View Full Version : Mole map says mole is 80% concerning

25-08-21, 04:26
OMG guys, I have taken photos of my one mole, not sure why I did it either, it wasn't even the mole that was itchy, I just suddenly went - where did this mole come from!
But I'm sure I've always had it but now I'm not actually sure, so I downloaded the app and took a photo thinking it would put my mind at ease but it hasn't!!!

Has anyone else had that experience with a mole map app??
We are in lock-down here in NZ so not the best time for me to be thinking I have melanoma!!

OMG freaking OUT!

25-08-21, 07:42
Has that happened to anyone?

28-08-21, 07:30
TEAM! so the dr looked at my mole - i took a photo and sent it to him and he is a mole Dr and says it's fine ... but I am still not sure! I mean, all he did was look at it ... he couldn't see it in person so just through a photo, how does he know through a photo!!? I don't know what to do as i'm obsessing over it - if the Dr says it's not Melanoma that means it's not melanoma right?? Why am I obsessing? Anyone else do this??

28-08-21, 08:05
Why did you send him a photo of it if you're not going to trust professional assessment by photo?

28-08-21, 08:43
Exactly - look I see the logic and I'm telling myself this ... but due to having high anxiety - I can't quiet get myself to see the logic in a Dr saying it's fine!

28-08-21, 08:46
So who would you trust then to give you an accurate assessment?

29-08-21, 04:59
I think if I could go in the room? Then they can see it?

29-08-21, 15:40
If they saw anything to worry about, they would have asked to see you. It's fine, don't worry.

29-08-21, 22:32
I keep trying to tell myself that, surely they have seen 100's of mole and would see any sort of issue in photos right!! I"m becoming OCD!

27-08-22, 07:46
Whilst I'm here, (anxiety has returned so i'm back on this page) I thought I'd let you know know that it was totally fine. The mole map was completely wrong!! My Dr told me to stop using it.