View Full Version : Clogged/stuffed up ear health concern. Hearing limited as a result. Worried about it.

25-08-21, 15:21
Saturday morning, I woke up with BOTH ears stuffed up. It was to the point where I couldn't really hear anything. I immediately thought it could be ear wax so I went to clean some out. The left ear unclogged itself and has been fine since. The right ear? Still stuffed up and I worry it might not ever unclog again. The main reason why I worry is because I've tried so many things but nothing is working. Maybe I just need to wait it out. A lot of health sites say it can take up to 2 weeks for it to unclog on it's own.

There was A LOT of ear wax in my right ear so my theory is that there might be a bit of it that got trapped down further down my ear. I have a "crackling" kind of sound coming from inside my ear and I truly suspect that's the case. I tried a earwax removal kit just today but so far, no results. The only stuff that comes out of my ear seems to be the stuff i'm squirting up there or at least it seems that way.

I have had a stuffed up ear before and I remember it lasting days but I don't really remember how long that incident lasted or when it finally popped. I don't want to go to the doctors because I don't have insurance and COVID is bad here where I am. So bad that the health care system is overwhelmed. I rather just try to resolve this on my own. Fortunately, most health websites say this is a kind of issue that does resolve on it's own at home.

I still freak out about how it might not ever unclog and I'll be stuck with limited hearing. It really sucks because I can't hear as well now. I'm hoping for the best and that my continued use of various stuff like eardrops, etc will eventually unclog my ear.

25-08-21, 16:44
It may well be wax. I think you can buy OTC stuff that breaks down the wax and makes it easier to come out.

25-08-21, 17:34
Saturday morning, I woke up with BOTH ears stuffed up. It was to the point where I couldn't really hear anything. I immediately thought it could be ear wax so I went to clean some out. The left ear unclogged itself and has been fine since. The right ear? Still stuffed up and I worry it might not ever unclog again. The main reason why I worry is because I've tried so many things but nothing is working. Maybe I just need to wait it out. A lot of health sites say it can take up to 2 weeks for it to unclog on it's own.

There was A LOT of ear wax in my right ear so my theory is that there might be a bit of it that got trapped down further down my ear. I have a "crackling" kind of sound coming from inside my ear and I truly suspect that's the case. I tried a earwax removal kit just today but so far, no results. The only stuff that comes out of my ear seems to be the stuff i'm squirting up there or at least it seems that way.

I have had a stuffed up ear before and I remember it lasting days but I don't really remember how long that incident lasted or when it finally popped. I don't want to go to the doctors because I don't have insurance and COVID is bad here where I am. So bad that the health care system is overwhelmed. I rather just try to resolve this on my own. Fortunately, most health websites say this is a kind of issue that does resolve on it's own at home.

I still freak out about how it might not ever unclog and I'll be stuck with limited hearing. It really sucks because I can't hear as well now. I'm hoping for the best and that my continued use of various stuff like eardrops, etc will eventually unclog my ear.

This exact thing happened to me a year ago. I tried every available OTC remedy for wax removal and nothing worked. Eventually, it went on its own - but I remember it taking a week or two. I really think all the various DIY methods I was trying made it worse lol.

25-08-21, 17:35
I'm just hoping it'll work itself out and eventually unclog. I have been doing things to help the process if it is indeed earwax. I can't think what else it could be. I don't have any pain or fever so it's not an infection. I just woke up one morning and it was like that. The fact that BOTH ears were like that and that I freed up one of them suggests the other one is fixable too.

I'll try to be patient but it just sucks having to go day by day with my hearing limited. I'll look into OTC stuff that might help. I used a earwax removal kit but I'm not really seeing any results thus far.

25-08-21, 17:43
I've never used any OTC stuff but my doctor put something in my ear once that I swear just melted it out, haha. Of course that was pre-covid when you could just pop into the doc without being afraid of stressing the system or catching something.

Ultimately, it may be uncomfortable but it will work itself out and ear wax isn't dangerous, even a lot of that. Hopefully that brings you comfort?

25-08-21, 18:25
This exact thing happened to me a year ago. I tried every available OTC remedy for wax removal and nothing worked. Eventually, it went on its own - but I remember it taking a week or two. I really think all the various DIY methods I was trying made it worse lol.

Is there a way to tell if it's improving or anything? I keep reading that it goes away on it's own but naturally, i'm skeptical. All I know is I was able to get one of my ears unplugged but the other one remains plugged up and "crackling" at times. Not really sure if there's anything I can do but wait it out.

I had a similar incident years ago but I don't remember how long it took to get better. It did last for multiple days is all I know. Your experience gives me hope though.

