View Full Version : Worrying ear problems :(

19-08-21, 17:20
I've been experiencing some strange ear related symptoms the past few days and they are setting me off!

It feels like the same pain and discomfort of a typical ear ache but at about 50% severity, and it comes and goes. It also happens in both my ears. The biggest worry for me was my left ear (the worse of the two) suddenly ringing to a deafening degree and then going back to normal. Alongside these symptoms my ears feel full and I can feel the wax (?) inside them sort of moving around at times.

I know this sounds not too severe past an ordinary ear infection but of course Dr. Google is not being friendly right now, and the actual doctors aren't seeing me til two weeks time about my ears.

I am just so worried, it's difficult to sleep as I fear my hearing will be gone when I wake up :( I'm starting a new job tomorrow and I need the sleep but I'm not getting it - plus the stress is making my neck and shoulders feel so stiff.

Has anyone else ever suffered with this sort of thing? Maybe any home remedies or advice?

19-08-21, 19:01
Hi Opal, Are you on any medication for your anxiety?

19-08-21, 19:06
It likely is ear wax, I know they sell kits that can help clean your ears out so maybe that would help?

19-08-21, 19:44
No I'm not currently but I am on a waitlist for CBT to try and help! The physical tension it leaves you with is so awful isn't it

19-08-21, 19:45
Do you reckon? Most of my searches say ear wax obstruction or infection but I worry so much about doing it wrong and damaging my ears further! I may look into getting them cleaned privately as the wait will be long on the NHS . Thank you :)

19-08-21, 20:14
Maybe the local pharmacy can help while you are waiting for your appoinment opal. Our local chemist has a room to speak in private.
Not the same for everyone. It is awful waiting I agree.x

19-08-21, 20:35
Yes, I'm sure someone can clean them. I know I've had it done before and they just put in a fluid and I waited while it broke down the wax, then I tipped my head and a bunch came out. I don't know if they sell something like that over the counter but they might.

Ear wax or an infection are frustrating, to be sure, but be reassured that neither are horrible or life threatening. They'll get this cleared up one way or another.