View Full Version : Nausea constantly - sore stomach - bloating - shivers - unwell etc…

01-09-21, 22:46
Hello everyone xx

I’m back again and seem to have spiralled into another health anxiety rabbit hole.

So it all started around a week ago, I started feeling nauseous and sick and had really bad acid reflux. I assumed I had “pancreatitis” or something similar because lately I’ve drank a little more than normal. I spoke to my gp and she said I had a kidney infection which seemed odd lol and gave me antibiotics for them and some anti nausea medication and some omeprazole… I felt a little better for 2 days and now it’s back again with a vengeance! In this time I got an abscess in my wisdom tooth so I then thought I had sepsis! Dentist put me on antibiotics for that yesterday but I’ve still got this horrendous nausea. I don’t think it lets up at all. I’m so bloated all of the time which is uncomfortable, I’m slim so it’s really noticeable. I have back ache now and I have developed a pain in my groin which goes down my leg. I just feel generally unwell and as much as I know we aren’t all doctors here, sometimes it’s nice to vent and talk to people who have been through similar and could maybe offer reassurance.
I love my fiancé but he looks at me like I’ve gone mad sometimes when I tell him that I actually think im seriously ill.
I’m going to try contact my gp again tomorrow because I’m feeling so run down and sick!

Unfortunately my dad passed away just under 2 years ago with bowel cancer and secondary liver cancer so the fear of cancer is horrendous for me at the moment.

Hope I haven’t unloaded too much and come across as rambling!
Thanks in advance for any responses back xxx

02-09-21, 00:20
Hi I hope you are OK and feeling a bit better soon I don't really have any Good advice as iam In the same boat as you really bad acid reflux also low down back ache and and groin pain also feeling unwell . Just wanted to reply and give you some support my partner also doesn't understand when I tell her I think that I'm seriously ill .

02-09-21, 00:47
Sorry to hear about your father. My anxiety got worse after a cancer diagnosis in the family too.

The GI symptoms you describe sound familiar. To manage them I have used Metamucil 3 times per day, 15-45 minutes before each meal. When PPI's such as omeprazole didn’t do much to help my acid reflux, my GP suggested that I use Metamucil instead, and it was the right call. After a few days the acid reflux, bloating and pain was gone!
Hope it helps, good luck!

02-09-21, 07:40
I really hope your ok, have you spoke to your gp? I’m going to try give mine a call today whilst I have school runs to do lol.
I just wake up and I feel bloated and sick straight away, it’s like my stomach is on fire!!

How are you and your symptoms ?

02-09-21, 07:43
My mother also had cancer 7 years ago but luckily she beat it and is still here strong and healthy now so there are two sides to a coin always but sometimes can’t help but thinking the worst.

I will give my gp a call this morning and see what she recommendeds but I can’t keep living like this. I have two kids to raise and with my partner being at work majority of the time, I need the best health to get through the day.
I also now have dark urine, I’m maybe being paranoid as this has only started since I’ve been on antibiotics which I know can colour your wee lol. But health anxiety makes me think otherwise !!!!

Hope your ok this morning !

03-09-21, 06:07
I really hope your ok, have you spoke to your gp? I’m going to try give mine a call today whilst I have school runs to do lol.
I just wake up and I feel bloated and sick straight away, it’s like my stomach is on fire!!

How are you and your symptoms ?
I felt exactly the same, and I even got an x-ray once that confirmed there was A LOT of air in my stomach.

My symptoms are fully gone for years now, I suspect it's thanks to Metamucil and loads of theraphy for my HA.
On the very rare days where I overeat or feel slighly less good I take a Metamucil for a day or two, and all goes back to normal.
Also watch out for PPI's as they can induceimpact your mood, and they certainlympactso in my case.

Good luck!