View Full Version : Head tension and tender to touch head

03-09-21, 05:10
On Tuesday night, I felt a headache coming on, I remember it being tight and a little pounding but nothing too bad. I noticed it radiated near the left side of my head near my temples but went to sleep. Woke up Wednesday morning feeling fine, no tension but I noticed that when I massaged the area, (near the temple), it felt kind of sore... like when your muscles are sore after working out. You know that tender feeling that feels good when you apply pressure? Like that. Otherwise, there's no pain.

Woke up today, (Thursday) in hopes that it would go away but still when I apply pressure, it has the tender sore feeling. I'm wondering if this is anything to worry about? Otherwise I feel fine. Im wondering if maybe its from the headache the other night, the way I sleep or if me working out has anything to do with it. I've started going to the gym and lifting religiously so Im wondering if its that. I also wonder if my anxiety is playing a role in all this too.

03-09-21, 05:56
Nothing to worry about, no, just the natural aftermath of a tension headache. Think of it as overworked scalp muscles, if it helps. I get these "hot spots" on my scalp on a regular basis.

03-09-21, 07:34
You think so? This was reliving to hear. I'm really hoping it does go away by when I wake up tomorrow. Would help my anxiety lol. I've been rubbing it all day.

03-09-21, 07:36
It's kind of the aftermath of a really bad cramp? Don't worry if it takes a little while to shift, it won't harm you.

03-09-21, 07:53
Thanks - just wanna make sure its nothing serious.

03-09-21, 20:04
Well, woke up today feeling fine. Went to press on the tender area and its STILL tender. I would say its not as tender but definitely still there. Idk how to feel :(

03-09-21, 20:26
Wonder if maybe you are grinding your teeth in your sleep? That would be working the muscles at night and would keep the pain up.

03-09-21, 21:27
I wonder too. Or if it’s something to do with my wisdom teeth. However, I do remember feeling the headache come on right before bed and it’s just been sore ever since. Really worried :(