View Full Version : Sleep shot to pieces three days now

21-08-21, 05:33
Always have tried to get good sleep as no sleep increase my panic anxiety madness but last three days can’t sleep or will have v light sleep and vivid light dreams up 4 times at night sleeping four broken hours at very most, if it was four hours deep sleep would be happy but it’s that horrid light panicked sleep ..which has impacted my GAD I’m talking to myself again ( it’s how I calm the crazy ) what helps you guys ????

21-08-21, 11:49
Keep a routine. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time. If you wake up in the night, don't lie in bed worrying get up and do something, warm drink (not coffee).

Prior to bedtime, cut out your phone/laptop/computer. Also I avoid caffeine. Don't eat too late in the evening either. Or exercise too close to bedtime.

You could do guided meditations in the evening to wind down?

I'm not a great sleeper - I actually had a couple of nights this week when I slept for 7 hours! It was luxurious. I have to be quite firm with myself in the middle of the night, I get up and read, definitely avoid my phone. I also drink decaf all the time now, but when I go through a bad patch I cut that out too. If I'm awake at 5 - that's it, the day has begun.

Hope that helps.

21-08-21, 16:34
I often have very vivid dreams myself (both negative and positive) about various places and situations from my past, some of which no longer physically exist so totally impossible to revisit them in real life, which can be rather disturbing for me at times, especially if I hated some of those places back in the day that are now non-existent.

24-08-21, 09:09
Always have tried to get good sleep as no sleep increase my panic anxiety madness but last three days can’t sleep or will have v light sleep and vivid light dreams up 4 times at night sleeping four broken hours at very most, if it was four hours deep sleep would be happy but it’s that horrid light panicked sleep ..which has impacted my GAD I’m talking to myself again ( it’s how I calm the crazy ) what helps you guys ????
My sleep is terrible at the minute, I know exactly what I'm doing, I'm worrying about sleep, and then almost trying too hard to sleep. If I didn't care, I know it would just come.
I basically lie there, getting more anxious, and more and more awake, trying too hard to sleep, and almost checking how I'm doing against the clock.
It's like I've forgotten how to sleep.
I'm then an anxious mess all day because of it, dreading when I have to try and sleep again.
It's not the lack of sleep that knocks me around, it's the hours of lying there wrestling with myself. It's one of the big reasons my anxiety has been so much worse lately I think.