View Full Version : Back again

23-08-21, 18:57
So iam back again thinking the worst I have not felt too bad for the last couple of months but now its back it started off with acid reflux for the last couple of weeks that I didn't bother about then I started getting low back pain left side and stomach ache . Now iam getting quite bad back pain right side low down and low down abdominal discomfort and bloated starting to worry again . I wish I could just think its nothing serious instead of thinking the worst

28-08-21, 07:33
Well still feeling no better the pains in my lower back right side and groin are not getting any better getting bad acid and a lot of gas and feeling nauseous spoke to my doctor again and he has just prescribed different pain killers I'm thinking this could be something bad as I'm not feeling any better after a few weeks .

28-08-21, 09:38
Are you on any tablets for your acid? Omeprazole/lansoprazole, gaviscon? I think if you can get that issue resolved it might help with the others.

28-08-21, 14:37
Acid reflux is very common. It is good you have discussed this with your doc. Hopefully the painkillers do their job!! Hang on in there :)

28-08-21, 17:18
Thanks for your replys I'm not currently taking anything for my acid so I need to get some omeprazole. I know I have been here before its just so hard when you feel pain and don't feel great I start thinking the worst

31-08-21, 19:54
So my symptoms aren't getting any better feel like this could be it now for me just can not see a way forward . I have spoken to the doctors 3 times in the last 2 weeks and they don't seam concerned and told me to take pain killers and if it doesn't get any better in a couple of weeks call back . Felling so fed up why do I have to think its the worst case every time I know I have been here before many times but I think it is something serious this time .

04-09-21, 08:15
so I'm not in a Good place at the minute I'm convinced this is cancer so fed up think I need to go to A&E for them to check me over as I'm not getting anywhere with my doctors . I just don't seem to be getting any better as my lower back pain right side is not getting any better also feel the pain in my groin right side feeling nauseous bad acid reflux constant wind and my stools are sometimes loose then solid and generally not feeling well.

06-09-21, 07:54
Thank you for all the support I have received on here I'm going to try my doctors today and see if they will see me

01-11-21, 22:11
Well still not feeling great getting worried again that it could be cancer my acid reflux is bad constantly clearing my throat cough that wont go away my voice sounds a bit different and my nose is blocked . Iam having a lot of gas and going to the toilet more often and my stools are more loose than normal this has been going on for a while now and don't seem to be getting better

02-11-21, 01:55
Well still not feeling great getting worried again that it could be cancer my acid reflux is bad constantly clearing my throat cough that wont go away my voice sounds a bit different and my nose is blocked . Iam having a lot of gas and going to the toilet more often and my stools are more loose than normal this has been going on for a while now and don't seem to be getting better

Have started taking anything for the reflux? What about your diet? Have you looked into the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet?


02-11-21, 19:49
Hi fishmanpa sorry for the late response I'm taking omeprazole for the reflux but only been back on them for a week not looked at the fodmap diet and my diet is not great but could be worse maybe I need to look at the fodmap diet and give it a go .

03-11-21, 01:43
Hi fishmanpa sorry for the late response I'm taking omeprazole for the reflux but only been back on them for a week not looked at the fodmap diet and my diet is not great but could be worse maybe I need to look at the fodmap diet and give it a go .

The PPIs can take a couple weeks to kick in and yes, definitely look at the FODMAP diet. Keep a list of foods that aggravate you and reduce/eliminate them. The wife and I have followed that for several years and its really helped.


03-11-21, 19:10
Hi fishmanpa thanks for your advice

13-11-21, 16:58
Feeling so fed up and stupid looking back at my previous posts but can not stop thinking there is something seriously wrong with me My symptoms seem to be even worse now don't seem to be getting any better surly in all this time I would be seriously ill if I had cancer . I need to change my diet as Fishmanpa has recommended me to do I just can not see this making me any better just feel like I have had enough now this has been going on for too long my doctor is sending me for camera down my throat into my stomach . He said I don't have the criteria to send for an urgent referral as I don't have the red flags but he did say they will check for stomach cancer which made me feel a bit more panicky

14-11-21, 03:29
I need to change my diet as Fishmanpa has recommended me to do I just can not see this making me any better

Giving up before you even try?


14-11-21, 10:12
Sorry for being so negative Fishmanpa Just can not see a way out I'm going to have to change my diet just think it may be to late for me now