25-08-21, 18:30
I've never used any OTC stuff but my doctor put something in my ear once that I swear just melted it out, haha. Of course that was pre-covid when you could just pop into the doc without being afraid of stressing the system or catching something.

Ultimately, it may be uncomfortable but it will work itself out and ear wax isn't dangerous, even a lot of that. Hopefully that brings you comfort?

It does bring me some comfort. It just depends on if it is earwax or not. I had a lot of earwax in that ear when I looked that morning. I guess it built up a ton and while I did get a lot of it out, there might be more down in there. Not sure.

I'm just worried I might lose my hearing in that ear. It really sucks not being able to hear very well with only one ear.

25-08-21, 18:43
I had to get mine syringed last year as it was bad.

You won't be able to easily get the wax out that is deep down.

One thing that helped was putting boiling water in a cup and holding my ear over the cup to let the steam in and also holding a hot flannel behind the ear.

I still had to get them syringed though as the wax was deep down and stuck.

25-08-21, 19:17
I had to take some audiology courses for my undergrad degree - I am not a doctor - but ear wax is the most likely cause for that full feeling. An ear infection is a possibility, but they aren't common in adults unless you have a severe cold that is messing with eustachian tube function or otherwise have a history of ear infections; you would also feel more pain than just fullness. Not to mention that it would take a sustained and serious ear infection to mess with your hearing at all. Ear wax will mess with hearing, but not permanently, when it's gone you're fine. You don't have wax behind your eardrum so a buildup of wax won't harm any of your inner ear structures.

25-08-21, 20:36
Is there a way to tell if it's improving or anything? I keep reading that it goes away on it's own but naturally, i'm skeptical. All I know is I was able to get one of my ears unplugged but the other one remains plugged up and "crackling" at times. Not really sure if there's anything I can do but wait it out.

I had a similar incident years ago but I don't remember how long it took to get better. It did last for multiple days is all I know. Your experience gives me hope though.

If it were me I would give it a week or two. If it’s still not unclogged, then pop into the doc real quick and they’ll get it right out of there for you lol

26-08-21, 17:51
What worries me most is the crackling sound. I hear in the one stuffed up ear on/off during the day and wonder what exactly it is and if it's a good thing or not. Like, could it be the earwax softening up?

Another thing is my left ear was stuffed up on Saturday morning with my right ear. I was able to get my left ear unstuffed. I'd like to think that means the other one will unclog too but it definitely is being stubborn. I've tried everything so I guess I just wait now.

26-08-21, 18:11
Yup I have the crackling sounds as well.

30-08-21, 04:24
I have the crackling sounds in addition to ringing in that particular ear. I haven't posted recently because I've been hoping to see if this resolves on it's own. Sadly, it has not.

However, I did learn something about that might clue what the problem could be. I used ear buds the other day and decided to use just one ear bud for the clogged up ear. I wanted to see if I could hear out of the ear with it. Turns out that I can hear with the ear if I place the ear bud firmly into my ear enough. I'm not sure what that indicates but my hearing is definitely not gone. It's just blocked.

Honestly, I don't want to go the doctors for this kind of thing. It's more a covid thing than anything because health clinics and such are so swamped with people that it might be tough to be seen. So naturally, I want to exhaust all options at home before having to possibly wait hours on end to be seen by someone for a relatively minor issue compared to other things.

I did notice ear wax in the opening of my ear that wasn't there before but I don't know if it was earwax being moved out.

I've tried ear drops and ear wax removal kits but no luck. I honestly don't think they drops are reaching far enough in my ear to really make a difference. It hasn't even been 2 weeks so I'll keep waiting but I'm kind of getting hopeless that it'll ever unclog.

30-08-21, 13:28
Do you know how bad it is to shove ear buds in your ears?

31-08-21, 02:15
Do you know how bad it is to shove ear buds in your ears?

I didn't shove them in too far. I merely placed them firmly in my ear. not deep but not loose either. i can still hear from the ear is my point but it's just muffled likely due to wax.

I tried Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with water but no results with that thus far.

31-08-21, 03:10
I didn't shove them in too far. I merely placed them firmly in my ear. not deep but not loose either. i can still hear from the ear is my point but it's just muffled likely due to wax.

I tried Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with water but no results with that thus far.

yeah that mixture clogged my ear up entirely. Stayed clogged for like three days, drove me crazy!!!

if it’s bothering you that much, pop into the doc and they’ll clean it out for you, quickly and safely.

31-08-21, 17:05
Why not see a doctor and get them syringed if they do that over there. We have to pay to get it done here.