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View Full Version : Juvenile ALS, similiar Symptoms

30-08-21, 07:51
Hi guys, i am 17 years old, caucasian male. This past few weeks my eye caught a thing called Juvenile ALS and it had different symptoms i was surprised. Before all this i had some twitching and stiffness but that went away. This past week I noticed twitching in my arms, legs and in facial muscles, along with tingling, pins and needles. I know that pins and needles, tingling point away from als but there is a symptom called sensory disturbances in Juvenile ALS. Before all this all my fear and symptoms started in february 2021. This past 2,3 days i developed bladder dysfunction, and there is a symptom called bladder dysfunction in Juvenile ALS. I did not lose bladder control, only urge to urinate more often and internet says it is neurologican condition "Thanks" to Dr. Google. I am really scared because i have never had bladder problems before and there was facial spaciticty symptom and my facial muscles are twitching, tingling. I am scared to death and before you ask me to go to a doctor, i visited rheumotologist she examined me and told me i am fine. This visit was 2 months ago, but to go to a neurologist it will be a long wait because he has a lot of patiens and covid has its role here too. I may have health anxiety but i don't know if it can cause tingling in facial muscles or all this symptoms. Guys you are my last hope please help me, i am scared to death, don't know what to do anymore. Thank you

30-08-21, 13:27

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30-08-21, 19:36
Take a deep breath... I have tingling in my face.. like tiny little twiches. Ive seen a neurologist already. The neuro you see will help alot pal.

I twich every time I stop moving and the top guy in the uk for motor neruon said I have nothing to worry. Stay positive

30-08-21, 20:32
Thanks for answering my man, i am really sorry for bothering, it is just not possible to see a neurologist now because of the wait and the only people that i can speak to are you. The tingling in my face is not that worrying, it is in my lower eyelid that causes uncomfortable sensation but the worrying one is the urge to urinate i dont know if it from anxiety or it is a legit als symptom because Juvenile ALS has different symptoms compared to the original one. Thank you again and sorry for taking your time.

30-08-21, 20:48
Eyelid twiching is anxiety. Als/mnd does not affect eye muscles from what ive seen. Ive been through 7 months of looking at research chronic stress, anxiety panic attacks all day every day pal. I know how you feel believe me. Im twiching all over as we speak lol what ever your neuro says believe him, even though im struggling to believe mine. But we are not doctors they are

30-08-21, 20:50
And also to have it that young 17. Odds are so great its un real. Only if you have extensive family history

30-08-21, 20:54
No Family history of als, no relatives, no one. What about the urge to urinate guys, is it the anxiety, stress or it is a symptom. I know it is almost impossible for me to have it, I just want to at least stop thinking about it. Thank you

30-08-21, 20:58
Best thing to do is talk to your doctor. Explain your fears bro. Im not a doctor so i dont know everything. I've talked myself into ALS. MY ADVICE stay of google talk to your doctor. Need to urinate more then likely nerves, anxiety has killed me pal, fried my mind and body. Be guided by your doctor

30-08-21, 21:01
Ok Thank you very much, one more thing, my bicep shakes sometimes is it ok or not. Thanks

30-08-21, 21:01
Urge to urinate could potentially be a UTI, but is likely anxiety. Anxiety makes you have to pee. And the more you notice that you need to pee, and the more frequently you go, the more frequently you feel like you need to go - it's a vicious cycle.

30-08-21, 21:11
Alright thank you so much for answering, you said the eye tingling or face tingling is normal right? Thanks

30-08-21, 21:13
Yeah man 100% just stay off google and live your life

30-08-21, 21:15
Have you been doing alot of testing like strength? Shaking can be fatigue of your muscles mine shake. Can be tension from stress

30-08-21, 21:15
My man one more thing, so sorry my legs and arms feel heavy and get tired very quickly, is it normal and i have pain beside my knee and above my knee, is it muscle pain or something else. Last question. Thanks

30-08-21, 21:16
Yes a lot of testing strength a lot like every hour, and i have been inactive for the past 4 weeks can it have an effect on my body?

30-08-21, 21:17
Well I guess its normal i have exactly the same thing right now. Hurts a little to walk up stairs. And my neuro gave me the all clear

30-08-21, 21:18
Alright my man thx a lot if i have another question i will be back, hope not but we will see, this anxiety really messes you up. Thank you for answering and have a nice day or good night. See ya

30-08-21, 21:18
What i do all the time, constantly tensing my biceps now I get pains in them

30-08-21, 21:19
You to pal stay strong in your mind.

30-08-21, 21:19
Me too all the time, legs, arms, it sucks at this point

30-08-21, 21:21
Whats the chances of 2 people having same symptoms talking right now.. very high with anxiety.

30-08-21, 21:22
Yeah my man you are right, anxiety all over, but i wonder why this happens, like right now i type on the keyboard and my right bicep shakes like hell. Is it ok?

30-08-21, 21:25
Im holding my phone typing and it's shaking like vibrating. With all the testing putting strain on it. Teating muscles fibres. It will fatigue, problem is from what ive read. Is when we are stressed and anxious. Your body releases cortisol which breaks muscle down. And although the time you have thst stress you muscle can't repaire

30-08-21, 21:27
Cant spell tonight to save my life lol

30-08-21, 21:28
Lol, how old are you by the way if you dont mind me asking.

30-08-21, 21:30
Im 38. So put this behind you.. and live your life.. dont get caught in the cycle of health anxiety like me

30-08-21, 21:32
Alright man thank you very much. You be well too. See ya

30-08-21, 21:32
Take care