View Full Version : Struggling with health anxiety

20-08-21, 01:43
Hi folks I’ve started new meds (remeron 30mg) about 5 months ago and have been doing really well. I also suffer with high histamine and some mast cell type symptoms (burning mouth, skin at times, gi changes). I felt my stomach burn a bit and some flushing in left face cheek after eating last two days and I looked up if this could be mast cell response and I came across neuroendocrine cancer and within 30 min I went to extreme panic anxiety, face flushed and feeling fight or flight type for past two days…I read neuroendocrine cancer can mock mast cell and have been a mess since. I’m upset, I feel like 5 months went down drain in 48 hours, I feel like I’ve never been on meds…feel defeated. Sorry for the rant, just worrying about neuroendocrine now

20-08-21, 02:12
I don't know nearly enough about this to say one way or the other. But if you're in this forum the thought that this could all just be anxiety and that it isn't completely rational has to be somewhere in your subconscious and you need to find a way to embrace that concept. Hopefully some other comments can be of more help with the specifics for you. To help ease your mind in your time of crisis.

I will ask -- do you do any type of meditation? Every time I recover from an overwhelmed state, I do so with heavy doses of meditation, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, 'wet noodling' body relaxation and binaural beats for anxiety.

Also would be wise to completely ditch ANY kind of medical googling whatsoever for the foreseeable future.