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View Full Version : Anemia - feeling low

31-08-21, 11:32
Hey everyone! It痴 me again!

ive tried being strong these last few weeks, gave myself a swift kick up the bum and tried to get on with life!

But I知 feeling really low and sad today,

I知 just going into my 4th week of treatment for iron deficiency anemia, (6weeks of ferrous sulfate) and so far I知 not really feeling any better, and that really frightening me.

im taking them with orange juice for vit c, I知 not drinking tea or taking them with dairy and I知 trying to up my dietary iron (currently sat eating pate on digestive biscuits!)

any before I sink any further into depression can anyone tell me any successful anemia recover stories??

I suppose I expected to be feeling better at least a little bit by now, and it says from a week to 4 weeks with this medication.

I have no motivation, I知 tired, my muscles twitch and feel weak, my eyes just zone out constantly and I just don稚 feel with it.like I知 in a bubble and it scares me that I値l never be me again.

im so disheartened

It痴 very difficult to get hold of my doctor but I致e submitted an online request on my surgery痴 website and I hope to hear back this week.

Sarah xx

31-08-21, 14:50
I was diagnosed as mildly anemic in 2014. My doctor put me on 30 mg of iron a day, as part of a multivitamin pill (it was actually a pre natal vitamin, though I wasn't pregnant). I started feeling better quickly--but then, I was only slightly anemic.

Could you also have other vitamin deficits, as well? I ask because I was also deficient in vitamin D, and I know B12 is another common one.

It's also worth asking your doctor about magnesium and zinc, as most people are lacking in those, and this lack is a major contributor to anxiety and depression.

Lastly, it's definitely worth getting your thyroid levels checked, if they haven't been already.