View Full Version : Tense and Anxious and breaking down all the time

30-08-21, 00:17
Hi not sure if right place

Found out my good friend has a brain lesion this weekend after finding her at home confused and generally not herself, not knowing who people were and no memory. Managed to get her into hospital where they found the lesion on CT scan but have to wait until Wednesday for her to have a mri scan to see what type it is. I am worried that she will be lost forever even if gets treatment and feel like I am living in a nightmare. I cant visit her in hospital due to covid restrictions its just one member of her family at all times. She does have her phone and managed a couple of txt messages to her but it's not easy. I just keep breaking down and thinking how could this happen so fast.

30-08-21, 00:46
I’m sorry your friend is going through this. Hopefully they’ve caught it soon enough that they can help her! She’s in the best place to get it all sorted out so just send healing thoughts to her and her team of doctors. Once she’s on the other side of this she may rely on you for support, you have to keep yourself strong to help her how you can.

30-08-21, 00:48
Thankyou ��