View Full Version : Stiff neck and swollen lymph node

24-08-21, 20:43
Has anyone had any experience with a stiff neck when turning to the side? I’ve had this crazy stiff neck for like 6 months but I was trying not to do my usual HA run to the doctor so I’ve been trying to ignore it. I have been constantly turning it and trying to stretch it. But 3 days ago a swollen lymph node popped up.

I decided to go to the doctor.

It kinda hurts and the doctor said it’s about 1 cm. At first he was going to let me wait two weeks to see if it subsided but before I left the doctor said we should just go ahead and do the ultrasound. I asked him if he through it could be a tumor and she said that’s what they were looking for. Now I’m afraid I’ve waitied too long and I’ve got lymphoma or throat cancer!

Any advice!?

24-08-21, 20:51
I know it’s super difficult but try to not stress too much and just wait for your ultrasound results. The stress that comes from anticipatory anxiety can cause all sorts of other symptoms and issues so if you can, do your best to not worry until you know for sure there’s something to worry about. This is easier said than done, I realize. There are loads of reasons for enlarged lymph nodes that don’t involve tumors and cancers. It could be anything, really. Try not to stress and worry.

25-08-21, 01:40
Thank you for the kind reply. I’m trying to remind myself these things!

26-08-21, 17:32
Hi Again.
I posted the other day about waiting for an ultrasound on my neck. I have had a stiff neck when turing to the left for about 6 months but i was trying to just put it up to taking care of two toddlers and extreme anxiety. But on saturday i was touching my neck and i felt an enlarged lymph node on the side of my neck. I went to urgent care and he told me that it was a lymph and if it got bigger id need a biopsy. this freaked me out so i got a doctors appointment on tuesday and he was saying it was a node and we could watch it for two weeks. But last minute he changed his mind and ordered an ultrasound. All my blood work came back ok. I did the ultrasound yesterday but they won't tell me anything and we usually get the results uploaded in real time but mine haven't been uploaded yet so im freaking out that its because its lymphoma and i need to speak with the doctor. Im totally besides myself i can't keep my hands off my neck and i think i feel the large lymph node which is the size of a small grape and maybe matted lymph nodes.

any advice or experience with this?? im pretty sure this is lymphoma.


26-08-21, 18:13

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

26-08-21, 23:01
Waiting for results is the hardest! It’s so easy to jump to conclusions. I’ve done this many many times. Did they say when the results would be ready?

28-08-21, 14:53
Waiting for results really does suck. But the fact your doc is being super precautious is a great thing!!

My doctor doesn’t consider 1cm to be enlarged if that makes you feel better. Are you certain the node only just popped up?

From what I am aware from my insane google about lymphoma, I don’t think neck pain is a symptom? At least not a common one.

Also pain in a node is a good sign. Means it’s more likely some kind of infection.

I have 2 little pea sized lumps I’ve been able to feel in my neck for years now. Doc wasn’t concerned as long as they don’t get any bigger

31-08-21, 15:57
Did you ever get your results?

31-08-21, 17:16
Hi Everyone.

I did finally get the results and they showed a normal but slightly enlarged lymph node. My doctor didn't give me any instruction on if i should follow up or anything so im trying to just leave it alone right now. Im trying to figure out how to not panic when having to do tests like this but i haven't found a solution that helps so far.

Thank you so much for checking in! Im also a little embarrassed because i was hysterical and it turned out ok :meh: