View Full Version : Stomach and back pain so scared

22-08-21, 12:26
For the past 2 weeks I’ve been getting a terrible dull ache on the left side of my stomach area and in the same spot round the back. It sort of radiates from under my left breast all the way down to the hip sometimes. Mostly top left/centre area. Freaking out about stomach cancer or pancreatic cancer (my Nan had this) I’m 39. Bowels all good, no sickness or diarrhoea. Just this pain. And I’m so tired.
I have suffered silent reflux before but my usual symptoms are sore hoarse throat and globus. Never stomach pain.
Terrified, and really looking for some reassurance or similar stories (with happy endings!)

01-09-21, 18:51
How are you now I’ve similar symptoms x

02-09-21, 09:18
Seems like there's been a four year gap between your posting? 2017 - 2021.

Were you able to control your HA in that time?

Re PC: how old was your nan?

There appears to be nothing wrong except some vague pain? So this is most likely to be muscular if you don't have IBS?

HA doesn't consider the most likely cause of pain. It goes straight to terminal illness. Your nan probably had pain but there would have been so much more going on - and not at all 'vague'.

02-09-21, 21:56
If you have PC in family and have left sided pain, it might be worth pushing this with gp, issue with PC Is for any Chen e you need early diagnosis.
I agree with Nora that HA does jump to terminal illness and hopefully it isn’t anything but I’m currently in final stages of being tested for PC (not looking good) and the issue with it is that often the symptoms or pain is ‘vague’.
I’m sure it isn’t anything but get it checked.

03-09-21, 09:00
but I’m currently in final stages of being tested for PC (not looking good) and the issue with it is that often the symptoms or pain is ‘vague’.
I’m sure it isn’t anything but get it checked.

Hi Baby, so far all your tests have been clear? That's good news!

Any pain which goes on longer than a few weeks warrants checking out by a GP (that's common sense) but the likeliness is that this is not pancreatic cancer with the OP so why scare them?

Looking at the OP's posts over this year - she's clearly struggling with health anxiety. I'm sorry that you're going through all this uncertainty, and I genuinely hope you get the all clear, but responses like yours are unhelpful with HA..

03-09-21, 21:38
Nora I did wonder whether or not to post. I think you are right that if people are genuinely suffering HA then the chances of this being anything serious are minimal. I also guess most people are on here as they do have genuine HA. So it might be that my post was unhelpful. It’s a balance isn’t it between putting it all down to the anxiety which is awful but not letting that stop you getting genuine symptoms checked out. I never intended to cause upset or concern.

By way of explaining, My story is I found myself on this site as I kept being told I had anxiety after my baby, I just didn’t feel right and I had this underlying feeling that I would not see my baby grow up. This spiralled into some panic episodes. I think it suited me to go along with the anxiety diagnosis snd I was genuinely really scared, but I think deep down I knew that I did not have HA and that there was something else going on, which there is. I possibly even came back on here to post clinging onto the idea of having HA rather than my potential reality.

However to the OP and anybody else who reads this Nora is correct that hA will
Make you assume the worse and it is highly unlikely to be anything.

09-09-21, 20:11
I was having pain like this a dull ache between my ribs my back and down my left side. Turned out to be gallstones and I'm just controlling it now with diet. Might be worth ruling out