View Full Version : Bad pain in chest, back and shoulder on the right very worried

23-08-21, 21:49
I've started a new thread as this issue is nothing to do with previous posts. I always have a cough which is a side effect
of my glaucoma drops. The information sheet lists it as a rare side effect, I have disussed it with the hospital and they agree. I've had this for 9 years and don't usually worry.

A few days ago I had a very bad coughing session which lasted half an hour (sometimes they do) the next day I had a bad pain in my chest on the right side and thouht it was pulled muscles from all this violent coughing. I've had it a few days now with it going through to the back too.

However today the pain is a lot worse and is also in my right shoulder and the top of my arm. It doesn't hurt a lot if I sit still but if I cough it is very bad and when I breath deeply it is also very bad. When I move it really hurts and if I lift my arm it does also.

Could this be muscles or is something else going on? Of course google says yes it's a number of terrible diseases. I could see the doctor no doubt, but I worry about that owing to covid. I don't go out if I can help it and when I do I am anxious afterwards in case I have caught it. Now the restrctions are lifted I feel very vunerable. I daren't go on public transport and have to rely on my son to give me a lift when he is available. I am double jabbed but I am elderly and have been reading recently that the vaccines wear off after about three months and the protection is very low.

Has anyone had this type of pain caused by coughing? I am getting very worried now as the pain is so bad today.

24-08-21, 00:13
Hi Chinadoll19,

In the past I've had bad sneezing fits and hacking coughs, that at the time, I'd swear to you I broke or cracked a rib in the process because of it. If I moved one way the pain got worse or like you, I'd raise my arm to get something from a shelf and the pain got worse, If I laid down a certain way I'd get pain more so in that one position than the other. Once I had chest/rib pain that last for nearly 3 weeks. But in every case, at least for me, it was musculoskeletal or inflamed tissue.

The thing that kept me from worrying about it, besides knowing what caused it, was taking pain meds, using cold packs, applying icy-hot or tiger balm creams to the sore spots to get me through it. Whatever I could use to put my mind at ease and not think the worse. Most of the time those things worked. :D

But in any case, it doesn't hurt to see a doctor. Especially if gets worse day by day, and none of the things you might use like I did helps it get better.

24-08-21, 20:29
Thank you for your reply. Your pain does sound very similar to mine. I am feeling more sure it is muscular or something, so I am more calm about it today.

24-08-21, 21:03
Topical voltarol can help to take the edge off the pain. You could well have "popped" a rib and that can be very painful and last for a few weeks. I'd agree that using some ice for the inflammation is a good option too.

I hope you feel more comfortable soon and am glad that you feel calmer about things today. It sounds to me like a rib injury which is really painful but will settle in time.

27-08-21, 19:15
Thank you for your reply. The pain is easing each day, I feel sure it was the cough that did it, so that is not a worry.