View Full Version : Numb hands at night

28-08-21, 14:23
My health anxiety has been spiralling out of control recently after some minor health issues. Most nights now for the last couple of months I have been waking up with numb hands.

I also get numb hands when holding my phone for prolonged periods. I think it’s some kind of nerve damage, but 1) I want it to go away but 2) I constantly spiral that it’s something bad

I have a huge fear of strokes and blood clots, due to getting migraine with aura. Whenever I get one I convince myself it’s a stroke, but ive been getting them for the last 6 years now. I actually get them much less regularly than I used too (last one was 3 months ago).

However, my brain spirals and links things together. My latest obsession is the veins in my legs. I am in my 20s and have lots of spider veins and I’ve convinced myself this puts me more at risk for stroke and that combined with the migraines this puts me at risk also. The numb hands are also contributing to this fear and I don’t know how to get out of the cycle :(

28-08-21, 15:06
Could be carpal tunnel syndrome or bad posture.

I get numbness in one arm and hand every night and had nerve tests done etc and they tell me it is my bad posture in the day.

28-08-21, 16:06
i get this too, also pins and needles throughout the day, ecg april all ok

28-08-21, 16:32
Could be carpal tunnel syndrome or bad posture.

I get numbness in one arm and hand every night and had nerve tests done etc and they tell me it is my bad posture in the day.

Thank you. I did think it could be this due to work from home. I get it in both hands, but it does seem to be worse in the left and I am left handed. IS this common with carpal tunnel?

Should i go to the doctors or should i try to correct my posture first?

28-08-21, 16:33
i get this too, also pins and needles throughout the day, ecg april all ok

Hi Julie,

Thank you for the reply. Glad to hear your ECG was all ok. Did the doctors conclude there was a cause for the numbness?

28-08-21, 17:47
I've had the same problem this summer. My doctor says it's carpal tunnel syndrome, probably from gardening in my case. I've been wearing wrist braces to bed, and it really helps. Wearing the braces at night even helps with the symptoms during the day. Mine just came from the drugstore.

29-08-21, 23:12
Very common issue. I too think its related to pressure on nerves in the wrists or in the elbows.
It tends to get worse if you: a) are overweight, and sleep on your side, on a hard mattress; b) put your head on your arm when sleeping; c) keep your elbows bent for long times.