View Full Version : Vision loss

20-08-21, 18:41
Hi All,
I continue to have vision issues. My biggest worry at the moment is that I wake up sometimes at night and can only see black for a few seconds. Then my vision seems to go back to normal.

I usually am good at trusting my doctors, but I’m struggling with this one. I saw my neuro-ophthalmologist two and a half weeks ago and had a brain ct, both for migraine auras. So, I’ve been checked out recently. I have seen my eye doctor before for the vision loss issue and texted her last week when it happened again. She feels that the vision loss isn’t long enough to worry about.

Then, it happened again last night. It really scares me when it happens. And since my vision is black when I open my eyes, it makes me wonder how long it has been black.

I’m 61, plenty old enough to be having mini strokes. I think I’ll bring this up with my GP.

Have any of you experience vision loss like this?

21-08-21, 02:42
Your eyes need to adjust in the middle of the night and I've had that happen on occasion. I don't even think twice about it and that's it :shrug: Honestly... I just think its hyper-awareness as you've been thoroughly checked out and cleared.


21-08-21, 07:59
It's normal. It happens to me a lot - waking up in the night as much as I do. As FMP says - it's just your eyes adjusting. Nothing to worry about..

22-08-21, 17:21
Thank you Nora and Fishman. I really appreciate your responses!!! I also appreciate the time you spend helping all of us. Thank you.