View Full Version : Anxious about nodular melanoma

23-08-21, 02:12
Hi there. I have a very small dark brown mole on my shoulder and tonight I brushed against it and realized it felt more raised/harder than normal. When I looked at it, it almost looked like a blood blister, or like it had an additional bump underneath it. Because it was a fairly dark mole to start, it looks pretty damn scary. When I googled blood blister under mole, nodular melanoma came up. I'm absolutely panicked now and can't calm down.

My husband noticed there was a hair in it and plucked it out, thinking maybe it's an ingrown hair and that caused the bump.

I'm going to call my derm tomorrow morning and try and schedule something for next week. I figure that gives it time to calm down if it's nothing but is also close enough that I can make it a week before going in. I was just at the derm in May for my 6 month check up, so I feel somewhat better knowing she would have noticed it then. But everything I've read about nodular melanoma is giving me so, so much anxiety. anyone been through something similar and has some words of advice?

23-08-21, 03:58
Visiting a derma is the best way to know what happened to the mole and the bump beneath it. Im not scaring you but there are really moles that are unfortunately cancerous. So it is really wise to visit a professional.

I hope it aint that serious. Dont panic for it will cause more anxiety. Kindly share the result/s of your visit to the derma.

Take care!

05-09-21, 13:36
Hello, so I would say definitely see the dermatologist and see what they say, but to me that doesnt sound like melanoma. Please note I'm not a dr or have anything to do with healthcare, I've just been very aware of my own moles in the past and done far too much googling!

First, it sounds like it's small and all one colour, which isn't typical of melanoma. Also, I am pretty sure that I read somewhere that cancerous moles don't grow hairs because the cells aren't able to - I don't want to google and check myself because moles are a trigger for me too but if you do want to check that it might reassure you!

Definitely see your dermatologist, it's always good to keep on top of these things, but to me it sounds fine.

My sister went to see a dermatologist yesterday about a few moles she was worried about. She got the all clear but the dermatologist said it was good she went to check!

05-09-21, 18:33
Are you me? I'm about to make a post with almost the exact same findings. What happened to your derm visit?