View Full Version : could be more then anx

14-11-07, 19:13
Hi all again

what started this thread was i came home from getting tea and plonked myself in front of the tv. this was only in bright lights. I noticed that the lights were flickering - even though they weren't it was my eyes.

it got me scared and gave me a headache and eye strain. so i thought i would google. yes google.

anyways i came across a very good site called www.dizzytimes.com (http://www.dizzytimes.com)

and came across the main answer there which was

viral labyrinthitus/Vestibular Neuritis

i have some of these symptoms

i have the feeling as if i can feel the world is moving
rocking sensations
the anx
the sensitive to flashing lights - which was not so bad before my anx started
slight tinnutus (i think - i get lots of ringing in my ears)
sensitive to temp - pressure

there are loads more but thats what i get

do you think i should approach my doc about this or am i just looking for things to be wrong with me

I DON'T WANT ANY OF THIS I JUST WANT TO BE MY OLD NORMAL SELF I WAS 5 MONTHS AGO and not this snivelling wreck i've become

sorry bout the rant, take care all


14-11-07, 19:55
I do that! but I have banned google because the same sympoms for RSI are similar to something more serious.

I think after a long day all of us can be sensative to llight and temp. A lot of the things you mentioned are also sympoms of anxiety so it's hard to tell what is what . ((HUGS))

I sometimes want to shout out aloud that I want to be my old normal self! stand on a high mountain and screem my lungs out cause it all just sucks.

Hope you feel better soon :D