View Full Version : Noriepinephrine levels high and scared I have cancer

28-08-21, 14:47
Hi folks my allergist feels I have mast cell and sent me for blood test…all my labs were good except noriepinephrine plasma was 1050 which high normal is 850. I am convinced I have some nueroendocrine cancer

28-08-21, 14:57
I don’t know much on this topic but I quick search told me this “ Elevated serum norepinephrine levels may be due to mast cell overactivity”.

What did your doctor say? Did they conclude it was mast cell from the result? I imagine if they were concerned with the levels they would order more tests

29-08-21, 03:22
I am waiting to hear from him as it’s the weekend and just got results today. I have the fear that I have an adrenal or endocrine tumor and it’s creating me to release mass amounts of norepinephrine in blood…my blood pressure has been around 128/83 for last few days

29-08-21, 04:21
Honestly that BP isn’t that high at all, and could easily be attributed to elevated anxiety over testing and waiting for results. Best to wait and talk to your doc about the results. Interpreting them yourself never ends well lol. I’ve been there myself!

29-08-21, 07:15
What is the reference range for the lab that did the test? Elevated norepinephrine can be associated with severe anxiety and stress. BP-wise, I'd love that low reading but I'm assuming that's higher than you normally have? Again very common with anxiety/stress. Best to wait for your doctor's thoughts on it all though.

29-08-21, 13:52
What is the reference range for the lab that did the test? Elevated norepinephrine can be associated with severe anxiety and stress. BP-wise, I'd love that low reading but I'm assuming that's higher than you normally have? Again very common with anxiety/stress. Best to wait for your doctor's thoughts on it all though.

Range was 0-874
My BP is usually 120/78

29-08-21, 14:04
Elevated norepinephrine can be associated with severe anxiety and stress. BP-wise, I'd love that low reading but I'm assuming that's higher than you normally have? Again very common with anxiety/stress. Best to wait for your doctor's thoughts on it all though.

I agree with this and the higher levels are associated with the BP reading along with anxiety. Even so, that BP is pretty good considering.


29-08-21, 14:48
I agree with this and the higher levels are associated with the BP reading along with anxiety. Even so, that BP is pretty good considering.

FMP Fishmanpa, sorry you mean higher levels of norepinephrine plasma due to BP and anxiety?

29-08-21, 14:56
All this started bc of high histamines, thought of mast cell by doc months ago and wanted to do blood work to see. About 6 months ago I was very anxious was put on mirtizapine and did well until 10 days ago. Woke up anxious, was having hot flashes and felt panicky....almost feels like im releasing cortisol and it wont stop act times...so I had a fear that a tumor is causing me to release hormones uncontrollably... The mast cells stuff is more itchy skin, cold feeling, seborrheic dermatitis flare up.

29-08-21, 15:11
Fishmanpa, sorry you mean higher levels of norepinephrine plasma due to BP and anxiety?

I meant that higher levels of norepinephrine are associated with a raised BP and anxiety causes higher BP and can raise norepinephrine levels as well.


29-08-21, 15:14
Thank you fishmanpa.