View Full Version : Legionnaires from an old hosepipe.

25-08-21, 18:32
It's been a long time since I freaked out about this disease, but today was a bad day. Maybe for good reason.

I was doing some gardening today, and was reseeding the lawn. I saw that I needed to hose the lawn on a spray setting, so I dragged out the hose, which has been sitting outside ALL SUMMER. We've had some really really warm days. The perfect breeding ground for nasties. I could even hear old water gurgling in the hose when I unwound it, with some water dripping out of the top, and saw a small dent in the pipe too.

Unconcerned, I attached it to the tap and started running water through it to flush it out. I straightened out the kink and let water run through it into the flower bed for about 40 seconds or so.

Then I set it to spray to I could water the lawn. After a moment or two, I suddenly panicked about legionnaires. I had just used a hose which had been sitting in the hot sun all summer long, with old water in it. How could I have been so stupid!?

I turned it off immediately, but I'm seriously freaking out that I exposed myself to legionella. Flushing it for 40 seconds probably didn't do much.

What are my chances I caught Legionnaires from this?

25-08-21, 18:40
Chances? Zero I would say.

25-08-21, 20:41
I regularly water my garden with a hose that’s been sitting in the sun full of water. Like every couple days I’m doing this. Never really crossed my mind to be concerned about this. I bet you’re fine!

25-08-21, 21:26
I regularly water my garden with a hose that’s been sitting in the sun full of water. Like every couple days I’m doing this. Never really crossed my mind to be concerned about this. I bet you’re fine!

I'm mostly worried because the hose had old water sitting in it for months and months in the sun. It hadn't been used since January. My silly brain keeps telling me I created the perfect place for legionella to grow. :weep:

25-08-21, 21:41
But you didn't drink it or anything so you are fine.

25-08-21, 22:15
But you didn't drink it or anything so you are fine.

Inhaling very fine water droplets is how it infects you, so I'm worried about doing that while I was spraying the lawn.

25-08-21, 22:56
Right, but you said you let water flow through it for about 40 seconds before turning on the spray. In the unlikely event any bacteria was in the house, it sounds like you probably flushed it prior to spraying. I really, really wouldn’t be concerned here. How many millions of people have a garden hose sitting in the sun and then use it to water? And how many legionnaires cases do you hear about? I really don’t think this is a concern.

26-08-21, 03:02
This truly is a non issue.


26-08-21, 09:27
What are my chances I caught Legionnaires from this?

Possibly about the same chance as I have of going upstairs and finding Tom Hardy (smothered in chip oil) draped across my bed with his hose out.:shrug:

27-08-21, 17:06
Possibly about the same chance as I have of going upstairs and finding Tom Hardy (smothered in chip oil) draped across my bed with his hose out.:shrug:

Oh my gosh that's hilarious! :roflmao:Made my day!

27-08-21, 17:13
Well, yesterday I just decided to grab the hose and water the lawn again....on spray setting...until I was finished. Ignored the inner thoughts. A bit of an "I dare you" both to myself, and the army of bacteria obviously waiting to get me lol.
I even reached into a slightly mouldy bag of compost to repot a tree. Even got a mystery cut on the back of my leg and ignored it too.

I just got really angry with my brain for trying to freak me out and stop me from doing something I love.

Maybe the answer is to get mad :shrug: