View Full Version : Could dentist have missed abscess?

24-08-21, 19:11
I went to the dentist earlier as I have pain on the upper part of my inner left cheek. Went to the dentist today and I told her about the pain I was experiencing (really only when eating). Ithought I could feel like a lump or something thinking it was an abscess. She looked in my mouth twice over to see for anything and took an x-ray but nothing untoward. She it was likely my wisdom tooth growing out and rubbing across that area of my cheek causing the inflammation. I feel awful doubitng her, but could she have missed the abscess if it was in its early stage or could it be pericoronitis. She did say to go back if the pain didn't settle.

What do we all think?

24-08-21, 19:16
I think if a dentist can’t see an abscess it’s probably time to find a new dentist. Lol. Seriously though, if she said you’re fine, you should put this one to rest. I deal with my wisdom teeth irritating my cheeks all the time. Super common. One of these days I’ll get them removed but today isn’t that day haha

24-08-21, 19:21
I think if a dentist can’t see an abscess it’s probably time to find a new dentist. Lol. Seriously though, if she said you’re fine, you should put this one to rest. I deal with my wisdom teeth irritating my cheeks all the time. Super common. One of these days I’ll get them removed but today isn’t that day haha

True I suppose, but I can't stay of Google and it isn't helping. It isn't even that sore which can happen with some abscesses. It's on my cheek, can they even form there? Why on earth can I not put my mind at ease?

24-08-21, 20:18
First stop googling.

Maybe get some Corsodyl mouthwash? I often use it if I get a sore area in my mouth.

24-08-21, 20:38
First stop googling.

Maybe get some Corsodyl mouthwash? I often use it if I get a sore area in my mouth.

Hmm might consider it been rinsing with salt water currently

24-08-21, 20:48
True I suppose, but I can't stay of Google and it isn't helping. It isn't even that sore which can happen with some abscesses. It's on my cheek, can they even form there? Why on earth can I not put my mind at ease?

You can stay off Google, it just takes willpower. And this is coming from someone that used to be a serial googler. You have to want to stop, and then just stop. Irritation on your cheek won’t really be considered an abscess. More just a sore. Those can take some time to heal.

25-08-21, 18:43
You can stay off Google, it just takes willpower. And this is coming from someone that used to be a serial googler. You have to want to stop, and then just stop. Irritation on your cheek won’t really be considered an abscess. More just a sore. Those can take some time to heal.

Bought some of that mouthwash- pain is just the same as it was- hasnt gotten any sorer

25-08-21, 20:28
Bought some of that mouthwash- pain is just the same as it was- hasnt gotten any sorer

I would keep using it for a few days.

26-08-21, 13:55
Yes, a dentist can miss an abscess. It happened to me - I had 3 or 4 dentists tell me everything was fine when it wasn't. Then I had a root canal but it was the wrong tooth and in the end lost the tooth with the problem. But this was a tooth, and it sounds like your problem isn't the tooth, but the cheek. Seems to me an abscess on the inside of the cheek would be a lot easier to see than a tooth abscess. Is it oozing or red? Could you possibly have bitten the area? or could it be a canker sore? (not sure how to spell that)

26-08-21, 14:44
Yes, a dentist can miss an abscess. It happened to me - I had 3 or 4 dentists tell me everything was fine when it wasn't. Then I had a root canal but it was the wrong tooth and in the end lost the tooth with the problem. But this was a tooth, and it sounds like your problem isn't the tooth, but the cheek. Seems to me an abscess on the inside of the cheek would be a lot easier to see than a tooth abscess. Is it oozing or red? Could you possibly have bitten the area? or could it be a canker sore? (not sure how to spell that)

Sorry that happened to you and its easily argued that's the rarest of rare instances but you do realize you've just rendered any positive response useless as the OP will grab onto that with both hands and run... :lac:


30-08-21, 13:12
Yes, a dentist can miss an abscess. It happened to me - I had 3 or 4 dentists tell me everything was fine when it wasn't. Then I had a root canal but it was the wrong tooth and in the end lost the tooth with the problem. But this was a tooth, and it sounds like your problem isn't the tooth, but the cheek. Seems to me an abscess on the inside of the cheek would be a lot easier to see than a tooth abscess. Is it oozing or red? Could you possibly have bitten the area? or could it be a canker sore? (not sure how to spell that)

Sorry to hear that. The pain isn't as sore as it was and I think that mouthwash I used has helped, but now you've said that I'm worried (not your fault considering I literally asked could a dentist miss an abscess in my post). Eating is definely getting easier by the day and it isn't oozing anything at all. Just feels like a hole in my cheek sort of thing. But the pain is definitely going away.

30-08-21, 13:54
That sounds like it's on the mend. It's less painful, it isn't discharging anything. Honestly, it sounds like it's going in the right direction.