a very good test to see how my control over HA was holding up!

If this had happened a few years ago, my brain would have bypassed the logic (of magnesium packed smoothie plus magnesium drink = the shits) and arrived straight at bowel cancer. Also, a day trip to the Lake District? No way! I'd have crawled back to bed and put some serious effort into imagining my swift demise...

As it is, I confessed all to my husband, who after the briefest of hesitations (and an expression that I've yet to fathom) said, Oh well, it happens...

With that I chucked some spare pants and leggings into my rucksack and off we went!

Being a complete magnesium overdosing muffin aside - I feel like I've passed some kind of test and done really well?

This is what happens when you gain control over HA.. Shit happens (literally in my case) and logic prevails..:yesyes:

Hope this hasn't spoiled anyone's breakfast?

Smoothie anyone? :roflmao:

04-09-21, 14:28
You should have issued a "Shart Alert" before that confession of a magnesium- enriched movement!!:D

How do we talk to these HA thoughts? You've had a whole load of tests, Chlobo. I presume you also research online stories of misdiagnoses? This has to stop in order for you to be able to talk back to your anxious thoughts and put them in their rightful place..at the bottom of the pile. Symptoms can become obsessive and overwhelming but you have to turn off that tap and stop self-sabotaging your recovery. Once symptoms are accepted as the norm with anxiety they become less significant and die down but it takes time for your brain to stop focusing on them 24/7. Not caring about symptoms and a "so what?" attitude is the key to getting HA sussed.

05-09-21, 08:09
You should have issued a "Shart Alert" before that confession of a magnesium- enriched movement!!:D

I used the TMI? :shrug:

Let's face it P, we've seen all sorts on this forum. I've seen a penis! :yesyes:

But I guess my 'keeping it real' approach is a bit much for most folk on here, right? :roflmao:

That said, I'd put money on almost everybody on here having some kind of following-through drama at some point in their lives - excluding being a baby, obvs.

Back to penises then...

05-09-21, 08:20
I was only joking, N! It's always good to read about your "productions" especially when accompanied by a healthy dose of humour!:D

05-09-21, 08:44
I was only joking, N! It's always good to read about your "productions" especially when accompanied by a healthy dose of humour!:D

I always remember a mate at work telling us the story of how she had an 'accident' and had asked the boss to allow her to go home...

Mate: 'I've shit myself Boss. Can I go home?'

Boss: Nope. Get back to work!

The boss thought that my friend was trying to 'pull a fast one', so she went and retrieved her soiled pants ( in a panty-liner bag) from the bathroom bin and threw them on his desk...

Mate: 'Now can I go home?'

Needless to say she was allowed to go home. :roflmao:

05-09-21, 20:22
Haha Nora, it happens to the best of us. Me included during my 31 years! I get what you’re saying though, I’ve been wondering if changing my diet would help but I’m not sure about smoothies now lol

I’ve been having unhelpful thoughts, I’ve been triggered today like a lot of people have I’m sure by the news of Sarah Harding’s death from breast cancer. I really struggle with this stuff, I’ve started having pain in my boob and I haven’t checked them in ages due to worrying I could find a lump. I’ve had lumps before which were just cysts but this was a few years back.
I have lumpy breast tissue so I know if I start touching I’ll find something I’m unsure about and end up panicking and I don’t think I can handle anymore blind panics.

I went out today and walked up a hill with my baby in her buggy, I was puffing when I got to the top but I felt that weird halt feeling in my chest when I tried to snatch some air. I managed to go and sit down with some friends and have a picnic though.

It’s night here now and I’m trying to wind down but it’s hard, I’m anxious I’ll admit. Worried about my body and what it’s doing.
I’m worried about my blood results for my thyroid too.
I keep thinking the doctor will have an insanely strange result which will result in more tests. The thought makes me feel sick. Doctors is close this weekend so I’m jumpy thinking tomorrow the phone will ring. Urgh I hate this

05-09-21, 20:26
You can & will feel better, I guess nearly everyone who's commented here has been where you are & now they're given advice so that's proof alone this will get better :)

Having an upset child is stressful by design, the fact that that triggered it is more proof it's stress/anxiety related.

Don't second guess the doctors especially when you've seen multiple doctors, accept what they say but accept that doesn't mean symptoms will instantly disappear.
"Being sure" they didn't miss anything is part of the problem, like Nora said nothing in life is sure & that's the bit that you need to get comfortable with which does take time.

When you have a thought like you said, acknowledge it as just a thought not reality, then move your focus to something else, can be anything: making dinner, counting clouds in the sky, your kids homework or play, just break the focus on the thought and repeat whenever it comes back.

