View Full Version : Freckle in the eye, please read

21-08-21, 00:01
Hello all, I noticed a small yellowish stain next to my iris, in my right eye, and since I was due to eye exam anyways, I went to the eye doctor. He examined me and told me that it is actually a freckle, adding: That is nothing to worry about, it is just a freckle, like what you develop on your skin due to sun and similar. He was absolutely not concerned. Unfortunately, I googled Freckle in the eye when I came home, and although the medical sites say it is harmless, they also say : Like any mole on the skin (nevus), it rarely can turn into melanoma, so your ophthalmologist should look at it once a year, during routine eye exam. Need I even say how I feel now? Guys, please, if anyone else has a freckle in the eye, let me know, give me some comfort. I hate myself.

21-08-21, 02:46
Unfortunately, I googled Freckle in the eye when I came home

:doh: :lac:

Listen to your doctor.


21-08-21, 03:45

You are totally right. Even I , who is really NOT in control of her OCD and anxiety, realize that. The doctor just was not worried.

Thank you so much for answering. You are a good person.

21-08-21, 08:20
Do you hate yourself for immediately googling after the appointment and being convinced by Dr Google rather than your eye doctor?

Is there any technique you could use to stop yourself from self-sabotaging your HA management? Blocking google?

21-08-21, 14:19
Yes, Pulisa, exactly that. Why did not I just relaxed when I came home, after the doctor told me it is nothing to worry about? I do not know, it is damned, I swear. I just do not know why on Earth I did it.

21-08-21, 19:50
You needed to do it "to make sure"? You thought the doctor had missed something despite him being an eye specialist. You thought that Dr Google would give you a more accurate assessment and diagnosis.

21-08-21, 20:03
Oh, so *that's* what that thing is that I've had in my eye for about 25 years!

I thought it was from the time I splashed some creosote in it (when you could still buy creosote for consumer use)...

24-08-21, 16:46
So, giving in to my overwhelming anxiety and OCD, after the first Optometry Doctor's examination, where he told me that there was nothing to be worried about (his exam was very thorough, I have to admit), I went to my husband's eye doctor (DO as well, not ophthalmologist) because he has close to 30 years of experience in the field, I wanted him as well to take a look at my eye freckle. He was actually less worried than a young doctor, saying he sees it very often, and if the patient does not notice, most of the time he does not mention it at all , if it is not suspicious to him.

I feel better, but I just want some of you guys to help me ease my worry, and tell me: after two doctors of optometry, sharing the same advice, would any of you go and see MD for this? Or should I just f...ing drop it? I am very sorry to keep on asking, I just want to get rid of this rumination. Thank you all , whoever gives me a word of comfort.

24-08-21, 17:38
I think you need to reassure yourself on this one, Lana? You've got "evidence" from 2 eye experts that your eye is healthy. I doubt whether you could get rid of this rumination if you went on to see 100 more doctors. The only way forward is for you to say enough's enough..time to let it go. I'm satisfied with the evidence which is valid and based on medical knowledge not online articles.

24-08-21, 17:50
Dear Pulisa, than k you so much! And you are so right about "100 more doctors" - when one gives in to this terrible rumination, no doctor can help.

But, you helped. Thank you again.