View Full Version : Body temperature question - slightly worried

26-08-21, 20:23
Hi all,

So I’ve not been on here in a very long time! Because overall, I don’t worry as much as I used too which is of course, great! I do have the occasional blip though. Like now haha.

So I’ve been to the walk in centre today was waiting for 5 hours so that was a barrel of laughs!! Basically to cut a long story short my doctor hasn’t been the most helpful. So I’ve had to resort to the walk in centre which is part of a hospital. I went in for a UTI which, is in fact not a UTI it’s inflammation. They did loads of tests and they all came back negative and they checked my tummy etc.

But, the only thing was is my temperature was 37.6 and they were like ooo that’s a little high. So since I’ve got home I’m obsessing over it and panicking I did ask at the time I said are you concerned ? And the nurse said no, there’s no infection that we could find and I don’t have chills etc. It’s nothing to worry about but yeah, I’m worried haha! I took my temp when I got in and it was down to 37.2 so that’s good but I’m just thinking about this none stop now and I know, I can’t get into a cycle of checking my temp because that won’t help anything.

So I just wanted to know really, should I pack it in and stop stressing? 🤣 I’m not really sure if anxiety and panic can raise it slightly too?

Thanks all!


27-08-21, 15:26
I did ask at the time I said are you concerned ? And the nurse said no

Your body tempt has come down and is now 37.2, which is within normal range. You’re obsessing over nothing, it sounds easier said than done but yes, you need to stop :-).

The nurse said she was not concerned. What are you worried about really? Do you think there is still an infection or something? I don’t think this at all as you’ve been checked out already. Relax and go distract yourself with something else.