Something physical I do when my breathing is crap from a stressy day/week/month etc is: lie down, only breathe through your nose (feels hard by design so we don't over breathe) & breathe with your belly not your chest, breathe in for 3 (belly goes up), hold for 4, breathe out slow for 5 (belly goes down), slight hold/pause & repeat for at least 5mins. I read this helps calm your nervous system/fight or flight & helps if you hyperventilate like I used to do basically all the time.

Thank you, I’ve been breathing through my nose as much as possible to stop that feeling. I’m
Going to try and do that, as soon as the thought comes in I’ll say nope and do something else. It would be nice if we could totally turn it off wouldn’t it, just for a little while to get a break.
I find it really hard to breathe with my tummy for some reason, I have to really concentrate to do it.

05-09-21, 20:41
I don't think you should be concentrating on your breathing at all. Quite the opposite. Forget about it and let it come naturally. I realise this will be difficult as you are used to fixating on it.

Have a look at sensorimotor OCD which describes this behaviour.

05-09-21, 21:02
This thread brings to mind another where countless years, replies and advice goes unheeded. Granted, the compassion and heart in trying to help is noted, its all for naught.


05-09-21, 21:14
What benefit is there in having HA? There must be a pay off for some people?

05-09-21, 21:33
What benefit is there in having HA? There must be a pay off for some people?

Other than tea and sympathy? I don't know of any :shrug:


06-09-21, 07:42
Haha Nora, it happens to the best of us. Me included during my 31 years! I get what you’re saying though, I’ve been wondering if changing my diet would help but I’m not sure about smoothies now lol

Smoothies are great! I'd just advise caution when it comes to the 'magnesium rich' ones (especially if you have IBS) :scared15:

I’ve been having unhelpful thoughts, I’ve been triggered today like a lot of people have I’m sure by the news of Sarah Harding’s death from breast cancer.

Aww. I knew about the cancer but I didn't realise she's died. Yes, it's very sad. It always is when someone is so young. Somehow age makes this slightly pill slightly easier to swallow, right? I watched my 4 year old nephew's coffin being carried into the church by his dad. That was the point that I refused to believe in a God. I turned atheist, but it turns out that my heart wasn't in it. I was just angry and sad...

Thing is Chlobo, as sad as this is about Sarah, this is not your story.

I really struggle with this stuff, I’ve started having pain in my boob and I haven’t checked them in ages due to worrying I could find a lump. I’ve had lumps before which were just cysts but this was a few years back.

You should check your boobs. It's important. And lots of women find lumps but it's rarely cancer. I know a lot of women who've had lumps and none of them had cancer. Most recent was my niece who found a lump and it was a cyst..

I have lumpy breast tissue so I know if I start touching I’ll find something I’m unsure about and end up panicking and I don’t think I can handle anymore blind panics.

In that case, ask your GP to check your breasts for you?

I went out today and walked up a hill with my baby in her buggy, I was puffing when I got to the top but I felt that weird halt feeling in my chest when I tried to snatch some air. I managed to go and sit down with some friends and have a picnic though.

It's absolutely normal to be a bit out of breath after you've pushed a pram uphill. I'd be on the floor gasping for air and puce in the face if it was me! But that's also because I'm unfit now..

It’s night here now and I’m trying to wind down but it’s hard, I’m anxious I’ll admit. Worried about my body and what it’s doing.

Of course you were anxious. You have health anxiety!

HA makes us feel like we're going to break at any moment. Our hearts feel like they are going to stop. We feel weak, shaky, and exhausted. But the reality is that our bodies are working beautifully and doing what they're meant to do - we're just mis-reading and misunderstanding these normal symptoms and sensations created by our nervous systems..

I’m worried about my blood results for my thyroid too.

Save the worrying for the results, and even if there is a thyroid issue - cancer is not the most likely cause.

I keep thinking the doctor will have an insanely strange result which will result in more tests. The thought makes me feel sick. Doctors is close this weekend so I’m jumpy thinking tomorrow the phone will ring. Urgh I hate this

HA's good isn't he? (mine's a he) Look at what yours has got you thinking! 'INSANELY STRANGE RESULT'. And that thought is making you feel sick? I'm not surprised. Your brain is acting on this thought as if it were a real threat to your existence, and that's why you feel sick. Your body is primed to fight or leggit as fast as you can. Feeling sick is a normal response to anxiety because your body wants to purge anything that could slow you down, so contents of the stomach, urine, and poo..

Your body is working perfectly - you just don't understand that it is, and because HA is a lying git...