View Full Version : Scared

14-11-07, 06:45
Well today is my doctor appt and wow am i scared..

I've been suffering with light headedness for over a year now and well this past couple months has been very bad not only have i been getting the light headedness but i'm been getting a lot of wierd pressure in my head, bad head aches, sore tense eyes that ache from time to time. My light headed/dizziness has been getting so bad at work that i have to lean on something or i feel like i'm going to fall over...

Anyway i have a long list of symptoms to give my doctor, I'm so scared of what might be wrong with me.. All i know is everyday is a struggle to get through and i cant deal with this anymore...

14-11-07, 07:00
A big BEAR HUG from me.
Hi Joe hope everything goes well with your appointment today!
I'll be thinking about you. I also have a big hospital; appointment today to find out the results of all my heart tests after 2 heart attacks. A big day for both of us eh?

TC June aka Bearcrazy:hugs:

14-11-07, 09:27
Hi Joe,

Hope your appointment goes well today and your doctor can put your mind at rest

Take care

Trac xxxx

14-11-07, 09:43
Hi Joe good luck with appointment today :hugs: xxx

14-11-07, 10:16
Hello Joe !
I'm sure everything will be fine at the Docs. When I'm anxious or under stress I hyperventilate big time - this results in all the symptoms you mention. The great news is that you CAN do something about this - and there's lots of info on this site to help. Also your Doc will be able to reassure you that these are normal symptoms of stress and not life threatening in any way. Time to take a step back and look at whats been going on in your life - usually we are the last to realise that things are getting on top of us until we feel ill. You're doing exactly the right thing by getting the help you need NOW.
Be kind to yourself

14-11-07, 10:44
Hi Joe,

Good luck and im sure evrything will be fine xx

14-11-07, 11:44
Good Luck Joe! hope it goes all ok

14-11-07, 13:39
good luck Joe (and bearcrazy) thinking of you both x