View Full Version : Feeling stiff, pressure in back of head, and hard time walking/doing normal things et

27-08-21, 23:32
Started in July woke up in the middle of the night with a panic attack out of no where ever since then I’ve worried about my health and have had health anxiety for years along with generalized anxiety and panic disorder.

Lately I feel like I can’t move without feeling stiff and if I do move normally my muscles will shake or become sore quickly.

It started when I became aware of heart rate and started worrying about it so much that I would check it constantly and anytime I would stand up it would shoot up. Then all day it would beat so fast so I just started sitting down and not moving much or at all some days.

I was in the ER 3 times ECG, blood work, and chest x ray all normal minus the st wave change abnormality but they seen that and said it was normal so I’m just assuming it is. Seen my GP who brushed me off and said oh you probably have an electrical problem with your heart since you don’t have anxiety which my response was I never said I didn’t have anxiety. I’m stressed, haven’t slept, and have anxiety. He said oh well then that’s probably the problem. Prescribed Buspar but I haven’t started that.

I was feeling somewhat better then caught a stomach bug for the last 2 days and haven’t moved much at all. If I’m laying down I feel fine but when I stand up and start walking I feel pressure in the back of my head and neck area, and I just feel stiff like I can’t walk normal. My eyes also feel strange and anytime I move my arms the slightest my heart rate goes up. I’m not sure if it’s tension or something sinister. I’ve always worried about a brain tumor or brain aneurysm.

I just feel tired trying to do normal things and that sends me into a panic every time. Kind of lost and just looking for advice here.

28-08-21, 00:06
I was feeling somewhat better then caught a stomach bug for the last 2 days and haven’t moved much at all. If I’m laying down I feel fine but when I stand up and start walking I feel pressure in the back of my head and neck area, and I just feel stiff like I can’t walk normal. My eyes also feel strange and anytime I move my arms the slightest my heart rate goes up. I’m not sure if it’s tension or something sinister. I’ve always worried about a brain tumor or brain aneurysm.

I just feel tired trying to do normal things and that sends me into a panic every time. Kind of lost and just looking for advice here.

so all of those symptoms are normal post stomach bug. I’ve had all those many times myself. You’re probably dehydrated, weak, and you’ve been laying around for two plus days. 100% normal to be experiencing those symptoms. The bad news is, you’ve got another day or two of feeling this way (judging from my own experiences) but you should notice small improvements each day. Drink tons of fluids, broths are also really good, vitamin c if you have it, and try to get good rest at night. You’ll feel better soon.