View Full Version : oral biopsy so cared

18-08-21, 18:52
I have had a very small growth between my teeth on my gum for about three months. It was biopsied on Thursday and the doctor said he expected my results back on Tuesday or Wednesday. He did say he felt the bump was a benign fibroma, but again, google has told me that sometimes gum cancer is mistaken for benign conditions.

I know that today is only Wednesday, but I'm scared as to why he has not called yet. I made the mistake of googling to see why results take longer and some sites said because they are confirmed a bad diagnosis. Now I'm so scared.

Note: My doctor is a professor and program director at a local university Monday - Wednesday, and is only performing dental work on Thursday. He did say he would call if he got them when he wasn't in the dental office, he knew I was very anxious. I have convinced myself the fact that I haven't heard is bad news.

Can anyone help me?

18-08-21, 19:10
I absolutely HATE waiting for test results. At this point there's not much you can do, you're mind is probably consumed and obsessed on getting the "news". Cam you do something physical to burn off some of the anxiety and adrenaline? Take a brisk walk ? I do feel for you I hate it too.