View Full Version : Minor Oral Surgery Tongue - major anxiety

02-09-21, 20:18
:weep::weep: I am really struggling with over thinking and feeling overwhelmed. I am (was) an almost recovered dental phobic and have had periods of health anxiety. I am basically scared of medical procedures and diagnosis.

I had a problem on my tongue a few weeks ago, I clench my teeth and had no idea that at night I seem to be thrusting my tongue too. I woke up one morning with it between my teeth. I had a sore and burning feeling at the back side of my tongue and used salt water and it calmed down, then I had a look and saw what I thought was a swelling but there was also what looked like skin, like skin tags but inflamed. It really hurt. I called my dentist and he said unlikely sinister considering my history and to take a photo and he would look at my check up the next week. I handled this quote well and thought it would resolve if it was an injury.

It didn't and although my dentist thought it was nothing if a bit unusual looking, in that he felt sure it was scar tissue or recent trauma he wanted to send me to the hospital for a second opinion. He did this using the two week rapid referral (cancer pathway). I had the appointment through in a couple of hours and the appt a week later. I had the lesion removed and was in agony for days with expected major swelling - I am on the mend now.

I never even thought of cancer, but now cannot get the idea that something unusual is going on because I have to wait for pathology results and a phone appointment to give them to me. This could take six weeks but might not. The speed of it all is good I guess, but its completely freaked me out.

I am not coping with the overwhelm of being completely in a new situation and lots of information. The consultant said it was not a cancer Phew. Then he said I could leave it but watch it. I think I asked if there was a risk in this, he just said we like to know about anything that changes but ultimately I think this is a polyp that has happened through trauma (grinding and rubbing on back tooth). So I said can I think about it - he basically offered to remove it there and then, stressing it was not urgent because of cancer concerns but more that anxiety may remain if I leave it.

I then got a copy of letter sent to my dentist - it said likely diagnosis a traumatic polyp, almost certainly caused by trauma on back tooth but for definitive diagnosis which would be good for patients concerns only possible if removed and patholigy, of course this will also prevent re-traumatising.

Just want to run away and make this all go away - I have had so much work done on my teeth and can't handle another concern, let alone the idea this may represent something serious. Why can they not be sure of clinical diagnosis? Saying it is nothing sinister but......I guess this is standard process, to wait for pathology? I have never been through this before and just cannot seem to feel positive in any way and just scared. Mainly of the idea of more treatment and the uncertainty that both clinicians seemed to have, although it's more likely that they just cant say for sure how it happened, not because they think it's sinister. I understand that it didn't look like a normal polyp but neither did it look cancerous.

Arrrgh = how to deal with uncertainty and not remain petrified of the phone ringing, reading into letters and words and basically driving myself mad :weep: Anyone been through this 2 week rapid referral and been spooked?