View Full Version : Trying to find ways to cope with anxiety

30-08-21, 13:23
I have dealt with anxiety (mainly health anxiety) for quite a few years and have found ways to cope with the anxiety and have been able to get through ok the past few years but lately things are all starting to cave in and I am starting to get that nervous anxiety tremble inside that won't go away. My mom is hospitalized in COVID ICU and is really bad, intubated for the past 3 weeks and I know that has a lot to do with this increased anxiety. I also am worried about myself and my husband getting sick (even though we live 14 hours away and haven't seen or been around her since January) but I know COVID is everywhere so it's scary. I checked mine and my husband's O2 level with our pulse oximeter and on different fingers his was ranging anywhere between 92-95% and I know they say anything lower than 95% you should worry about. I decided I might need to forget that I have that thing and not use it but then my mind worries what if something is wrong and I can catch it early. Also another big thing that is flaring up my anxiety is they are demolishing the 2 houses next door (they are tearing a lot of older houses in my neighborhood down to build big ugly modern box shaped houses) I got really bad anxiety when they demolished the house behind me I am only starting to hear the noise next door from this demolition and the anxiety has been on high alert all morning. I am legally prescribed cannabis for my anxiety and chronic pain but I don't know the right blend at the moment to calm my anxiety. I refuse to take Xanax or Ativan as I hate the way it makes me feel like a zombie. I am just hoping I can cope through this troubling time. Not sure if I am asking a question or just trying to get my thoughts out to someone who might understand.

30-08-21, 13:49
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum.

Keep using the methods that have worked in the past for you. I have no idea about cannabis so can't comment on that - could you contact your prescriber?

Do you do guided meditation? That helps me a lot and yoga

30-08-21, 13:51
Thanks, I will try a guided meditation.